Mine do the neck grab some also, but definitely the "butt slam" – before she had her stroke, my female would even butt slam us when she'd get really hyper and playful.
How many of these play behaviors does your Basenji have? -
Oakley-emergency surgeryOne of mine scoots and licks when she needs expressing, but she rarely leaks/"splooges". My male, however, may scoot or lick, but I tend to do his at least every one to two months because he is prone to expressing them when he gets scared or startled – much like a skunk. I'd rather express his anal glands than deal with the "squirt" mess.
What is your typical day with your B(s)?All of our Bs have loved paper products too. We regularly have toilet paper "confetti" at our house, and Jubilee will sneak napkins out of unsuspecting guests' laps at dinner! He knows we will catch him so he only goes for newbies :-)
Heartworm medsMy pups are on HW meds year-round, and usually flea/tick too because I'm in Alabama and we've had fleas and mosquitos as early as Jan/Feb. You never know what AL winter will be like. We've always used Heartgard Plus - the dogs like it and I like that it also treats hooks and rounds.
New to basenjiforums, not basenjis :-)@debra – thanks for the welcome! Old dogs are a challenge, but I wouldn't trade my time with them for the world. My parents are overseas and the vet care where they are sucks, so I'm happy to have Mystique with me!
I'm "down south" too -- in AL. Where in the south are you (if you don't mind me asking)?@agilebasenji -- thanks for the tip! I joined the group and they do have tons of stuff -- almost too much for me to handle at times LOL
10y/o with a sensitive stomach@Baxterandbailey – my 12yo male just went through something very similar and he too had diarrhea issues with the rimadyl. He actually had better relief from prednisone than the rimadyl/tramadol combo. He had a sensitive tummy too and does well on Wellness Senior. Also for his stiffness and arthritis, (this may sound crazy) I use a dog-sized dose of horse vitamins my mom uses for her Arabian mares. I just mix it in his food and he loves it. It's called For-a-Flex Joint Support. It is pricey, but it'll last a long time for a dog vs a horse lol.
Lost Red Male Basenji Abbeville, ALI live in AL, not near Abbeville, but I've got friends/family all over. I'll post it on Facebook and email an Alabama pet lost/found group that was established after the April 27th tornados.
Proud ownersVery cool! Makes me want to do some professional pix with my Bs. Lovely dogs!
Enjoying the summer~What a cutie! Absolutely beautiful. He reminds me of my boy, Jubilee.
My separation anxiety…I know how you feel!! Whenever my husband and I go on vacation, by the end of the trip we are so anxious to get home to see our Bs. Oddly enough, my male, Jubilee, does better at the kennel than at home with a pet-sitter. His separation anxiety is worse at home than away.
Jubilee and MystiqueYanno, I never thought about the X-men theme! We just used portions of their AKC names given by the breeder because they were cute ;-)
And, I must confess, despite the possible X-men namesake, Jubilee is a boy. But such a sweet boy! I love my lady Bs, but I think the boys are a little sweeter. Probably something to do with female to female alpha dominance. -
Jubilee and MystiquePat – facepalm duhhh. I don't know why I didn't think about that! I'll blame it on lack of sleep....
Mystique's sire is Sinful's Spirit of the South and dam is Sinful's Meant to Be E-Z. Jubilee's sire is D's Up Up N Away of Woz and dam is Sinful's Uptown Girl. We used to have Mystique's brother from a earlier litter (same dam/sire), Sinful's Rowdy Explorer, but he's gone to the rainbow bridge.
Jubilee and MystiqueThanks! I think they are precious, but then I'm a bit biased =-)
Hello from Colorado!she's precious! I don't know that it gets any easier denying a basenji. Mine is 12 yo and I still can't ignore his sweet brown eyes.
Jubilee and MystiqueAs I'm new here, I figured I'd show off my Bs. Both are from the "Sinful" basenji line – any relatives here? ;-)
Both dogs and my husband. Ya know, typical basenji life.
Jubilee being a snuggle-bunny.
Mystique with her crazy face – she tends to do that and "fish flop" if you blow raspberries at/on her.
Mystique loves a good car ride. Even if it is to the vet…
Sorry if they are small -- I was paranoid about making my images too large LOL
Our catsI know this is old, but gorgeous cats. Love the pics of them and your B
New to basenjiforums, not basenjis :-)@agilebasenji – thank you for the quick reply! I'm having to do similar things for Mystique. She has always been petite, around 20-21lbs, but she's now hovering between 17.5 and 18.5lbs. I'm having to cook also but she gets sick of things so quickly. She was eating lamb fairly well, and mashed potatoes, but now it seems those aren't palatable. Chicken thigh is currently working, as is rice. I'm considering trying oatmeal.... baby food is also something she'll eat (if meat flavored) but I'm so cautious of the protein. Sometimes I wipe the food on her gums/roof of her mouth to remind her that she likes it. sigh indeed. it is the disease, not the dog. Talk about OCD -- I have an MS Excel spreadsheet with all her food and daily calorie, fat, and protein intake. sigh She's also getting subQ fluids -- we have tried to cut back to every other day, but she doesn't seem as perky. She's also on Epakitin, but I can't tell a huge difference.
Thanks for the advice on the K9 Kidney group -- I did not know about it!
New to basenjiforums, not basenjis :-)Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to being able to talk to fellow B owners. And I agree that when our oldie goldies act like puppies it is so exciting and endearing.
@agilebasenji – how have you coped with poor appetite in your basenjis with CRF? -
New to basenjiforums, not basenjis :-)Hello!
I'm Shelly, and I've had basenjis in my family since I was 4 or 5 years old (my dad read Goodbye My Lady as a child and saw the movie, and wanted Bs ever after. And we've had them since he got his first when I was 4 or 5). Our first two were wonderful and awful monsters all at the same time, and I wonder how much of that was both poor breeding and poor basenji-owner experience. The last 3 we've gotten were bred for show (two retired post-championing) and their temperments are much better, though they are still mischievous Bs and I wouldn't change a thing!
One is mine personally – Jubilee, 12 years old, neutered male. Recently experiencing some cervical disk pain and arthritis but maintaining. The other is my mom's and I caretake her for my mom -- Mystique, 13 years old, female, and in chronic renal failure. Mystique is Jubilee's aunt (her sister from a earlier litter is Jubi's mom). Both are red and white, and along with our cats they are my babies! My husband and I do not have any children currently (married for almost 3 years) and are perfectly happy with our fur-babies.
Sorry for the long intro. I get excited about my pets :-)