Hello all,
Plus it was expensive! Over 3k! I'd do it again in a heartbeat but it can only happen so many times, lol. yikes!
I know some people have suggested getting another dog for separation anxiety, but he doesn't like other dogs at all, so that's not an option for us.
Does anyone have an opinion on kennel vs. crate? I want either one to be positive - his home & refuge, not punishment. I don't want him to dislike going in the basement because of the kennel, because we want to encourage him to go hang out with Josh in the studio. I worry it's colder in the basement, but he'd have more room. I don't know if we should try covering all the wood somehow so he has only chain link, or if we need to buy a separate, fully-enclosed chain link & metal kennel? Or stick with the crate? I feel bad about putting him in the crate. He can stand and turn but it's not that big. It's kind of nice that we can have the crate upstairs anywhere and we have been playing games of find-the-treat with him so he gets to associate the crate with good things and it's not as easy to do that with the kennel. What do you all think?
Thanks guys!
I am sorry that I suggested the other dog, didn't know he 'came' that way to you.
I have provided a referral list from the website of certified trainers and behaviorist in your state. http://www.ccpdt.org/index.php?option=com_certificants&task=directory&state=WI I personally know Sarah Kalanjas by way of attending her seminars. http://www.bluedogtraining.com/problem-behavior.html If you do hire someone, make sure that they understand the CAT/BAT or counter conditioning process for your boy and his (possibly) fear aggression with other dogs.
Maybe in stead of having any wood in the chain link kennel, just have one or two kongs and such in a plain ol chain link with a chain link topper on it. Construct it so it is large enough for him to use a corner to potty (grass mat?) if he so needs (don't know how long you both are gone….) a medium large one or so for long periods. http://www.doghouses.com/dog-kennels/dog-kennels-and-runs/cottageviewdogkennel1.cfm
hoping for the best for you!