Do you know the Brat Foster Cordinator in the Cinci., or close to Cincinnati area?

Basenji foster homes in midwest, needed -
Basenji foster homes in midwest, neededI wish I lived closer… If you could get one to Cinci! I would luv to help! Best of luck..It will all work out!
Sally loosing HairO good. I thought so too. But I wanted to make sure. How long does this shedding season last usually? It was given by the vet. One says Heartworm and external and one just says Fleas, ticks and lice, no heart worm(front line). Was I only supposed to give her the Revolution pill? The front line is a liquid. Maybe I gave her too much.
Sally loosing HairI know its been awhile, but Sally had massive Shedding before, which resolved wehn we changed her food. Now she is looing hair, when I say loosing, I mean you can see patches falling out again. I checked her for Mytes and Ticks…Nothing on her. The only thing we did different is ,we did FrontLine and Revolution, before we went camping. It was her first time since we got her in Oct. last year.
Mixed MarriageShe is so cute. Not ugly AT ALL! Thanks for sharing!
Mixed MarriageThey steal your heart the first few days, then the rest of your belongings in the following weeks! Welcome to the world of basenji addicts.
AnneAnne~ too funny! I have a mixed B so I guess its the beagle in her,because she doesn't do that. BUT she will steal anything food related. It makes me so mad when I find her on the table eating my egg salad. Especially when its the last 2 eggs left in the house!
Mixed MarriageDitto all of the above. Please post a picture soon, we luv the way Bitty sounds already!
New PicturesGreat pics, and thanks for sharing!
Sally has blood coming out of her?Most Basenjis usually only have a season once a year…. some have twice a year, but typically only once and usually in the Fall. But there are those Basenjis that don't read the book... but sounds like she is in season to me. And you can't have her spayed while she is in season, so you need to be careful with her around any other dogs that might be in tact.... Honestly too, I can't find the scars on my kids after I have had them spayed.
And one other FYI, you might want to consider having her spayed with your own Vet, this is not a slam against the SPCA or any other SPCA, however sometimes they do not use the best of Vets for spay/neuter surgeries. And while it is a routine surgery, if not done right you can have problems for the rest of her life with her leaking urine....
Your right the SPCA wasn't even concerned that they allowed a female to be there and didn't physically check her. They said may she was too hairy down there. NO HAIR! , I kept asking where is her inguinal scaring…my vet didn't even look. I'm going to a new vet! It also explained her being aggressive approx 1-2 weeks prior to us noticing her season had arrived. And Yes she is VERY clean. We just kept her in the kitchen with fresh towels every day, and she had little "show". She had enough mind you,but not a huge amount. She was so clean that she threw up a few days from cleaner herself. YUCK! I felt so bad for her. She slept a lot. But she is getting fixed soon. Yes I am having blood work done before the procedure. The SPCA didn't feel the need to do that, so I said No thank you.
Sally has blood coming out of her?No you saw it, I'm just a dork, I posted at the same time as you. hehehehehe….your a better one than I when it comes to computers!
Sally has blood coming out of her?Did you check her out on the photo journal for them in beds? I posted a new message for you in there.
Pictures of your Basenjis in the BedsSharron, I bet its cute to watch them move around to get the sun on them. Off subject but I thought I'd share here. Doesn't Sally look good? Here is a picture of her when we got her in Oct.. She is really coming along! (in the first pic. she is so thin and her hair was flaky and shedding, and now she is a perfect weight and skin and hair are great!) I know its black and white but you can see the difference. And yes she is sitting for a piece of dads cookie. We are such suckers!
Sally has blood coming out of her?I never want to go through heat again. I mean Sally doesn't want to go thru heat!
Say "hi" to Roscoewaging tail hello!
Pictures of your Basenjis in the BedsSally Jo sleeps anywhere there is sun right now! Including the stairs!
Sally has blood coming out of her?I have called the vet and I set her surgery for April 21st. She did pretty well, considering her situation and now she is recovering from a urinary infection. But its cleared up!
Sally has blood coming out of her?hahah…funny, I think I was posting while you were. I answered your question--yes swelling!
Sally has blood coming out of her?O.K. I just got off the phone with them and they said she was spayed "per teh owner"…Argh! I can't really find a scar. And she has her Due Claws(spell?)...She is swollen down there, and not complaining a bit. The SPCA said to call and tomorrow,a nd they will mail the certificate to have her spayed there. I am so angry! Why do they trust owners who drop off many dogs at one time. Did the vet not look at her? O-well...She could have gotten prego's in that kennel(SPCA)...I didn't know they only have heat approx every 6-9 months. We've only had her since Mid-Oct.. I'll keep you posted. Its heat! I just know it is!
Sally has blood coming out of her?Yeah- I think I'm waiting unless seh shows that she can't . Le t me take her for a walk and check w/ SPCA and I'll check back in here a bit later. thanks for ALL of your help. Keep my baby in your good thoughts today.
Sally has blood coming out of her?Both the Spca and Vet said so, and We've had her since Octber,a nd she has never done this. and She is 2.5-3 years old. I think I see the scar. But You Never Know. It sure looks like it. Let me call the SPCA and see what they say. I'll BRB