The forum has arranged Play Dates in the past. I am sure we could even get a few more Basenji People to partake in a South Bay Basenji Play Date :p

Hello from Mountain View, California! -
Hello from Mountain View, California!Hey there!
Such a small world! If we would not of met you would of never known of Basenji Forums. There are a ton of great people here who can offer expert first hand advice!
We should get together and have a Basenji Play Date soon! -
Spring is here…with that Allergies!Hello Everyone,
Yes Spring is among us and now comes the sneezing and itchy eyes :eek:
For the first time in our lives we have a dog who recently developed skin allergies. Last week Kiya our 2 year old tri started developing hives all over her body. She couldn't stop itching and you could tell she was in quite a bit of discomfort. We rushed her to the emergency room and the vet gave her a steroid and some anti-biotic to clear up her body. It worked and a few days later we took her to her regular vet for another follow up appt. The vet suggested we take her off the meds since she no longer had hives. A day later they came back!
From process of elimination we have since ruled out a food allergy and now know its not related to the grass outside. Try keeping your B off grass for a few days. Poor girl had to potty on rocks and dirt :( She was not a happy camper.
This morning we woke up and the hives came back. I immediately called the vet and he thinks its something in the house :confused: Man this is tough! Our poor girl is obviously having an allergic reaction to something in our house yet we can not for the life of us figure it out! The Temaril-p is working and the vet said to use it as needed so at least we have something.
Now the elimination process begins yet again. :( -
Basenji Proofing ChristmasWoW JazzysMom!
Our two B's would go crazy over all those lovely ornaments. :)
You are so lucky! -
Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2009We got our gifts package today, but we are not opening them until Christmas eve December 25th. Family tradition, dogs get to open their gifts with everyone else :)
Actually the truth….Alex really wanted to open it and I told him NO! :D -
Basenji Proofing ChristmasI thought this would be a funny thread to start.
What do you do in order to "Basenji Proof" your Christmas/New Year?
We baby gate our tree to keep Chance from using it as a toilet and from Kiya drinking the water. :pBefore:
Crazy KiyaHello everyone!
It's been quite sometime since I've posted on the forum. With school, work, wedding plans and 2 B's taking up most of my time I have hardly had time to say much on the forum.
Anyhoo…I needed some advice. My 2 year old tri bitch named Kiya has recently started going through some changes. She has become quite more aggressive towards our male Chance. Chance is neutered and Kiya isn't...well that's not quite possible since she is a female :p but anyways...she has become more playful but in a chewing, nipping, chasing kind of way. To the point that one of them usually ends up scratched and bleeding. I know its playing and not full on attack mode but she just will not stop! She went into season early (this past August) and hasn't had another heat. Is this a sign of her about to go into season again? She stands on top of Chance which looks like she is trying to dominate him. She will chew on him and then immediately stand next to him pawing at him. It's a little odd to look at since my male Chance has no clue what she is doing. :rolleyes:
My issue is that the aggressiveness is getting a little too crazy in the house. Its all the time and she just won't leave him or even the cat alone now. She will run around the whole house doing a B-500 knocking down everything in site and launch at either Chance or my cat Maddox. They tolerate it for a few minutes and play with her but then get tired. She of course doesn't and then we have to separate them. Will this stop? I am tired of breaking up fights and nursing wounds. Its not an issue with exercise. My fiance runs with them 2 times a day to exhaust them. She on the other hand always has this energy to harass everything around her. LOL -
We're EngagedHahahaha!
Yeah…Most people assumed we were married...Surprise!!! LOL -
The nastyness has gone too farLet me clarify…
Chance was not neutered because he is a carrier. He was neutered because we plan on breeding our bitch at a later date and we have no intention on breeding him.
Becky, I don’t feel I need to contact the breeder over every little training issue that arises. Chance has gone to obedience training and we work with him daily and have seen a behaviorist. As for shoving a pill down his throat and not dealing with the issues at hand is something I am well aware of. That is why I am asking questions on this forum. What I was not aware of was that the fact that aggression could be due to a thyroid issue and I was just given this information yesterday which I intend on following through on and getting his blood work done.
I created this forum to talk about issues in the open to allow people to come together and offer advice/support. In no way this should be the only resource to find answers, contacting your breeder is the right thing to do. I had no malice. Kathy Britton knows that I will contact her if there is a problem. She has always offered help when I need it and has always made herself available and given us whatever we needed which we are grateful for.
As for allowing my dogs on furniture, everyone has a difference of opinion on training methods and in our house, our dogs are allowed on furniture when we say it is ok. Certain furniture is off limits and they know that. :)
As we are slowly trying to weed out what is going on with our boy, I am learning that many things could be causing this. Yes maybe Kiya our female is going into heat early. If that is the case than we will have to deal with that. It is difficult since Chance’s aggression started sometime ago. This did not just develop over night. Unfortunately we ignored the beginning signs and let it go thinking it was nothing. Now it has become more noticeable, we need to deal with this immediately. Hopefully it is something that we can diagnose quickly and resolve.
We appreciate all the information everyone on the forum has given us. Yes I admit that we should of paid attention to the warning signs earlier and nipped it in the bud sometime ago. You never think that the little things will add up to something bigger in the end. Chance's attitude has changed a little and we need to work even harder at getting him back to the cool cucumber he was before :)
Car sicknessMy male would get car sick within a block of being in the car. I was told to try Rescue Remedy which you can pick up from any organic foods store. You can also buy it online. It comes in a a little spray bottle. I would squirt 5 sprays in his mouth about a half an hour before we would go anywhere. It would help calm him down but not make him groggy or tired. Its great for people too who get nervous/anxious.
The nastyness has gone too farI took a fellow B forum members advice and will be having blood sent to Dr. Dodds for a full panel done. Looks like Dr. Dodds knows her stuff. :)
The nastyness has gone too farHe was neutered after we found out after the Fanconi test. He is a carrier.
Yes we also have a female in the house but I don't think that is the reason. She will be going into heat in the first week of August. Chance has been exhibiting this type of behavior for quite sometime now.
If there is something wrong with his Thyroid, is it life threatening? Can it be controlled/cured? -
The nastyness has gone too farCan a Thyroid problem cause this temper issue?
The nastyness has gone too farHi Everyone,
I've mentioned this before on the forum but need to get some help regarding this bad situation.
My male Chance is 2 1/2 years old and is quite a mellow guy. Lately he gets agitated if you try to move him while he is laying down. Hawk goes up and the gggrrrr's come out. He hasn't nipped at me yet but I think its coming soon. He used to never do that! One time my Aunt was visiting from out of state and Chance was laying on the couch. She attempted to move him and he about bit her! :eek: That really worries me. He is a ticking time bomb.
That's just one issue. Now for the second.
My neighbor has 2 Australian Sheep Dogs and Chance can't stand them. He will foam at the mouth and try to kill them. Its getting worse by the day. Now he can tell when they are outside walking by the house. The blinds can be down and he just knows they are there. He goes insane making noise and the hawk is up and he is pacing the entire house. Now anytime I try to take him for a walk he jets out the door on a locked sent for the two sheep dogs. They have never had an altercation. In fact the Sheep dogs are rather friendly. I've tried to get them to meet each other but Chance just will not have it. :(
I am growing really concerned. This morning while taking Chance for his early morning walk he about slipped out of my hands. My neighbor was over a block away and Chance could smell them. Thank god I was able to grab the leash and hold on tight. I am afraid of Chance getting out of my hands since he pulls like crazy. Not to mention my neighbor has his infant daughter in a stroller with him while he walks his dogs. I feel trouble and I feel like Chance is crazy sometimes. :confused:
I can't avoid my neighbor since he lives 2 doors down from me. We tend to bump into each other a lot.
I am going to get a full panel done on him this week to rule out any health problems but other than that….why is he like this?????? -
Do Tri's have an extra "evil" gene?Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
:) -
We're EngagedThank you. It happened right before we returned from our vacation.
I'd love to see pictures of Basenji flower girls and ring bearers :) We really would like to somehow include our fur kids in the ceremony but that will be sometime from now. LOL -
We're EngagedI just thought I would let you know that its official. Alex and I are engaged.
Now comes the fun part….how to incorporate our Basenji's in the wedding. Hhhmmmmmm. :D -
I've adopted the anti-christ…Well first off congrats for the new addition to the family.
Second…I think I can speak for everyone on the forum in saying we feel your pain. They can be a royal pain in the you know what sometimes but we still love every moment of it. :)
We have learned from having a male first and then adding a female into the home how trying or tri'ing it can be. Especially when the female is a tri. Man can she push buttons. Its hard enough when she demands all eyes on her at all times and if you do not give her the attention she deserves she becomes "the devil's spawn child".It can be exhausting. Especially when you just want everyone to get along. Most of the time our female has issues towards other dogs. She tries to be dominant immediately which sometimes can backfire. We have learned to introduce new furry friends separately. We used to just let them all meet at the same time which ended in angers being sparked. Now if we let our female meet the other dog first and get comfortable then allow our male dog to meet the other dog they tend to all get along and play well together. Also have them meet outside in neutral ground. When a dog is in its own environment and another dog comes into it, they tend to be more aggressive/protective of their space. Allowing them to meet front of the house may help. You might want to give that a try. We have to do this every time we have play dates with other dogs. Even if they know each other they need to first meet one by one. Its odd but works :)
Hopefully you can find a solution. It usually consists of trial and error but I am sure soon you will find a way which works best with your little one. :) Good luck and keep us posted on your progress! -
By George…I Think She's Got ItLets hope that's not the case but you never know with a Tri :)
I'll have a camera in one hand and a video recorder in the other just to make sure we capture everything. LOL -
Toys your Basenji should not really play with or killLeave it to a Basenji to find your most favorite items and chew the crap out of em!
Bras are the worst but socks….ooohhhhh how they just love socks!