Looks more Shiba/shepherd to me. But guesses based on looks are just that. I embarked one of my dogs and the results were interesting, I'd recommend them.
Have I got a Basenji? -
zaBasenji pitbul cross??There's a LOT of pit mixes with big prick ears in the shelters. You really can't tell by looks. I did an embark dna test on my shelter pit mix and he had chow chow and pomeranian in him which you'd never guess by looking at him. He also howls and rarely barks, but he has distant husky dna. Embark also has a good article regarding basenji mixes, the majority of suspected basenji mixes they test have no basenji in them whatsoever as basenjis are a rare breed, but prick ears or curled tails often make people think of them. So it's unlikely that your dog is a basenji, but not impossible. DNA tests are worth it in my opinion.
Basenji Won’t eatMine gets bored of the same thing every day. I add different foods to his regular kibble to change it up. Chicken broth, beef broth, pumpkin puree, egg, coconut oil, freeze dried fish or liver, you could add some raw as well. Pick a healthy kibble you know is good for him, add some variety here and there, he won't starve himself to death. If he just doesn't feel like eating some days but he's still a healthy weight then he's fine.
Chattering teeth seizures.My basenji does this, especially after sniffing my other dogs behind, but sometimes for what seems like no reason at all. It's usually a way of investigating a smell, so it can occur more often during breeding season when they're sniffing out the ladies. It's probably completely normal, but a vet visit for a behavior change at that age never hurts!
NippingMy advise would be that your dog isn't dog friendly and that's ok. You have to accept that and work with it. An off leash dog beach is not where she belongs if she doesn't like other dogs. It isn't fair to the other people and other dogs to have her there, and it doesn't sound like she likes it very much either.
Definitely get a trainer to work on leash agression, but for now try to avoid situations that set her off. Try to walk in areas with fewer dogs, and teach your children to give her space when she's agitated.
Give other dogs a wide berth, or reverse your course when you see other dogs so you're not putting her over her tolerance threshold every time you go out. Stay at a more manageable distance, and stay calm and out of her way if she does react.
If you start to freak out she's going to freak out more. If you try to calm and reassure her she's probably interpreting this as you telling her that her current behavior is exactly what you want her to do. I'd just avoid putting her in that situation to begin with and ignore her if she does begin to react until you get a professional in to assess the behavior and tell you what your next step should be. -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@gigi Aww thanks, Gigi! I hope so too! Have a good night!
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@debradownsouth You weren't interested in offering any of that stuff. You gave unsolicited "advice" If you can call it that. Followed by saying my children are abused and my 1 1/2 year old dog should be killed.
You weren't being helpful. You set out to push buttons.
I certainly wasn't looking for anyone to agree with me by sharing my personal experience to someone that had questions. There's nothing to agree or disagree with, its a personal experience. Saying my children are abused and my dog should die is crossing a line that should not need to be pointed out to you. It's basic human compassion. My kids love their dog, and I'm doing everything in my power to make this dog the best he can be. You can make any judgements you want based on bits and pieces You learn in just a few short posts about someone, but they're likely going to be wrong. And here's a tip for the future, You don't need to share them out loud.
I love how you offer your "expertise" on training yet your solution was to throw him in a crate so he doesn't come near the table or kill him... Heads up, that's not trained ;)
You claim to be in rescue, but so am i and not a single person i know in the rescue community would ever think death is the answer. That's why we rescue. Training, diligence, patience, and time are the answer. And when every resource has been exhausted you look for a home that's a better fit for the dog, or worst case you get them into a sanctuary for dogs with bite histories that cannot be adopted out. We're not there yet. And that's my decision, you don't get to have an opinion on it.
I have 10 year old boys. They hurt themselves much worse than this dog has ever hurt them. And they don't want to give him up. We've fostered so they've gotten to know a lot of other dogs in their lives, and they are more bonded to this dog than they've ever been with any other. Our other resident dogs don't even compare.
As Gigi stated, there is quite an obvious pattern of you trolling the forum with the intent of stirring the pot. If you think you are helpful, you are sorely mistaken. Though i highly doubt that is the case, i think you just enjoy the drama. -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@debradownsouth You're a gem, Debra. I've also said my dog knows basic commands, and knows them well. I've stated that we practice them daily. He's excellent when we are working with treats in the house, he stays, he sits, he lays, he rolls over, he goes to his crate on command, he spins, etc. But if he is given a command while he'd rather be doing something else, he chooses to ignore.
Yes i said "pee and poop everywhere!" while describing my personal experience with my basenji over the last YEAR AND A HALF because potty training has been a struggle. It was meant to be a colorful (humorous) description, not a literal description of what my house looks like at this very moment lol. You cannot be that dense. You're just looking for a fight.
A behaviorist has no qualms with a PUPPY that has broken skin. It is literally their job to assist with behavior problems, you don't hire a behaviorist for a well mannered dog. You do know there is a difference between a trainer (the one that would probably slap a muzzle on a dog, toss them in a crate, and recommend euthanasia for anything beyond general obedience training like you are doing) and a certified behaviorist right?
Thanks, but I'll keep taking my advice from trained professionals, not crazy women on the internet that think they have all the answers based on a brief written description of experiences over an extended period of time. Which no professional, or even person with basic knowledge would ever do because that is not enough to go on. I didn't post here asking the all knowing Debra to enlighten me with her vast experience that tops all others! I shared a brief description of personal experiences, experiences that may not be the norm, But that others certainly have had with these dogs so they are important to keep in mind.
Crying child abuse, and recommending a dog you've never met be killed is DRAMATIC and uncalled for.
Keep it up... And i might sick my viscous killer dog on you! -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@debradownsouth that was so completely dramatic. Calm down.
I never said my dog viciously attacks my children. He nips when he wants to play, often too hard. And he snaps when he gets frustrated over wanting their food. I said there have been bruises and minor punctures over the last year and a half. I didn't say it's a daily occurrence now, most were caused by rough play. And my children certainly aren't gushing blood and being rushed to the hospital. I'm not neglecting my children, and I'm not going to kill their dog either!
No, it isn't an ideal situation but i am doing absolutely everything to correct it (not standing idly by as you seem to suggest, are you having a bad day?), and while progress has been slow, it's still progress. The biting has not yet been entirely resolved, but it's a significant improvement from where we were last year.
I'm not sure what lead you to attack my behaviorist when i said no more than the fact that i have one. I didn't imply what his techniques were or how he works with the dog. Apparently you are psychic and were able to determine that he's clueless based on no information other than the fact that he exists lol.
I have on multiple occasions gone back to basics and kept him crated or on lead at all times, but he doesn't mind going in the crate, and he doesn't mind going right at my feet on the carpet. Once i interrupt him and run him outside its like he never had to go and he holds it again. Eventually with consistency i am able to get him to the point that he has very few to no accidents inside and he then earns more freedom inside. And then it rains and I'll have to start all over again....
And being a member of every basenji group there is, when seeking advice i have had others chime in that they have similar problems. Thats why i said it is not uncommon, i certainly didnt say it was the "norm".
Sure, i can put him in the crate during meals. And sometimes i have to when he's especially determined, but that's not fixing the problem the problem is still there, festering. You don't modify behavior by caging it. Behavior modification is a long process that takes dedication. That's what a BEHAVIORIST does. -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@tanza I've always only rescued. I thought i asked all the right questions and got all the right answers. Plus when you rescue you generally think nurture trumps nature anyways. It's how you raise them, not how they're bred (i still think this is true for most). It was only later on that i realized he probably isn't the best at what he does. He's certainly not a puppy mill or anything terrible. But i just don't think he raises good house dogs (they're outside quite a lot) or works to breed specifically for temperament. Just this last breeding season one of his boys tore his leg wide open and he posted pictures of blood gushing down his leg like it was no big deal. I think he said something along the lines of, "this is what happens when you breed basenjis!"
Now I'm no breeder so that could be the norm... I really don't know. But my initial thought was, oh that was definitely my dogs dad. Lol
Either way, I'm stuck with the little demon now so we just do the best we can. Lol -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!@tanza yes, really. Thanks, but i already go outside with my dogs every single time they go out, wet or dry.
He's kept near me at all times in the home so he can be closely monitored and corrected. Yet he still goes potty right in front of me in the house,and holds it outside.
I have a behaviorist, I've talked to tons of basenji breeders that have worked with the breed for decades. And I've gotten no where. The only method i have not tried is matching him. With him it would be a lot more than a one time fix and i don't think that's a healthy long term solution.
The begging is more than just that, he will bite my kids trying to steal their food from them. Mind you, He is not food aggressive when it comes to his food. He is only aggressive when it comes to trying to steal from us. He is told no, i stand up, i make him move away from the table and sit on his bed. Within seconds of me sitting back down he is back again. And repeat.
No dogs are allowed on the couch in this house (unless invited) to put healthy boundaries in place. Guess which dog has to be pulled down from the couch non stop every day. Lol
Again, behaviorist, constant training, i work from home and my day is pretty much focused on him, and every day is a battle, with extremely slow improvements over time. He is not my first dog, he is not my only dog, and he is the only dog that exhibits these behaviors.
Which, according to his breeder is only because he is a dominant male... Less than ideal breeding could also be a factor. -
Hopeful Basenji Owner!Some things i wish i knew before getting a BADsenji:
Potty training is a nightmare. My boy is a year and a half and he just went nearly a week without an accident in the house until today. It's raining. So he refuses to potty outside and there has been pee and poop everywhere! Now it will take a significant amount of time to get him back to very few to no accidents in the house and as usual once he gets there it'll rain again and I'll be back at square one. I'm sure some are better than others but this problem isn't uncommon with the breed. Which i was completely unaware of until long after having him and getting absolutely no where.
Biting! All puppies bite. Basenjis are worse. You can't yelp or say ow to teach bite inhibition because that exites them and they bite harder. The last year and a half has come with many bruises and minor punctures. He no longer bites me, but he still has a go at the kids from time to time because they are not as good at controlling their reaction.
Begging! My Lord, never have i seen a dog that is incapable of being trained not to beg until the basenji came into my life. Never has he been given people food or table scraps, but that does not deter him from getting in your face (literally, nose to nose) when you have food. Instead of walking away when scolded as most dogs would, he cops an attitude right back. He knows his place command well, but chooses not to obey when there is something else he'd rather be doing.
My basenji doesn't wake up aggressive, nor is he particularly destructive. Though it is common for them to be.
Shedding seems to vary within the breed as well, mine sheds almost never, while some can have pretty significant seasonal sheds.
I have a behaviorist i work with and i have been very focused on training from day one and it's still a struggle. It's very much what i would imagine life would be like if you had a baby, bad mannered, velociraptor living in your home. But obviously a lot cuter.
Basenjirescue.org - Basenji Rescue And Transport's website has an excellent section titled The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. I highly suggest reading that, especially the bad and the ugly. It's always best to prepare for worst case scenario and decide if that is something you're willing to take on before moving forward.
I love my dog, even if sometimes i want to kill him lol. And i hear they calm down at about 3 so I'm looking forward to that. But i highly stress to others that adopting a basenji shouldn't be taken lightly. I've always had dogs, i have other breeds now as well, basenjis are not comparable to any other dog breed.
Even though my kids have been bloodied and bruised by this dog, and only this dog, he is their absolute favorite dog above all others. There is something about them that really pulls you in despite all the drama and challenges. -
Potty training NIGHTMARE helpThank you! We'll work these tips into our routine. Fingers crossed!
Potty training NIGHTMARE helpWhat food would you suggest? (im not prepared for the adventure into raw just yet) He started on blue buffalo wilderness puppy, then after taking in adult fosters on different foods he would no longer eat it. I tried for a while to get him on taste of the wild, he just doesn't like it. Rachel Ray grain free bison recipe he seems to like, but none of the other recipes.
Potty training NIGHTMARE helpRachel Ray Nutrish, about a cup and a half, and in the morning. He tends to pick at it throughout the day rather than eat all at once.
Potty training NIGHTMARE helpI have a male that will be 1 in November. I got him at 10 weeks. He's not yet neutered, but plan to do so at 18 mos. He is NOT potty trained and I am doing EVERYTHING I know to do. This is my only basenji but I foster dogs so this is not a new concept for me. I take him out regularly. He holds it until he is back in the house. I'm at my wits end so I've gone back to basics. He is crated, or on leash at all times. He still will rarely poop outside. He generally only poops outside once we have gotten far enough away from the house that he gets very excited and is lifting his leg to pee and accidentally starts to poop. I cannot walk him a mile away every 2 hours, every day. In the house, he will wait until I an not looking and start to go, I interrupt him, bring him outside, 30 minutes go by, and nothing. Once back in the house he will finish pooping. I work from home, but cannot sit at home for a full 24 hours. He will go in his crate while I'm away. The only reason he no longer pees inside as often I is because of marking behaviors. I'm able to get him to empty his bladder outside because he constantly wants to mark outside. Although if the urge hits him in the house he will not hold it or try to alert me in any way. If it rains he will NOT go outside. If the grass is wet he will stand there miserable staring at me and refuse to go. I use enzyme cleaners inside to get rid of any smell. This dog has become my full time job and I am still making no progress. He will let me know when he wants to go on a walk, but he still won't poop outside 90% of the time. He poops 5+ times a day. It looks perfectly normal.. He's a good weight, 20lbs (slightly small, but he was the runt from the beginning) I also have a fully potty trained staffie, so he isn't learning by example either. I take them out together, and separately, it makes no difference. I am scrubbing carpets and picking up poop several times a day, every single day, and I'm at a loss.