@Daisysmom @Mr-Ralph @bowierimmer @clerner @lux @KellyWiles @erica-ruth @nicelaos @dorlory
I don't think you can delete your account because the posts and comments are all intertwined. But you can do two things to simulate a delete. Part one sets your screen persona on "invisible", no one will think you are available to chat. Part two eliminates the automated list from sending you anything behind the scenes. For all intents and purposes you will be gone, but any past questions will remain to retain the integrity of the site structure. Fair enough?
Part 1
Click on your circle icon in the upper right corner of the webpage,
Scroll down the dropdown navigation links,
Click on invisible (now noone can "see" you).
[image: 1544144211305-bfdropdown.png]
Part 2
Click on your circle icon in the upper right corner of the webpage (again),
Scroll down the dropdown navigation links,
Click on "settings"
Under Email , click on the frequency line where it says "subscribe to digest" and select "Off"
Under Notifications & Sounds, adjust each section to "None", or "Disabled" as appropriate.
[image: 1544144503477-bfemailchanges.png]
[image: 1544144535096-bfnotifications.png]