I might add that a friend of mine has her sister and she has had no issues what so ever with aggression. I am a little concerned that I have spoilt her. I am with her all day long and do a lot with her. I pet and baby her a lot. My friend does not have the time to do this. I have no children at home and my husband is gone a lot so it is me and her. I have never had this breed before and everyone always says they are different. I have never had a dog that would bite me or that I was scared of. So this is very different. Like I said earlier though…she has been a great dog. House trained, very calm, not destructive, loves everyone and all animals. This has been our only hurdle so far.
Help….What do I do... -
Help….What do I do...Thanks everyone for the input! I have talked to the breeder and they said that the mother has growled in the past , but has not bitten. The father has no signs of aggresion. She has been to the vet a lot of times. I feel very comfortable in saying that she acts this way when we are asking her to do something she does not want to do. One of the problems is that she sleeps with us and she had got where she wanted to sleep right on me. So I put her bed at the foot of our bed. She is fine starting out there but on in to the night she wants to get next to me. I am wandering if she is cold. We cover her up in her bed. I had thought about letting her wear a sweater to sleep in. I will check into finding someone to help me with this. It is really hard to find people who are familiar with basenjis here. I live in Grapevine, Texas. This is in the Dallas Ft. Worth area. THANKS AGAIN!!!
Help….What do I do...I have a 5 month old who is showing aggressive behavior. It started when she was really young. She was sleeping on the patio and it was fixing to come a down pour so I said Anabel lets go potty and slowly went to pick her up and she growled at me. The growling got worse as I continued to say no mam and go to pick her up. She went on to bite me. I have noticed that she does this when she is laying down or sleeping that she does not want you to move her. What should I do?? Again I have noticed that scolding her makes it worse. It is like she turns into this different dog. She is a very good dog. Not destructive, housebroken, calm, and sweet. :)
Don Sullivan's Training ProgramIs anyone familiar with Don Sullivan's Training System? What are your thoughts about it?
Health Information for New Basenji OwnersHow do i go about getting the Fanconi test done?
My 10 week old female b has a swollen tee teeI found the problem with my puppies swollen tee tee to be the hormones I was putting on my arms. She would bite and grab hold of my arms and I guess she was getting some of the hormones that way. I have stopped putting these on my arms and her tee tee is getting better and better.
10 week old female with swollen tee teeWent to the vet this morning and they said she had VAGINITS. They recommended giving it some time to work out. If it does not get better we will have her spayed. We had planned on that anyways so I guess this was good news.
Health Information for New Basenji OwnersThank you for all the helpful information. We just recently got our first basenji puppy. I was lost to know how to take care of this breed. I am still looking for a vet in my area. Thank you again. This is very helpful.
My 10 week old female b has a swollen tee teeThank y'all for the suggestions. I have made another appointment with another vet for in the morning. They said if they couldn't figure it out they would send me to a specialist that could. Hopefully tomorrow they will ge this little girl taken care of.
My 10 week old female b has a swollen tee teeMy puppy has a swollen tee tee. My vet gave her a small dose of antibotic but it didnt help. I have been to 2 vets and both say it is nothing to be worried about. Urinaliis was negative and there is not discharge. I just hate it for her…anyone know anything???
I'm expecting, how do i prepare my B-baby?i cant help either…but he is precious!!!
Missing 2 basenji females - Denver craigslistI am so so sorry for your loss…..so sorry!!!!!!!
10 week old female with swollen tee teeMy puppy has a swollen tee tee. The vet gave her a small dose of antibotics but did n0t help. I was told not to worry about it because the uranalisis was negative and there is no discharge. Anyone else had this issue?
Corona vac?? Puppy vac 2 weeks apart??My vets insists on giving corona vac to my 10 week old puppy. Everything i have read is against this. He also gives vac. 2 weeks apart. Is this ok???
Vet neededDo i give my puppy the corona vac??? And is it ok for my puppy to have vac. 2 weeks apart??
Rabies ShotsI need a vet in the grapevine, southlake, keller area…..thanks!
Rabies ShotsWhat about the corona vac? I have heard different stories. Whether to give or not??? I need a g00d vet wh0 is familiar with this breed.