What was the story? I'm curious.
"raising puppies is fun!!!!!" :D
Lol… as fun as waking up at ungodly hours of the morning can be! But no, seriously, we don't mind.
The story behind the pups is: We're part of a home school group in central florida and through the "loop" e-mail we get every week we saw a family we knew had just had a litter of puppies. There was a problem, however, because the momma had 9 pups and wasn't producing milk properly. The family has 5 children and was having a hard enough time taking care of the momma let alone 9 pups. So in swoop the college kids... (because I mean, what college kid doesn't already stay up until 3am in the morning). A few veteran 4H'ers, a computer geek, and my sister and me.
All and all the puppies are responding great! thanks to your help and the help of our vet they're eating great on their new puppy food, and with vitamins they've found a new energy they didn't have before.
vet said they'll probably have a weak immune system for a while, at least until they're 8 weeks they shouldn't be around new people or new dogs.
So we're having fun! Mali, our 1 1/2 year old 'senji just loves all this activity...
she's like
"I wanna hold the baby, touch the baby, love the baby..."
lol, anyway. thanks guys for your help!
(Mali's mommy)