I'll see if it gets any better ! :) not raining as bad today !
Hates the RAIN!! -
Hates the RAIN!!I'm in a tough spot , my girl seems to hate the rain , she'll go out when it's drizzling but not when it's actually raining , she's out enough to pain and starts pulling herself back home ! >.< what should I do ? Buy her a rain coat ?and see if that helps ?, she literally freezes and just wants to turn around and go home >.< , she pooped twice today already but she usually does go three times a day (she pees anywhere from 3 to 6 times a day depending on how much water ) but I live in Vancouver BC is not called Raincity for no reason >.< help!!
Biting at butt after shriek of painMy girl does the same thing!! , have the vet look at her and she says she's fine and there's nothing wrong - might be a cramp or numbness or even scar tissue from her spay bothers her , but she jumps , plays , runs like nothing's a miss, she only does it on the rare occasion , getting up , or just at very random moments , it's not even everyDay maybe once a week ? Give or take a few days , it's odd have no idea why
In need of some supportDebra :) thank you for positive thoughts :)
And yes here in canada all we get are federal loans and provincial loans , it still only covered the cost of my tuition which is something
And we did sell the car to help with a few things , and here in canada people either go back to there country or apply from within the country but they must always have a valid status , visitor visa , work permit , student etc .. :) if we're lucky by September we will have some news from Canada immigration :) that he is eligible for a open work permit :)
My dad is doing better now , he went in for a check up with the specialist and yes the tumor was cancerous
so he will have to go back in 3 months again to get checked out , and etc so keep track of things :)
I can't wait to finish school and get a job - and even start back again with horses -ha probably end up taking a a equine sciences diploma program online afterwards ,
And yes I worked at the track some things they do are horrible , others are great and take amazing care of them it's a hit and miss ! -
In need of some supportHi! Guys!! :) well life's getting a bit better , didn't get the job >.<
But I did start my veterinary office assistant program this (Monday 7th) so that's a plus !!
And we did end up selling the car to cover cost of other things :) so looking to the Brightside it's awesome :)
If we have any luck by September Julio should be working :) and I'll be half way done my program and ready to start
A practicum and job by November -
Mosquito bite or pimple??The Vet said it might have been a bite - looks like there are two tiny bite marks
washed with hibitane and the put a small amount of polysporin on it , already looks 100% better -
Mosquito bite or pimple??The Vet said it might have been a bite - looks like there are two tiny bite marks
washed with hibitane and the put a small amount of polysporin on it , already looks 100% better -
Mosquito bite or pimple??I've updated it !
Mosquito bite or pimple??She licks once in a while , very random, and usually after I've had a look at it she realizes it and licks for a bit
But if not then she doesn't even really care for it and it looks a but less red today - I'll take a picture once she gets up from her nap
Lol after going out for a morning walk and playing she's all tired out , and. Passed out on the couch for about 3 hours -
Mosquito bite or pimple??Thanks :), I'll keep an eye on it and see how it does !,
Hopefully it won't need a visit to the vet -
Mosquito bite or pimple??What is this ??, noticed it about 2 days ago .. What could it be ? I'm stuck between a bug bite or a pimple
It looks like this Today
Switching flavorsI got samples of Amore Pet food and she loved those ! But they are a tad expensive >.< more then NRG I think 10lb bag is $110 and 20lb bag is $240 and the smallest they have is a 2LB bag for $26 bucks and according to there feeding guideline she's supposed to get 3/8 of a cup which is 6 table spoons >.< haven't done enough math to see how long the 2lb would last - not long I think !
Switching flavorsHow much does NRG go for roughly ? I'd love to feed my girl dehydrated - as she seems to be getting bored of her blue buffalo >.< with a quarter of the bag left , T_T ….. I would love to find a food she adores and would inhale lol but she seems a bit picky or she gets bored of it ... She did love the amore pet food samples but they are expensive ! For 1 lb it's $26 and she would have to eat 6 tablespoons a days - 3/8 of a cup so 3 and 3 twice a day feeding a , is NRG more economical ? :
In need of some support:D thank you !!! ^.^
In need of some support:D whish me luck guys !!!
I have a interview this Wednesday at 2 wtih Lush cometics!! :D
Also lucky enough a iPad 2 and my cracked screen iphone :) so yay $900 debt down from from 1300$!!
Love it ! All starting to work out ! :) and I start college classes next Monday! :D everything's looking better already !! -
Good whitening shampooTry Quick Silver :) it's a horse shampoo costs about $9 to $12 a bottle and it really works well on greys , roans and any thing that had white on :) great for shows !!
Lure coursing -BC Canada ??Can anyone give me some information on where to go for a practice ?
I would love to get my girl out and see how she likes it :) plus it would be a great way to burn off energy
:) somewhere in the Lower mainland please :) I live in Vancouver BC -
In need of some supportI'll give that a try and see what works out :) good thing is I might have some people interested In the iPad and iphone :) which is a plus might make it to my half way mark with that !!
In need of some support:) yes I will definetly. Keep positive on everything :) and Yes I have applied to vets clinics saying I am a student ( I don't even start school for another week and half actually !- July 7th is the first day )
In need of some supportThanks for the advice :) yes I've applied to soo many jobs even as a dog bather to prep for grooming :), heck even tim hortons and McDonald's !
But I haven't even heard a response yet from anything , I do already have some money from selling my ipad 3 and iphone , so just the iPad 2 and if it's get really bad the car up for sale :) and yes a sense of humor is something i do have , we have a lot of haha guess that's how we've gotten so far when it hasn't been so easy :)