Well, I'll try to answer all the questions and I do apologize if this answer is delayed. It sometimes takes almost 2 weeks for my posts to show up here.
Hooligan just turned 2 years old and we've had him for about 2 months.
I have been in contact with his breeder, and she was the one who initially told me that he doesn't get along well with other dogs (which is why he needed to go to a home with no other dogs) and she also told us he had some separation anxiety. So we didn't go into this blind, but I do want to work to make him as happy as possible in his new home.
I did try for myself his reaction to other dogs, just out walking with neighbors, stopping into Petco, visiting the dog park and meeting my parent's dog. If any other dog approaches him, he grows and his hackles go up, and if they get within range, he snaps. So far (and I haven't checked everything yet) the places I've looked at for obedience training and daycare require that the dogs not be aggressive towards other dogs. So, I am also looking for dog-sitting/daycare options for when we go away for more than a few hours and can't take him along.
It's been so ridiculously cold around here that even with a coat and boots, he doesn't want to be outside for too long, and there are only so many games that can be played in the house. It's likely he's a little squirrely from being inside. We try to take advantage of the better days and go for long excursions on those days. He's had a lot of fun ice fishing with my husband, especially when he has a cozy, specially-made shanty cubby he can curl up in when he gets chilled! I'm looking forward to warmer days for sure!
He's really not destructive at all unless he's left alone, or he's not sure what's going on. I think we had still been getting into a schedule and with the chaos of holidays, plus surgery I think some of the blanket-eating was because he just wasn't sure what was going on and what he was expected to do. Possibly…. that's just a guess. But now that we have a more reliable schedule, he seems perfectly happy as long as he's part of whatever we're doing - either if we're playing or practicing commands or even if he's "supervising" what we're up to.
He seems to like his crate, too! This is a new update! He now knows the command "crate" and he will go in and sit down when we ask him. Sometimes he just hangs out in there or naps during the day. So i'm glad it's not crate anxiety and it's just that he doesn't want to be left by himself. I do tend to agree with you, Buddys Pal about the basement. Yes, it's roomier, and really it's not much different than is kennel at the breeders, but it's still a basement. And he seems to at least like his crate, so right now, we are taking him along whenever possible, leaving him in his crate if we're gone for just a few hours, and we're having Josh's parents dogsit him if we're going to be gone longer than that. We visit them often, so he knows and likes them and I feel good about leaving him with people he knows.
Also, bully stick update: I discovered a different store that sold the giant ones and those last much longer. Still not something I'd leave him alone with, but something fun for him to have anyway.
Does anyone have any other suggestions for toys/treats he can tear apart, but that are safe to eat? Or toys that wouldn't be tempting to eat but are still fun to play with? We're still trying to get him some fun, yet safe or edible toys. I think scoring in the toy department would help, too.
Thanks for all the input!! :D