We finally got out dogs a cozi cave which has been a life saver. The now sleep in that at night and my husband and i are our alone space. I love my dogs but not enough to give up my time at night with my husband. When they get up at 6am to go outside they can come in the bed then but genrally it's just penny that does. Charlie will go right back to the cozy cave like a good puppah. I know they wish they could sleep in the bed with us cause at night I have to lay by the cozy cave untill they fall asleep (doesnt take long) so they dont get out and try and get on the bed. I feel bad soemtimes but it's just too much. It's like letting your children sleep in your bed every night … its just not doable for me. I miss snuggle time with thme so now we watch movies in our game room instead of inbed and stay out in the living room longer at night to watch tv so they can snuggle with us. But once we say "bed time" they know where to go. It's made the world of difference for us.

Where does your basenji sleep? -
Is this is Menge or Ringworm?Let us know after you've been to the vet. I assume it's not irritating him? Poor boy - it looks nasty.
he keeps licking it so it makes me think it does bother him and Penny licks it too but she licks him like crazy anyways, she's like the annoying motherly type who can't stop fussing haha
Is this is Menge or Ringworm?its not raised or in a ring shape so im pretty confident it's not ring worm but its looks a lot like demodetic mange. I know it can be common for puppies to get it cause their immune system isn't as strong. I guess I was just hoping it might just be a rash cause he literally just got over kennel cough he cought at the park. :-/
Is this is Menge or Ringworm?The picture is at the top of the message, can you not see it?
Is this is Menge or Ringworm?I just noticed my male has this patch of missing hair on his right front leg last night. I took a picture of it cause I wanted to see if people thought this is mange or ringworm. He keeps licking it of course and i tied to wrap it in gauz but he just torn it off. What are your oppionions. I have an appointment at the vet tomorrow but I take him to the dog park a lot so i dont want to go tonight if it could be ring worm.
Where does your basenji sleep?Penny LOVES to sleep with us. She is very impatient so us to get settled and quickly tries to get her spot right in between Patrick and I which is adorable but i usuallu move her to either one side of Patrick or me so we aren;t separated. She will look at us and digg at the covers saying "lift them up so i can get in now" lol I just love when she sleeps and her sweet face. And when she is out she is OUT lol i can lift her up, mover her around and nothing! But man does she snore lol seriously for such a little thing, i sometimes have to adjust he head so she doesn't. I have never had a dog quite to cuddly and i love it and so doe my finace. Nothing better than the love of a basenji :)
Dog FoodI've just swapped my dog to Wellness Core. It's high in protein which I was told is really good for the basenji breed with how active they are. Also grain-free. But they say it shouldn't be fed to dogs younger than a year. They sell it at Petco. There's also the regular Wellness that Petsmart carries thats been rated just below the Core. I researched the ingredients in the brands on dogfoodchat.com
I thought about going with a high protien …. i'll deff look into that for next time after this huge bag is done :)
Dog FoodThanks everyone!
I actually got her Blue Buffalo lol which no one suggested but i had look into a couple weeks ago and then finally decided to try it. I read tons of good reviews on it and from people at my local dog park. So far she likes it (i mixed her old with it) she kept picking out the BB so i guess thats a good sign :)
Thank you again tho! -
Dog FoodPenny is officially 1 and at the end of her puppy food. I was trying to find a really good holistic dog food and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. She tried Halo once and loved it but its $55!!! I know my friends use Eagle Pack Holistic. Any suggestions?
I was feeding her Iams but she has never been to crazy about it. -
Does anybody know of lure coursing in Texasno dallas area :)
Peeing in the crateSo i read that we arent suppose to pay any attention to Penny when we get home until she is calm, then we can praise her. I actaully got patrick to agree but apparently the first time he did it she got very mad at him and wanted nothing to do with him til later that night lol Anyways its a work in progress and they say it takes a week or more til you see a difference.
Peeing in the crateHP was AWSOME and i had forgotten a ton so now i have to read the last book again … and of course i cried ... i cried the hwole book so part 2 of the movie is gonna be a tough one but the director did and amazing job ..... :)
Peeing in the cratei think i have read this thread like 5 times lol
I love all the advice and opptions I now have that never knew about. The DAP is on its way and at my dog's 1 year check up next week i will be sure to talk to her about her anxieties and she what she thinks what steps i should take.
gjrcvw: Thank you so much for those links! I had no idea how mayny symptoms there were! Penny exibits most of those when we leave and freaks out if she cant find us in the house which is 3 times bigger than our apartment. I knew she was attached but didn't know dogs could have this kind of anxiety about it and am so glad i now know. I feel so stupid for thinking she was doing it because she was just mad at us.I would also like to say i have stated (many times in this thread) that i have tried NOT crating her but because she gets so upset when we leave it is not possible. We have left her for a hour before AFTER she has had a couple hours at the dog park and she still peed everywhere and tore up carpet …. she doesnt rest while we are away. We put her in our guest room in the apartment one day at work and she eat the mattress lol it's funny now but we learned we couldnt even do that.
Oh and to West .... i honestly believe you did mean it when you said i should rehome Penny. You only said you dint mean it and started back peddling when people started standing up for me. Also i didnt flatly refuse every option just the ones that weren;t an option. Also we aren't buying a house we bought one ... with a yard. Penny would be more tramatized at a day care because she HATE being with out us. she freaks at the dog park if i leave the enclosed area to get more water. I never refused the dog walker option because i have thought of it i just dont know anyone in our neighbor hood and don't trust just anyone with my dog ... would you trust a starnger with your child ... you proably don't have children but that's how i feel about Penny.
The point is your mean harted posts did nothing to help me but all these other people cared enough to actually give me real solid advice and articles to read and options to look into that might work for us. That is mine and everyones point. You did nothing but make me cry (which i really did AT work when i read your postS)
And for you to say you suggested i deal with the root ... well i didn;t know what for sure was the root and you didnt bother to help with that just said to deal with it or give her up basically.
Finacially we eat out once everyother weekend, i dont know when the last time i got to buy new clothes. I feed her preium holistic dog food and get her a new toy or sweater (cause its cold nnow) rather than get myself a new pair of shoes or shirts even tho i need them because i care thats she is happy and comfortable. We have money saved and we aren not poor by any means but right now because we did just buy a house last month and have our wedding in May things are a bit tight because we dont want to be in finacial distress if something did happen. ANd as i have said before when we live 5 mins from work penny was only in her crate 6 hours because pat would come home on his lunch and then i would be home on mine so she only have two 3 hours chunks of being in the crate. Unfortunatly that is not the case because my lunch is only 30 mins now and i work 20 mins from the house and my fiance has been trying to get things done on his lunch break this last month so hasn;t had the time to come home WHICH is why i had psted this because it bothers me she IS in the crate that long with out a break.
ANyways enough said. Thanks again for the help, I have a lot of reading up to do so i can be more educated on my options.Thats all i'm done, i just got back from spending 3 hours are the dog park and now its it Patrick turn to take a nap with her while i go see Harry Potter with some girl friends.
I'll keep you guys posted when i get the DAP this week and how it goes ... i'm really hoping i works because it would be amazing if it worked so well we could trust her in the house. Definitly not getting my hopes up.
Funny Face & Juliettehandsom! I love the coloring!
Penny in the Laundry!Thanks :( shes my pretty girl! (she baroos when i say that)
Peeing in the cratebtw ii love the name suki … thought about naming Penny that but we are Philadelphian's livin in TX we Penny is not just the color of her coat but kind of stands for Pennsylvania lol
I actually just went on Amazon and read alot of reviews on DAT and decided to order it. Tototally worth the $22 even if it doesnt work because at least we know. Sounds amazing thought for the people it works for and if it works i will seriously hug that little diffuser lol
Peeing in the cratefor the europeans that are against crating, i think it's just a really different cultural expectation. i think they are quite a bit more progressive than here when it comes to animal rights (not that i think crating is cruel, but they are more apt to find it appalling in europe than here). they don't allow ear cropping and tail docking, either (i wish we'd adopt the same).
and westcoastflea1, why are you now attacking rottweilers and pegging them as attack dogs?? working as closely with rescue as you do, i'm sure you know how many basenjis are re-homed/surrendered due to aggression and biting.
Thank you. And i do agree about the tail docking … i think THAT is cruel but also i'm not going to tell some one they are wrong because that is the standard in the breed and the way its done.
I am definiatly going to look into DAP.Also would also like to just throw this out there that Penny (since i got home at 5:30 ... i had off yesterday i do NOT work 6 days) has napped 75% of the time ... either laying on me or my fiance .... she woke up to play for 30 mins and then back to a nap lol literally this dog loves sleep more than me and i didn't think that was possible.:rolleyes:
And i too think it a little comical that west coast mad such a nasty comment about rotties which i have spent alot of time around and have got to be one of the sweetest breeds, just dont meess with their family ;)
Anyways beside the 2 people who were negative, everyone else has been very helpful and I will continue to ask for advice since this is my first basenji and hope its not my last :)
Peeing in the crateWestcoast this is the fiance. you need to get a life, after megan told me how you treated her, I just had to spend 30 minutes of my life reading the dribble you had to contribute. The dog is obviously loved, cared for and it would be a travesty to take her out of a happy home. Just because you take in fosters does not give you a higher moral ground. you are probably a poor loser who it seems like even her own roomates want nothing to do with them. Get a life, be able to afford your own home, grow up and take a step off your high horse. In the future since it seems you have so much free time to dedicate just to your dogs, take an hour or two and work on some people skills. Lastly, to attack someone who is asking for help is down right sociopathic, and to denigrate them is complete opposite of what this forum is intended for. God Bless, get help not only for your own sake but probably for the dogs that you take care of. In the future, basic rule of thumb if its not positive, keep it to yourself
Peeing in the crateThis is what we have learned with the things that Simon is afraid of – the not taking treats is actually a pretty sure bet that it is based in fear.
Anxiety and fear are not very different, so I think this is a really good clue.
Do you think she is actually afraid of the crate?! Thats is really troubling to me and makes me more determind to try and fix this problem or find a better solutions in the house ….
Peeing in the crateI find the fact that you are always talking about your rotties to be very revealing
what is it they say about people resembling their dogs ?
it must be true since you are definitely in attack mode at least 75% of the time :)the double standard by which you live is absolutely laughable
its alright for you to be offensive or say something that is not helpful the way that i did tonight
if you aren;t going to constructivly contrubute and insist on attacking people trying to give me advice than i would like to ask you to stop replying to this post.