Everyone else gave really good advice, and I'll chime in with everyone on the "it'll take time" thing. I rescued a Basenji mix that was a little under a year old when I got her. She peed and pooed all over my apartment. She made me so mad, but I never took it out on her. I got SO CLOSE to taking her back to the shelter like 2 other people had done- but I didn't. And now she's trained and she's my special furkid and I wouldn't give her up for anything. :)
Please HELP with rescued basenji -
Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!This lady already has a huge file on her at animal control because of her chihuahua that runs the neighborhood. She's now managed to put a collar on that, and get a rabies tag- but it still runs loose and does not have a registration tag. This lab puppy is a new addition- and also runs the neighborhood without a collar or tags. She honestly has an animal control officer dedicated just to her- he's the one who showed up when this all started. He'd be the one to come get the dog or dogs- unless I find it several blocks away again.
And she was telling me yesterday that I couldn't have my dogs out on their lead- they had to be on a leash in my hand. I wanted to laugh. Cause while she was telling me this, the chihuahua was out on the deck with no leash and the lab puppy was running around the yard with no collar or leash. :rolleyes: And her puppy bit my hand last night… I know he was just playing, but I do have scratches all over my hand. I was really tempted to go "Look! Your dog bit me!!!!!!!!" but I didn't.
Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!Hardy har har! I think you should go ask to claim the "stray dog"! Before you hand her a check though, talk to your insurance agent. If a claim was filed with your insurance in regards to this whole mess, it needs to go thru your insurance, or risk negating your policy or any further claims assistance from your policy (sorry… insurance agent in me speaking up here). Best of luck!
I doubt the woman knows mine or my roommates names- so that would be interesting if they talked to our insurance… As far as I know- they didn't talk to insurance or anything.
I stated from the beginning that I'd be willing to at least cover the hospital trip- even though I wasn't at fault- and Animal Control and the sheriffs department were in agreement with me. I just didn't want this blowing up in my face- and now she's saying that if I don't pay at least half, that she'll get her money "other ways". Now, I have ALL the documentation from both the sheriffs department and animal control stating that it was the child's fault and not mine- but I don't want to drag this through court. I just want to pay her and have her leave me alone.
Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!I know we love good outcomes, but….
I replied about a month ago that everything was good...
Well these people got a new dog- a little lab puppy. The dog runs all over the neighborhood, no collar or anything. I found the dog 2 blocks away once.Well, twice now the dog has gotten into my yard- messing with my dogs when I let them out. I have my dogs tied up, and the dog doesn't come fully into my yard. Both times I've picked up the dog and taken it back to it's house. Today I took the dog over there, and the mom was standing outside. I give the dog back, and try to give her a collar and leash, but she says she has stuff but he keeps getting loose. Well, I think that's crap because this dog acted like he'd never been on a leash before or ever had a collar on. So I give the dog back, and she goes- "I've been knocking on your door the past couple days, but no one has answered." She sounded really mad. I go- "Well, maybe no one was home." She rolls her eyes and goes- "I got the bill from EMS because my husband's insurance won't pay for it. It's $104- I need you to pay at least half." I'm thinking "Oh god, why now? Why is it suddenly 7 months later she's doing this?" I tell her that I have to discuss it with my roommate, and we'll get back to her. Well, we go over and agree on the half, so I now owe $52 bucks to this lady.
I still know I'm right, and I shouldn't have to pay- but I don't need this blowing up. And I wanted to tell her- "Don't you realize that the insurance won't pay for the EMS because you called them, then REFUSED to let them take your kid to the hospital?!" I'm so mad right now. But I guess I'm taking $52 over there tomorrow... Maybe I should go over there in my Animal Control uniform and ask if she'd like me to take the stray dogs off her hands. :D
Food aggressionI know they should be fed separately, but since they were fine, I was just going to leave them alone. But it's weird that they were fine for like 6 months, then she all of a sudden started freaking out. I'm just worried that since she became food aggressive all of a sudden, that it might be the start of something else. I don't know. I know all shelter dogs are normally food aggressive, it's just that Lucy didn't used to be and it's freaking me out.
Trip To The VetI doubt we want to get into a whole discussion of the value of different types of training…but I don't understand why would you use the prong collar as a cue for a desired behavior; why not just use a command?
They were show dogs. The owners wanted them to be trained without using verbal commands. I was helping out, I have no idea why they did half the stuff they did. My own Akitas had them at the beginning, but I didn't like them and got rid of them.
But you can get them just about anywhere around here. It sucks, because I see tons of people put them on dogs that shouldn't have them, or just to make the dog look "vicious" and have no idea how you're supposed to use them. I see them on Pitbulls and Rottweilers all the time.
Trip To The VetWhat training exercises is the prong collar used for, if not pulling? IMO, the ONLY use for it is for certain dogs that are excessively pulling.
With the Akitas I had, the idea with prong collar was to use a little pressure to indicate you wanted them to do something- like how some people use clickers. You don't really pull hard on it, just a little pressure. But still, I've only used them with large dogs with thick coats. I'd NEVER use them on small dogs like Basenjis.
Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!I know it's been a while, but I haven't been on in some time and figured I'd update everyone.
Nothing ended up coming of it. Lucy served out her house arrest with no issues. The kids no longer come in my yard, which is a good thing. But we still have issues with the kids running wild through the neighborhood. And recently have had issues with stray dogs running around. But I now work for the county Animal Control since the shelter I worked at went under. So when all the stray dogs come into my yard, I scoop them up and take them in. :)
Food aggressionSo I've had Lucy for a year now. She was rescued from a shelter at about 1 year old. She's never had any food issues with me or my roommate, ever. Now I got a Husky/Greyhound mix back in September. Lucy got along great with him from day 1, no problems. Starting a couple weeks ago, Lucy got food aggressive. Actually, I don't know if you'd totally call it "aggressive." She will growl at Bart a little, but won't get full on snarling and won't attack him to hurt him. She will jump at him, nip at him and swat at him, but won't get very vicious. She won't let Bart anywhere near the food. Even when she is done eating, she will lay or sit next to the food bowl and won't let Bart anywhere near it. She will still let me come over and take the food, but won't let Bart anywhere near it. It's only been recently, but it's becoming a big issue. It's been to the point where I have to put her in her crate while Bart eats. I'd like to have it where they can be out together again, but it seems like I'm stuck feeding them separately from now on.
Trip To The VetI used to have Akitas, and we had prong collars for them, but we didn't use them that much. On a larger dog I can see it, but not on something like a Basenji. That's crazy that the vet would just waltz in with a prong collar and go "hey, you should use this." I could see if you had some big Northern Breed dog and it was jumping at him, but you don't.
Basenji TVLucy LOVES to watch TV. She's always up on the couch when the TV is on. She's also recently learned how to turn the TV on by pawing at the remote, so I now have to put it up.
Basenji and Larger DogsI have a Basenji mix, not a full blood, but she's still pretty small- she gets along AWESOME with my Greyhound/Husky mix. She's also done well with a Mastiff, a Great Dane and an Akita. She HATES small dogs. She sees them as prey, and tries to hunt them down and eat them.
Lucy bit a kid- Lawsuit pending?!I couldn't really get them for trespassing since I don't have a fence so we can't prove that they were in my yard. I've toyed with the idea of getting Child Services involved since this 3 or 4 year old should NOT be running the neighborhood without adult supervision. But it seems like it's going to blow over. At least I pray that it does.
Animal Control will be here at some point today to let Lucy off "house arrest". I think that we're going to celebrate with a trip to the dog park and a small shopping trip so she can pick out a new toy. :)
I've seriously considered giving Lucy up along the way. We got her from the shelter, she'd been returned twice because she was "destructive" and had spent 6 months in the shelter by the time I got her. She had about 3 months where she peed everywhere, destroyed everything she could get ahold of and ran off every chance she got- and it did a LOT to my nerves and I really wanted to give her back. But I toughed it out. And I didn't realize just how much I cared about her until she jumped on that kid and they were talking about taking her from me. She's my little kid and I wouldn't give her up for anything. :) Right now she's curled up on my sofa sleeping with my Husky laying his head on her like she's a pillow and I'm thinking "My kids are so cute, I love them so much."
New ones of LucyAfter a day of Mom taking picture after picture, it is nap time-
New ones of LucyLucy walking my Husky Bart.
Lucy wanting to help me work on my car. "I can help Mom!" :)
Lucy just sitting in the yard going "Mom, enough with the pictures".
Angel, one of my shelter dogsThe manager was a Marine, then was part of Blackwater USA. This is the first civilian job he's ever had in his life. He's just not fit for the role. Yeah, it's a business to a point, but it's also a business that deals with LIVES. He sucks at attention to detail for just about everything. All he cares about is the money. We all hate him and hope he goes away here real soon.
Angel, one of my shelter dogsI hope so too, so is this a private shelter?
Well, we're not connected to the city/county/state in anyway if that's what you're asking. Yes, it's privately owned and operated.
Rash, itching, missing fur???I put little booties on her back paws so she can try to scratch, but the nails won't get to it… I'm hoping it clears up with her not being able to scratch it and some meds that I already have.
So just one little flea bite can make them scratch that bad? I've seen dogs covered in fleas that just scratch a little or bite at the spot, but never like this. Could she be allergic to fleas/their bites? Or would it be more for scratching it bad the first time and now it itching from healing?
Angel, one of my shelter dogsThere's an owner/founder of the shelter too. We've gone to him on several occasions, but he goes through managers so fast that he tries to hang onto people once he actually gets someone in that position. We're pretty sure that this guy isn't going to be around much longer, which is a good thing.
Rash, itching, missing fur???She doesn't have fleas, that's one of the reasons why I'm so freaked out that she's scratching at it like that. I have Benadryl, so I guess I could try that. Every time she goes to scratch it I either give her a "no" or grab her paw, but I don't see her ALL the time and I'm worried that she's going to make it bleed again or get it infected. :(