fantastic Janneke!!

Tillo's hips and elbows.. -
She bit a frog! HELP!I guess the dutch frogs are more harmless to eat then the Florida ones.
By the way my eldest Ibizan hound likes to slurp frogspawn…... -
Something all basenji owners knowit is normal for dogs to steal food when you are not around, in a pack in the wild it also goes this way, when the leaders finished their food and leave it the other are allowed to have it. So when you think about it , it is complete natural behaviour :)
She bit a frog! HELP!is that a special kind of frog as it makes you so frightened?
My dogs have eaten and tried to eat frogs and toads here, nothing happened, maybe only a bad taste of the toads, they are not poisonous, but we live in the netherlands, maybe the frogs in Florida are from a different kind.
just relax, you talked to the vet and you know now what to do if anything changes. -
C-Me "1"… Squirrel "0"our garden is loaded with fieldmouses at the moment…. my B's do not care very much but my Ibizan hounds snack them all the time, sometimes they bring one inside for me to have, as a present, and they look quite offended when they notice I throw their delicious present in the garbage can ....
Basenji: 2; Squirrels: 0I think your dogs are giving you a silent hint to change their food into BARF ;-)
I would not worry about the squirrels, frankly if they were in good shape of body and mind they would not be caught by a basenji ;-) -
Gizmo brutally attacked by German Shepard (warning! a little blood in the pictures).oh my , what a sad sad situation, I hope Gizmo does not suffer from mentally problems after this attack! the physical wounds will heal as well as the bills….. but they can get a severe behaviour problem after such attacks....I have had it with my oldest basenji too, she was attacked 2 times by a german shepherd, after I finally got her back to normal on walks etc another shepherd attacked her.....
Go Holland!I love those pictures!!
we were in germany this weekend, watched the final in a german bar with a lot of german holland fans >lol<
but I did not think it was a very good game, it was very exiting, but 9 yellow carts and a red one….. the dutch team should be ashamed of themselves, especially Nigel de Jong.... -
Monty is finally hereoh that is so cute , a pinto basenji!!!
Planned Breeding at Illusionpictures of the future parents please :D
HELP! i need help naming!I actually do not get it…
the pup needs a name and the kennel too , but the pup is bred by somebody else? or ???
is that normal in the USA? we are not allowed to do that in the netherlands that is for sure. -
Raw bonesoh and a general hint for feeding raw: make sure that over the week they eat a "complete animal" so in that case you know the right proportion of meat /bones / organs. The amount of organs ( liver, heart ,
Fresh tripe can be given 3 times a week as a complete meal.
Some people like to give veggies along with the mixes but personally I do not think it is necessary. -
Raw bonesThanks for the info Marianne, she has such lovely teeth, i don't want her to break them :)
While we are talking about bones and raw food, i have read that you should freeze things like chicken wings first to kill any bacteria instead of just feeding them fresh ?
We have not switched to a totaly raw diet yet, just giving some chicken wings a few times a week which she loves. I hold onto them to prevent her choking.
Nerdy i'm sorry i've diversified a bit from the original topic, hope you don't mind but it sort of ties is a good thing to hold on to them if they are too greedy, my ibizan pups got their first chicken wings when they were 5-6 weeks and they were so greedy that they did not even chew!!
in that case best thing is to crush the bones somewhat with a hammer before feeding them.By the way I never leave them alone with their food to be sure they do not fight over it or when they get greedy that they do not choke on their food.
When I buy the food I buy a lot in once, most food is allready portion frozen when I get it so I put it directly in the freezer, when I get it fresh like chicken carcasses I give them a meal of that right away and from the rest I make portions and freeze it. I never heard of freezing chicken before giving it, I have heard it from fresh salmon though, it is better to freeze that before giving it because of certain bacterias.
Raw bonesI the marrow bones are from the beefs legs, they are clean white bones with the marrow still in them. The bones themselves are like kongs, they just hold the marrow…my 2 have never tried to eat the bones...they go for the soft marrow. The bones are not chewed.
Just to explain why I do this for them.just a small warning here for the people who give marrow bones: make sure that the hole in the bone is BIG so they can not get stuck with their jaw in it!
trust me it happens and you do not want that to happen ;) -
Raw bonesWhat about freezing bones? In that article I found (link in the first post) she mentioned putting them in the freezer, so I did with the other 3 rib bones.
Today I took one out and gave to Gizmo, and I was surprised how easily he could chew this on compared to the first one I gave him that was directly from the butchers.
Should I be worried about splinters after freezing them?
I do not know to be honoust….
Raw bonesEvery day I'm getting more and more tempted to try raw… The main thing that held me back before was the messiness and management issues. We don't crate the dogs while we feed them, just separate them in different rooms. I've offered Bowdu raw a long, long time ago and he wouldn't touch it. It may be a different story now...
a lot of dogs just need to get used to it, and they also will have their preferences, I also have these complete meat mixes in my freezer ( salmon mix / bird mix / meat mix etc ) those are allready grinded and complete, comes in handy in winter when I can not let my dogs outside for a long time to eat and in my house I do not want them to have raw chicken and fresh tripes etc haha
my dogs needed to get used to some food like liver, I cooked it slightly at first and then started to give it raw after they were used to the slightly cooked version, same with is a list of my dogs and their preferences so you can see how different it can be:
Jenson & Kalusha eat everything but Kalusha does not fancy fish only the salmon mix.
Solar, Smitthy and Cy eat everything but NO duck and they do not fancy goat meat also, goatribs are ok after they have been lying in the garden for a day or two…. ( the ribs not the dogs ofcourse haha ) they do not fancy fish, only the salmon mix.
when I give fish they try to burry it in my couch or roll in good idea...Barry only eats tripe, cartilage , lambribs, horse meat, cowmeat, fish and salmon heads he does not want to eat chicken or other birds!! when it is in a mix he eats it but not with pleasure haha, raw liver and raw heart neither.
Raw bonesIt depends on your dog too and their chew style. If you feed weight bearing bones (marrow, knuckles etc) you just need to keep a close eye on them.
well they get knees/knuckles here too but we call those the "recreation bones" they are just for chewing not as dinner ;) I have heard a lot of stories about dogs that try to eat them and loose their teeth with it, so be carefull with it anyway!
Raw bonesJust a question about bones, is there not a danger the Dog could break it's teeth ?
yes there is, so therefor you have to feed them the so called "soft bones"
chicken , duck , fowl , rabbits , hares , calf ribs, goatribs, lambribs, cow cartilage etc not the big cow bones like legs or knees ;)
Discharge after spayinghas she got a normal temperature?
Awkward Family Photoswhat a nice couple of dogs!! here in the netherlands people often think that my basenjis are shortcoated Shiba's >LOL<
about not cuddling together, do not worry about that, I have 6 dogs and only 3 of them love to cuddle together ( that is my basenji male, and my 2 youngest ibizans ) the oldest ibizan and basenji do it sometimes and our galgo prefers to have more space around him.
and when my oldest basenji is cleaning the ears of the other dogs , they ALL react the same way like your basenji, she really want to clean their ears and when they do not sit still she growls at them :D