@debradownsouth Thanks you so much. We'll give it a try.

Basenji or...not? -
Basenji or...not?@debradownsouth Hi Debra. Thank you so much for the offer. I may take you up on it if our progress slows down or stops. Addie was jumping and puppy nipping/biting at our son for the first few weeks we had her. We tried ignoring and turning away and praising when she had 4 on the floor, "no jump", keeping her leash on so he could step on it to keep her down, etc. Nothing was working. One day about a week ago, I had enough and taught her "time out" to go to her crate as soon as she started. And she did. It took 5-6 tries and I think she's broken of the persistent, insistent need to clobber him. Now, do you or anyone else have suggestions, about how to get her to walk nicely? This is another challenge area. If we can get that under control, I feel life with 2 ADHD family members will drastically improve.
Thanks again for the offer to help with therapy training. That's very sweet of you. -
Basenji or...not?@rugosa Thanks so much for your input. I accidentally answered your question in a different response, but I don't think Addie smells like dog at all, but I may be biased. 🤣 Lol.
We are very blessed to have found her regardless of what she is or isn't. She's been a great fit for our son. They're cuddled up together right now watching the Avengers together. That's all we wanted or could hope for. I appreciate everyone's opinions and encouragement. Thank you. -
Basenji or...not?@dagodingo I'm sorry I have not responded sooner. Since getting Addie, I feel like I have a new full time job. 🤣 I wholeheartedly agree with having to be at least half as smart...and one step ahead. I'm exhausted at the end of the day... sometimes, the middle of the day. I do feel more and more that she HAS to have some Basenji in there. She's so incredibly smart at what she wants to be smart at and VERY stubborn on things she has no interest in. To answer your question, she doesn't seem to smell like a dog, but I may be biased. Lol. Thank you so much for your time. It means a lot.
Basenji or...not?Hi. I truly appreciate your input and I never intended my inquiry to cause a fuss. As I said before, we adopted Addie from our local animal shelter and know full well she isn't full bred anything, but a big bundle of joy. She just has so many Basenji type quirks, I wanted to ask. I will check into the possibility of a DNA test just to cure my curiosity as well as check out the other breed you mentioned. She's only my second dog ever and our 8 year old son who has mild Asperger's with severe ADHD picked her out. They've been a perfect match for each other and in the end, for our purposes, she's perfect no matter how many breeds may be mixed in there. Thank you everyone, truly. This is a wonderfully helpful site with terrific people.
NewbieMy Addie requires constant stimulation. She is a full time job. We play the toy hide and seek game. Then I go through the house hiding treats everywhere so she can have the equivalent to an Easter egg hunt. It's just so non-stop and never ending. How does anyone get housework done? Reminds me of having a toddler again.
Basenji or...not?Thank you for that. It made me smile.
Basenji or...not?Thank you very much.
NewbieHi eeeefarm. You are so correct about patience. Just stepped outside for a MINUTE to come in and find her ON my kitchen counter. She does know how to behave, but getting her to CHOOSE to has been, and I'm guessing will continue to always be, a work in progress.
Thanks for your input. It's much appreciated!
NewbieHi and thank you for your input. We have definitely found unending, unconditional love in Addie. That's what makes it all worth it. She's really very good. Only chews her toys, not our house. She's 99% house broken and even learned to ring a bell to go out within a few hours of hanging it. She sits, stays, waits, downs, leaves it, shakes, comes like a champ (as long as there's no scent/sight of critters in the air). She just recently learned "time out" because she's very persistent in wanting to jump on/play bite our 8 year old. She immediately goes to her kennel and won't come out until told, even with the door left open. She's a riot because every time she hears us getting ice, she's right there at the ready. She loves frozen green beans and spinach, and my rose bushes, daylillies, hydrangeas, etc. Eats them like salad so I'm working on OUT (of my garden). When walking, she will NOT heal for more than a few seconds, but knows how. I don't feel she's being defiant there, just that we're too slow no matter how fast we are. She walks great with our 8 year old for the most part but he is just as active as her. She brightens my day and exhausts me all at the same time. She fit right in and feels like family from the start and is a perfect match for a little boy's first dog.
Thank you so much for your help. I truly appreciate it.
NewbieOops, Forgot to post pictures...
NewbieHi everyone. Just signed up tonight. We adopted Addie, a now 9 month old pup, a few weeks ago. The animal shelter called her a shepherd mix, but numerous quirks of hers led me to Basenjis when researching on the internet. She has brought great joy to our home and eight year old son, but has also rocked my world. I didn't realize our "shepherd mix" was going to require sooooooo much attention. She's caught on to family life pretty quick and picks up any training and tricks with very little effort on my part, for which I am thankful. I'm not 100% sure she IS part Basenji, but if the shoe fits...
I can't wait to learn all I can. Watching her think and figure out how to accomplish her goals is quite entertaining, to say the least.
Thank you for this site. It's pretty awesome!
Basenji or...not?Hi. We just adopted a 8 month old "shepherd mix" puppy about a month ago from our local animal shelter. Addie, (short for "needs Adderall") settled in right away and is VERY quick to learn. After listening to her howl and make all sorts of sounds we've never heard a creature make before, I did some research and am now convinced we have a Basenji mix instead. She is approximately 29 pounds and 18 inches to her shoulder so definitely a MIX. After a few weeks of sleepless nights from the wierd noises, we decided to forgo the night crate and she now sleeps through the night in bed with us...under the covers. She's faster than a speeding bullet but extremely graceful at the same time. Trots like a horse, looks like a deer, cleans like a cat. She was found in the woods so we joke that her momma was a deer and her daddy a fox. I discovered today she has webbed feet. She does a quick single bark but LOVES water. Please tell me what you think. Thank you! I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures and not sure if it's working...