My pup will dry heaves and some times throws up in the morning usually no food in the barf. From What I understand this is due to too much time between feedings and the stomach acid get harsh. For example, If your last feeding is at 6pm and he/she dosent feed untill 9am that may be the problem. I would suggest keeping the delay between feedings less that 10 - 12 hours

Puppy dry heaving? -
The Art of Basenjis in the RainIt rains a lot in Florida, I have the problem of trying to let my pup go potty in the rain. At first, it was an absolute fight to get her outside while raining and even walking in wet grass. I Was tired of her going to potty on a pee pad so one night I just got the leash and stood out in the rain with her for like 45 minutes. She had to GO! she was squirming and whining a bit but I was determined to stop her from going inside. Eventually, she couldn't hold it so she went, I gave her a treat and praised her, and went inside. Ever since then, though she is reluctant to go outside during the rain, she runs out to a nearby tree, takes care of her business, and then comes back inside.
Breeders with open waiting lists for 2021-2022?First of all, I commend your dedication. You could check the breeder that I got my pup from if you're willing to travel to Florida, He is very honest and attentive I highly recommend him. His name is Leo over at Mibre Corzo Basenjis. -
New member Here! Introducing my pup Oya@zande Fula-Black? Fula as in the Fula People?
New member Here! Introducing my pup Oya@tanza said in New member Here! Introducing my pup Oya:
She is very cute.... would wonder if there is brindle in her pedigree? Care to share her breeding?
I'm still waiting for the AKC registration to come in the mail but here is the information I know:
Sire: CH Skywalker N Mibre's Mad Hatter
Dam: Mibre's Truffle's Karamello KissI wish i could post links directly to the Zande Basenji database. It was pretty cool to see the ancestry!
Has Anyone had a Basenji this vocal?So this isn't my video nor is it my dog. But I'm curious and I want to ask breeders and folks who have owned several Basenjis. Have you ever had a dog this vocal? My goodness, I wonder what's bothering her
Vacationing with a BSo I took my 5-month-old pup with me on a road trip from south Florida to North Carolina. it was 11 hours and I was prepared for the worst..... I was not looking forward to the trip in the car.
But the ride couldn't be easier, every time I stopped for gas she went pee and poop. For the rest of the trip, she was either sleeping or sitting in the seat, She wasn't uncomfortable at all. It was the same on the drive back. My nephew, on the other hand, was an absolute terror. If I would do that ride again, I would have put my nephew in the kennel and my puppy in the front seat with me.
Your mileage may vary of course from dog to dog.
Squirrelsprey drive intensifies
New member Here! Introducing my pup OyaHello All,
I made a few posts already without properly introducing myself and my pup. My name is Rowan and Im a Software Engineer. I live in Florida ( for the pandemic ) and but will relocate to the Bay Area in California after things get back to normal
Id like to show you all my Puppy Oya, shes about 5 months old. I got her from Mibre Basenji over in Ocala Florida from a Breeder Named Leo. She is an odd patterned Tri-color Basenji. She looks black and white but the back of her ears and the back of her legs are brown. she is very sensitive and loves to cuddle but also has a ton of attitude!
<img src="test" />
Looking forward to chatting with you all!
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?@eeeefarm said in Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?:
An unhappy Basenji sounds like someone fighting with an axe murderer, and if your neighbours don't know what you have they may be calling the police!
:face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy: I nearly spit my coffee!!! hahaha good laugh. Made my day!
@Zande said in Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?:
There is so much misinformation about our beloved Basenjis. Only yesterday I had yet another request for a puppy 'because they don't shed' <deep sigh>
I'm willing to admit that I was one of those people. What initially attracted me to breed for about 5 years was the "barkless-ness" because at the time I lived in an apartment right after college. Luckily I took a few years passively researching and visiting and talking to several breeders all over the country that I had a better idea of what I was getting myself into. I wasn't expecting that crating would be such a problem, however. But I wouldn't give my Oya up for anything and am willing to work with her.
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?@westcoastflea1 Oh wow, I didnt know that. What was the reason of doing so?
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?Thanks, everyone for your thoughts so far. @dedes9 @sirronsunflowergirl Good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing this.
I feel that there is a lot of misinformation about the breed out on the web being a good apartment dog and good indoors. I think they say that due to the fact that they are "bark-less"
I think what I'm going to do is get a slightly larger crate and continue feeding and keeping a bed in there. I will keep this crate in my bedroom, and only lock her in there for quick trips to the store or gym. If I'm going to be gone all day, I think I can manage to keep her in the patio with toys where she has access to outside, I can also designate an area with a 6 ft. x 10 ft. Heavy-Duty Dog Kennel to make sure she doesn't escape the yard as my fence is only 4 feet tall.
I would consider having her spend time with goats but although she likes playing with them, im not so convinced they like playing with her! haha
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?I believe I have left out a few details here that would better explain my situation.
I live on a fairly large plot of land with some animals, Cattle, Goats, sheep, and horses. I usually take her for a walk in the morning and evenings and she is with me went I tend to the animals. She runs around quite a bit while I do the chores so by then she is well enough tired by the time we come back inside and I start work. almost to the point that collapses as soon as he comes in ( most likely due to the heat ) and she's usually sleeping during the day.
My goal here is to get her calm and comfortable being inside a crate. During the day I only leave in the crate when going to the store or when I have to go to the gym. which usually is not more than 2-3 hours at most and only a couple of times a week right now. If I need to be gone all day, ( when I go the cattle to market ) I usually use to find a sitter or have my family members watch her
I honestly don't even need to crate her a night but I use the opportunity to try to get her to be used to the crate, Once she is trained, I imagine her considering the crate as her "Home / Bed" so she could sleep in there with the gate open or just plain old hang out in there.
The problem is that she can barely stand being in the crate at all when I close the door. She'll go in for food and treats or just casually walk in but as soon as that thing closes, all hell breaks loose. I would hate to have to get a sitter every time I go to work once I return to the office, Perhaps I can get a sitter for 2 days and try leaving her at home for 1 day and see how that goes when the time comes. I have the option of letting her outside but the fence I have is only 4 feet tall. She has never escaped the fence but I would imagine that if left to her own devices, she will figure out a way.
I have had several dogs in the past, and they have been working dogs. Border Collies and Great Pyrenees, and were outside dogs that were pretty much left to their own devices with the other animals. This is the first dog I have kept inside and would have to keep in a crate. so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Crate Training Woes. Is it Separation Anxiety or Claustrophobia? Both?So my 4.5-month-old female Basenji, Oya, is really great, She loves to cuddle, is always by my side, has an attitude that can be really funny ( and incredibly frustrating) but all in all, I can't imagine a better dog for me.
The only problem is crate training. I'm having the hardest time with her screaming when she is in the crate. She will whimper and scream for HOURS. It's almost every waking moment she is in there unless she falls asleep. When I lock her in there at night, she screams until around 3 am until she falls asleep.
I leave toys, leave towels and cushions, put her in there with treats and she will ignore it all and spin in a circle and scream. Doesn't matter if I'm in the same room or away she does the same thing. walks in a circle and scream. Every once in a while she will try to "Dig" her way out. When I eventually let her out, she gives me the "Basenji Salute" and walks off. She will then come back 20 mins later to grab the treats she ignored earlier from the crate.
I first tried the plastic travel kennels and it was much worse, she would almost immediately poop herself ( even after i took her out for a walk where she relieved herself moments before ). I have since switched to a wire crate, which she won't poop in but the screaming continues to be a problem
The weird part is that I feed her in the crate and give treats when she curiously enters the crate, but the moment I close the door she absolutely loses it.
I'm not sure if it's separation anxiety because she behaves the same with the crate whether I'm in the room or not. she also seems to be fine when I leave her alone in a room, although she does whimper for a short time. The only problem is that she can be destructive after a while and I don't have the room to dedicate an entire room for her to be in.
I'm starting to think it's Claustrophobia and it's the size of the crate, I got one just big enough for her to stand up and spin around in as I read that any bigger will encourage peeing and pooping in the crate. At this point, I would be on my 4th Crate and I would hate for this not to be the best solution.
I figure I would ask around and see if anyone can give me some advice on how I can solve this crate training problem. I Work from home now but in the next 2-3 months I will be away from home for 8 hours a day 3 days a week and really need her to get used to being left alone in the crate by then.
Looking for a pupIt Took Me 1.5 years of looking and talking to breeders before I was able to get on the waiting list in time to get a pup. You have to start preparing and talking to breeders in the early fall in order to get on the reservation list for a puppy by next spring