@tanza lol now i know this about the 8week rule but i got Jasmine at 7weeks and i pickef up the new addition Romeo at 7 weeks. I do think the starting training them at that age was very successful, jasmine sits, gives high five, lays, doesnt run off off leash and on leash doesn't pull also potty training seemed to go smooth. But i dont think i would pick up a pup before 7 even though some do get them at 6. Also thank you for the response about the ears i wish i could figure out how to post pics of the new young pup.
Early defects -
Early defectsAlso how do i attach pics to the threads using a mobile phone
Early defectsMy newest basenji i bought i noticed has seemd to have developed a small cosmetic defect im worried that he wont grow out of it. Its his right side ear. Its seems to have turned into a dog ear like you mark a book. Will he grow out of it into a straight pointed ear he is 7weeks old and i just noticed it after really looking at him the last few days.
Shedding and beefing up my basenji@tanza Jasmine eats twice a day and I give about a cup a feeding maybe a little bit more. Also she weighs 15lbs and is a little over 16in height
Puppy DandruffAdd a raw egg to the food about once a month and it makes the coat shine
Shedding and beefing up my basenjiOk my basenji is a yr old and she is shedding more than normal... I'm just curious if it's her winter coat she is shedding? Or something else. Also I feel she is too thin. she eats throughout the day but im thinking she either needs to increase her diet or maybe introduce something else to help beef her up also thought about having her start pulling weights to help increase her muscle mass. Any ideas or suggestions
YodelayheehooI am looking for advice to help encourage jasmine to yodel... i have tried to mimic yodeling and play clips or other basenjis doing it. I am just wondering if there is more i can try
JasmineI tried to do it separately but 2 things... 1 they are so closr with each other you would need the jaws of life to split them up...lol and 2 caia the Shih Tzu , has been helping train jasmine. Caia does the command and Jasmine watches..
Then jasmine mimics. Caia has helped house break her also. But i agree most training should be done solo -
JasmineJasmine preforming "sit" and "up" after only a day of working with her..
https://youtu.be/Tv7jHkIOI5Q -
JasmineI'll try to get the whole race sometime lol
JasmineHere is a small clip of what our pups like to do normally it goes for about 3 - 5mins... but we call it the puppy 500... and yes they do it in our living room to the kitchen and back... lol hope you enjoy it.
JasmineShe was the runt of the litter... so hopefully she will grow out of it or she will stay petite...
Play biting or aggressive behavior?Which works better stream or mist for the water corrections
Jasmine -
Play biting or aggressive behavior?@tanza let me clarify, lol... I don't agree with shock collar at 12 weeks or 14 weeks... I was saying some do go that way. As for the training... yes basic training can be started at 3 to 4 months old. But serious obedience should start around 6 - 8 months. But I even have gradual success with her getting to come to me using a come here command. As for the snout holding I'm not saying be aggressive or hard just a gentle but firm hold and say no bite worked for me. She still wants to bite when she gets excited when she plays... and I reaffirm the no... and no bite to which she quits and goes into the wonderful kisses instead
RooVery cute Lil girl
Play biting or aggressive behavior?Mine is 12weeks and had very similar reactions... my suggestion is continue the "no bite" comments and gently but firmly hold the snout and say no bite. You can try organic all natural no bite spray which helps with furniture and the chewing... I would suggests behavior training however 14 weeks is still too young for serious training you could try chew toys or shock collars... but like I said 14 weeks is young for most of those options I would continue the no bite commands... and gently holding the snout and maybe the no bite spray... hope it helps