Still looking for Nick in San Antonio. We believe he must be with someone who is not reporting him. Have contacted rescue groups, used a tracker dog and even a psychic. I am trying to see if the local news media will do a story. Any help from local basenji owners is much appreciated.

Lost Basenji - San Antonio, Tx -
JACK HOME & Playin with his Aiden!!Congrats on getting Jack back!!
New Pic´s of Myran&EfiaBeautiful pictures! Nice to see pictures of family:)
Mirtillo went to the zoo..That's a great idea! It would be neat to do it in the States, either by state or regions within a state.
Having fun with our friendsGreat pictures and fantastic looking b's
Urinating in his sleepI e mailed Tad and he thinks it's nothing to worry about. He says it can happen when they are this age. So far no more episodes and no other sypmtoms. I'll keep a watch for any changes. Appetite, playfulness etc are all normal.
Urinating in his sleepThat's a good idea about talking to Tad. I was at the vet's 2 days ago for his rabies vaccine, but forgot to mention the incident on the couch to her. I'll e mail Tad and call the vet in the morning. Thanks.
Urinating in his sleepRoscoe has urinated in his sleep three times in the past 6 days. He's just turned 16 weeks. The first time he was sleeping on the sofa and when he jumped down he had done a large pee on the cushion. This morning he urinated twice while asleep in my lap. We had done a 30 min. walk about 30 minutes prior to the first accident. I felt something warm and wet on my lap. He was still sleeping and when I lifted him up he had a small urine stain on my pants. I took him outside but he didn't "go", so we went back in. He wanted back up in my lap and went to sleep again. About 20 min. later he did a large pee in my lap. Again, he was sound asleep. Again took him outside but no pee. He seems otherwise fine. Is it normal for him to spontaneously urinate in his sleep? He is not showing any other bladder issues (frequency, discomfort etc).
Rocco PicsRoscoe does that also. I have a mirrored closet door and he will see himself in the mirror. He'll sit and stare at himself and sometimes reach out a paw and try to touch himself. I think he thinks there's another basenji looking at him.
Say "hi" to RoscoeWhat a cute boy!! :D And the beach looks so nice…wish I was there!
It was very nice. It was the week after Spring Break and the beach was disserted.
Say "hi" to RoscoeHere are some more pictures at the beach this past weekend. He had a good time running on the sand, but didn't want to get his feet wet.:) My friend's two golden retrievers on the other hand spent more time in the water than on land:p
Say "hi" to RoscoeI had posted several months ago before I got my puppy. Roscoe will be sixteen weeks old tomorrow and I've had him for about six weeks now. His father is Tail of Intrigue and his mother in Fire-N-Lines. It has taken me a while to figure out how to post photos, so hopefully these will transfer:D He is a very sweet puppy but can get into anything at the speed of light!! If these photos come through I'll post some more from this past weekend of him on his first visit to the beach.
The first picture is the first night I got him. Because of bad weather in Texas, I had to overnight it in Louisville KY. Had to improvise and use an old butter tub for his bowl:rolleyes: The last two were taken about a week ago.
Myran and Efia from Sweden a late presentationI have a 14 week old boy from Tre. He has a great temperment too. Working on getting some pictures posted.
Video of DallasHe's so cute!! I pick mine pup up in 10 days. Your video makes me even more anxious to get him.:D
Puppy socializationI PM'd you with contact information for Asil's Walkabout by ElDorado's breeder. I really urge you to contact her about the history of the dog.
It is good that you are doing the research now so you can get a puppy that you will enjoy for a long time to come from a breeder who will be there to support you through all the ups and downs of basenji ownership. There are many resources availalbe through this forum to help you find a responsibly bred puppy.
I e mailed her after I got your IM. Hope to hear back from her in the next day or so.
Puppy socializationThe sire has had hip test as fair. Nothing on the dam. I need to think about what I need to do. I could have the pup tested when the blood test becomes available again (although that shouldn't be my responsibility), but I wonder if I need to support this breeder. I was sure looking forward to getting a pup
Puppy socializationI e mailed my breeder this morning. She says they have put a hold on blood testing while they develop a more sensitive test to eliminate probable or possible results. She states she got her blood samples in too late but they are suppose to restart testing in the next few months. Currently, she checks their urine each month. Now what do I do? I have no plans to breed the pup and the breeder states that she will not allow her litters to be bred. If the pup is a carrier it should not affect her health. Any thoughts?
Puppy socializationThe sire is CH Asil Walkabout by Eldorado. I checked on the OFA site and I see he has not been tested. It looks like both his parents (Eldarado Hocus Pocus and Terrarust N. Beaubri Makersmark) have been tested and are negative. The dam is Remba Naima Kibibi and I cannot find her nor her parents on the OFA site. I'll contact the breeder and see how they have determined she is negative. It is my understanding that Fanconi's syndrome is from a recessive gene and if both the sire's parents are negative he should be negative. Please let me know if that is not correct. Thanks for your concern. I certainly want to clear this up before I pick her up in two weeks
Puppy socializationThanks everyone for the help. I signed her up for puppy class today. I'll post again with pictures when I pick her up.
Puppy socialization10 wks should be fine… make sure that your breeder has DNA tested for Fanconi... among other health testing... if you visit you can learn about Fanconi testing and links to other health concerns in our breed. It is very important that all responsible breeders are health testing all of their Basenjis used for breeding.
Both parents have been tested and are Fanconi Negative.