Anyone know the difference between Interceptor vs Heartgard Plus? Last vet prescribed Interceptor. New vet sold me Heartgard Plus. My basenji will eat neither until I crush and hide in food. She's a 23 pound, 9-year old, spayed female. Lives indoors, plays outdoors. We walk dog trails and go the beach, where other dogs go. Victoria's allergy-prone and has vascullitis, a blood vessel disease. I want her protected from various worms, etc., but don't want to cause other health problems in the process. Thanks, Maxie (Leigh)

Interceptor vs Heartgard Plus -
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyThanks Leigh! I was thinking today about putting a spring on that gate. Did you get my email?
Yes, I did get your email. And you can take a look at my gate spring contraptions when you come here for our dog visit. I look forward to seeing you and Buddy. Leigh (Maxie)
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyHere's my gate solution. I went to the hardware store where I bought mega eye screws and a great big spring with hooks on each end. Ranchers use them on barn gates. I took the 2 eyescrews and screwed one on the fence and one on the gate. To those, I attached the two spring hooks. Now the gate "slams shut" on its own. For backup, I did the same with a heavy duty bungee cord. I'm going to do it to my front door as well. Now, Victoria is no longer tempted due to its high-powered "slam shut" feature.
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyWow, now what? Does anybody ever get another chip put in?
I agree - Now what? If chips can: Migrate back out thru insertion holes or to other areas. Become defective. Stop working. Someone said batteries (yikes).
The vet here said pounds & shelters may have different scanners, so cannot read all chips. And as we all know, Basenjis can be escape artists, bolt, get spooked, chew doors, scale fences, or back out of collars. My 3 basenjis could back out of any collars, martingales and harnesses. Any other ideas besides lockdown, collars and chips? Thanks, Maxie (Leigh) -
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyHi Alex,
Good thinking, and thanks! I'll save these links in case anyone else every needs them. Buddy was just found in the next town by someone who brought him to the pound there. Thank God! @Alex:Should we post a lost dog ad here: Lost Dog: Tri Colored Basenji 25lbs - Lost Today 10/8/09
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyDan just called to let me know someone found Buddy way over in the NEXT town(!) and brought him to the dog pound there. The pound found his phone on the microchip and gave Dan a call. I had just finished making his photo-poster to email to pounds & shelters in surrounding towns. I know Buddy is a runner, but I cannot believe he made it to the next town in that amount of time. I guess "spooked" is a big deal for a basenji. Dan is so relieved! And I bet Buddy will be glad to see him later this evening. Anyway, Thank you all. Maxie (Leigh)
Dan's lost Basenji, BuddyHi everyone,
Dan's Basenji, named Buddy, got spooked by a truck and took off running! Last seen running west on Oak Ave near Juniper Ave in Redwood City, CA ? without his collar. Buddy is only 11 months old, tri-colored (black,white,tan), 25 lbs. He's not skiddish, but he is a runner. Please help if you can. I'll make photo-posters that can be emailed and also printed within the hour. Dan is out searching so please 650-714-2239 for sightings only, so Dan can stay focused on searching. Also, please help spread the word near that area in Redwood City CA! Again, Buddy took off without his collar. Thank you! Maxie (Leigh) -
5 Aug 09 Pet Alert - Congress considers pet expenses tax deductionHow will we know when the Pet Expenses Tax Deductions bill will be voted on
or has it already been passed or defeated? -
Senior boy needs a new homeDearest Kathryn,
I am sad to hear the news. That is so heartbreaking. I will pray for you both. When and how do you think he got Lymes disease. I'm so sad for you both. Maxie -
Ear Rash. Dog Ear VasculitisI'm sorry, I didn't know your message was here. To answer you, it begins in many ways. Lumpy, red, or black. Then black inside and along the ridges. This worked for me, in this order. I did it in steps, as Victoria gets wild. Day 1: Massage
Epi-Optic ear cleanser (vet) for dogs, cats on inner and outer ear surface, then squirt some down ear canal. Later, bathe with Malaseb Shampoo for dogs( Leave it on for the entire 10 minutes. ( I shampoo the ears the next day) Keep both products out of eyes. Day 2-3: Foam up the Malaseb Shampoo on on inner and outer ear surface, but not in ear canal. Leave on 10 minutes. Wipe off with wet rag until clean. Repeat every 2 weeks or so until it's gone. If it later comes back, repeat the above. I do the whole cycle 5 times a year. Works for us. -
Senior boy needs a new homeKathryn - I adopted a senior basenji girl once. She was hiding in a schoolyard near here, bit the dog catcher, then was put on death row. BRAT called me and I adopted her. She was so distraught, but I nursed and loved her back to health, and she gave me 3 great years of joy to my life. No one had ever loved me that much before. You have done a wonderful thing.
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesYou have Victoria! We have Ginadari, who we call Gina. I think they came in at the same time too, along with Gina's brother, Ziggy.
Hi Judy, Yes, I have Gina's sister. You and I spoke on the phone.
Here's the Fire Service Report: Sept 2: Unpredictable. Only 28% contained. Evacuations-fire conditions change constantly. Fire very active today. Extreme fire behavior observed when winds and slopes were in alignment. Est containment date moved from sept 6 to sept 15. Acres burned: 140,150. Lightening-thunder storms predicted for Sept 3. Mandatory evacuations: Acton/AguaDulce areas, Tahunga Canyon, Big Tahunga Canyon, Mt. Wilson, Angeles National Forest and more.
Karen and Chuck are still holding out at the ranch. That could change. I'm sure thoughts of leaving the ranch unattended is heart breaking and evacuating so many Basenji's overwhelming. Post Office is still standing, so I sent funds today, in hopes it doesn't burn down.
Thanks to all of you! Maxie (aka Leigh)
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesI've been so worried about Karen and Chuck and their kidlets. I don't know if folks realize how many basenjis and basenji mixes those two unbelievable people care for. They have two rather large (very nice) shelter buildings w/ runs that they designed/built on their property for basenji rescue. I got my Tyler and Zoey from them a couple of years ago. I really, really hope they don't have to evacuate and that the fire never reaches them. For those who have donated, believe me–the money can always go to excellent use (and they are a registered non profit--so it is all tax deductable). Caren, Tyler, and Zoey
Hello and thank you!
Yes, you are right, donations are so helpful, even though Karen's still waiting things out at the ranch. We are also sending money! God knows they could use it! Evacuation preparedness costs money. And costly were the measures they took to keep the Basenjis and the ranch safe.Fires are still spreading, and have been so close, but the big planes are making them less ferocious. Today, Karen called to say that they now have the Legget Canyon fire under control, which was one of the most immediate threats to their ranch.
And yes, I remember Zoey. Karen gave us Victoria at that time.
Zoey was darling.
Thanks for all your help! Leigh (Maxie) -
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesHi Rita Jean, Karen said to thank you for your wonderful offers. For now, the fires are diverted away from their ranch, so their need for emergency funds are on hold for now. Your prayers were so helpful. Maxter
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesKaren called me to say they are on high alert, but safe for now. They were told to evacuate, but then waited as big planes showed up and began dropping fire retardent (and are still dropping) on fires heading their way . Bulldozers cut one of the fires off at the ridge. Crates, trucks & trailers are on standby, ready to flee, but for now, unless the fires shift again, their need for emergency evacuation funds are on hold for now. Karen said to thank everyone for your support and will call or email you when this passes. Thank you, Maxie
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesHi everyone, I am so touched by the outpouring of your kindness, messages & offers. No new phone updates from Karen or Chuck yet, but I tracked the fires in the Acton area all day yesterday & today with the Forest Service & Reuters. Fires are all over the Acton area, & very close to their ranch. Here's a link to some photos of Acton, CA on
Hopefully, Karen should surface soon. I'll let you know!
Thank you all! Maxie -
Wild Fire! at Medfly S.Caif Basenji Rescue, Karen JonesThe Acton Forest fires are racing straight towards the Southern California Basenji (aka Medfly Brigade) ?run by Karen & Chuck Jones. I spoke to her on 8/30 at 2:30pm. She could only say they were in trouble & fleeing with their clan of Basenji rescues. The News I saw said: 80' tall flames, wild, only 5% contained, little hope in sight. It'd take many miracles for the ranch to survive. I'll post destination updates, since some of the evacuation roads were unsafe or blocked.
Please spread the word, and if anyone can help, or make suggestions, please let me know. Maybe a senior forum member can set up a fund?
Karen will need $$ to pay for temp shelters and extra help.
I'll wait to post their phone/email, so they don't get overwhelmed
with condolences for now.
Thank you ever so much!
I have one of Karen's Basenjis & live in Alameda, CA.
Maxie -
Lost Basenji in ChicagoSonic is a LOST neutred male, red & white Basenji. Got loose on Jan 26, from his new BRAT human adopter near 1069 W. 14th Place in Chicago. Sonic's info & photo are still on BRAT's website at
Sonic is microchipped ? Avid Chip# 106-076-823.
May still be registered to former breeder Maria Brines.
Non-aggressive, easily frightened, has never bitten.
Contact info of former foster mom is: -
Lost Basenji in Antioch, CASo this dog has been on the run since December and is just fine? Gosh… I wonder how he got food/water??? I'm so glad he's caught! What is B-pix? Anyway of telling the owner/owners family about these Forums so they can join in and introduce us to little Clint?
To answer your questions - Clint was lost in late December. He ended up establishing a 4 mile territory which he circled. It included 3 schools and a Taco Bell. Food? Kids throw food on the ground at school. Water? it's been raining. About the owner, Myra, using the forum? She cannot see. She is blind. I was petrified the last 2 nights, thinking about how cold he must be. I thank God that he is safe!
Lost Basenji in Antioch, CAAlso, can you give us a couple of surrounding area zip codes to help search for him?
Zip code is 94531. He's been spotted several times at Deer Valley High School, 4700 Lone Tree Way, Antioch, CA 94531. That's about 15 minutes from Oakland, CA. Also at a nearby Middle School.
The owner Myra needs someone to go there to help round him up.
Myra is blind, can't drive, see the dog or see the school yard.
Myra's phone is 924-755-2877.Anyone care to volunteer?