Hi Ellen, yes, just go into Photoshop (or whatever software you have for your photos and change their size) I usually send my photos in at 200px and they load easily. You must have warm coats for those scottish basenjis? ๐๐ป

hi im from scotland -
Hi from Sally.@redial Thanks so much for your email and advice Len. Great tips that Im going to take on board. The gatorade (or gastrolyte) cubes is a clever idea. Will keep you posted as to how I go. Many thanks again Len.
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Hi from Sally.Sally sure is a cutie! I'm interested to know how she travels. Will you be flying from Thailand? And I guess she'll go in animal freight. I'll be living in Macedonia next year for a few years and want to take Pippi with me but not sure how she will go with the long flight from Sydney to Europe. Any thoughts from yourself (or others here). Best wishes and safe travels with Sally. ๐พ
Bringing Basenji in Plane CabinSame here bcorr92. Toby is a very beautiful dog. Here in Australia we can't have pets in cabins, but I have seen rather large cat crates in the cabins in both Germany and Russia when flying there. Best of luck and I hope things turn out well for Toby.
Alison -
Hi Zande, Pippi is already listed on your database. And I did send you a pic, but I didn't get around to sending you the photos of parents as requested.Alison
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Birthdays!It's Pippi's birthday today๐๐๐ (Cotterpin Sweet Child O Mine!) Born in 2015 to Ch.Zanzipow Eskimo Joe (S) and Ch. Zandeena Kiss Me or Not (D), and bred by Ms. C A Whinn.
Introducing Teki!Not sure why people have so much trouble. Just make the image a small size, do the normal <browse file> then upload.
Most iPhone and camera images have file sizes around 3000px. You need to go into your photo software (Adobe, Affinity, etc) and reduce the file size to around 200px or 300px at most. I post mine at about 200px.
The left hand box reads the upload in html code but the actual post will show the correct image. Remember, keep the file size small.
Please do this Chenke so that we can see your adorable pooch, Teki.
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Basenji aggression with smaller dogsYes, my girl is aggressive to many dogs. She seems to pick and choose who she likes and who she doesn't. There have been previous posts here about Basenji aggressiveness - see if you can scroll through and read them. My girl started getting aggressive from age three onward. We just have a firm leash, and don't stop too often to meet and greet. Like many other dog types if we let her off the leash at the dog beach she's not aggressive at all. We don't have squirrels in Australia, but my girl sure does love hunting ducks and parrots. Go figure!!
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Bedtime RitualsYes, same with our Pippi, however it's the legs and feet in our case, not so much the head. I think I have the cleanest feet this side of the stump. She licks them until they're sparkling.
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Brown rice versus White riceYummmm CrazyDaisy, Im coming over to your place for dinner. Sounds delicious.
I don't feed my B any grains (nor myself for that matter). She chews grass sometimes when we go walking, self-medicating I guess. But that's the nearest she gets to grains!!
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Pet Food Recalls?@pazgawrych Why would you boil the chicken? I just give chicken to my girl raw. She'll do anything for chicken, even behave...sometimes! ๐
Pet Food Recalls?Sounds like folks on here have a good mix of fresh and product food and our little basenji community are eating rather well it seems. Just remember that supplements and vitamins in dog food (and human food for that matter) are synthetic human-made chemicals developed to simulate real supplements and vitamins - and basenji's have sensitive stomaches at the best of times (well my girl certainly does) - there's always plenty of the good stuff in fresh raw food for animals.
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Pet Food Recalls?Best to do the research and see what fits your time and budget. I don't use any manufactured or canned food, only raw fresh and organic meat. Whatever I get from the butchers Pippi gets some too. Her favourite is chicken and duck, but she also gets a lot of offal, red meat and kangaroo. She also likes trout heads, chicken wings and prawn heads (with the sharp bits removed of course!) Manufactured and processed food is very bad for humans and very bad for animals and you'll pay for it later on with overweight animals and medical problems. If you go looking, you'll find this way of eating can be very inexpensive. She also doesn't get three meals a day, sometimes even one. We're trying to be as close to nature as we can here! That's how it's done in our house and when we walk we often get comments about how in peak condition she is and how glossy her coat.
Many breeders on this forum would disagree with our choice, and they'll say that kibble has the best supplements for your animal, but really, kibble is nothing more than grain and rubbish sprayed with flavourings and colours that are highly addictive. It took us two weeks to wean our rescue cat off kibble - and to even try a small piece of fresh meat. No thanks, we don't do kibble here! We have one very happy and very healthy pooch! and cat! ๐ฑ
Alison๐พ -
Advice please if a Basenji might be a good match.Yep, read Zande's Put-Off first. I don't worry about your cat being scared of the new dog, but more the new dog harassing the cat. Our basenji doesn't give the cat a chance to breathe (and the basenji has the scars on the muzzle to prove it). I'll be sitting quietly reading somewhere and then I'll hear a loud squeal - 'yep, the cat got the dog again!!' But, I would be more worried about the ducks and macaw. Our girl is obsessed with birds. Someone once told me that basenji's hunted birds as well as vermin, and I can sure see it in our girl, ducks in particular - she'll do anything to get them, as prey! If you find a basenji anything like our dog it'll be obsessed with the macaw and spend 23 hours of the day planning how to get it and the 24th hour attempting to get it. As Dagadingo says you'll have to evaluate the character. Good luck and best wishes with your decision and thank you for taking the time to seek advice and get the info before hand.
P.S. Here is our girl stalking a possum in the tree (most of her morning gone just doing this). And even though our breeder said that our girl was a climber she's never been over this small fence once, yet!!
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Please help!Hi Pippa, as you can read in most of these posts here, Basenjis are quite different to the 'normal' domesticated dog. You need to accomodate their behaviours and train yourself rather than train the animal. Our Pippi sleeps with us every night, under the blankets and we all have a great sleep (they are very clean dogs with no dog odour). Once she feels safe again she'll start peeing outside because they are fastidious dogs. As mentioned above, if you aren't in a position to accomodate these particular needs of the basenji then it will be best for Pippa to find a new home. That will be the best outcome for both parties as much as you love her.
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I wanted to share some pics of my Shango since I've been a lurker for a while.What a lovely boy Shango is. My girl also loves the cat tower (give em an inch and they'll take a mile!) Our girl only yodels and talks to my 23 year old daughter when she visits.....the continuing odd quirks of basenji behaviour. Enjoy your boy and have lots of fun!
Alison -
New Grand Champion!Wow! That's fantastic.Congratulations!! Lucky you, and well done to yr boy. What a handsome boy he is. ๐๐ฅ๐๐ป
Hello Group, Ive been an owner of Basenjis for over 20 years now, my latest - Django Hazard - Pretty boyOh, he's a very lovely boy. Gorgeous black colouring. Lucky you.
:paw_prints: -
Chester - The purebred pupperLovely photos of a very cute little pup. Well done!
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Newbie!Welcome to the forum. Could we see a picture of Max. I can't imagine what that cross looks like?๐ณ