Read all the quotes and statements on Fanconi and work out how contradictory it is for yourself. I don't think many UK Basenji owners do a Fanconi 'strip monthly' and certainly some breeders do advocate no test. Are such breeders irresponsible not necessarily. A 'probable' diagnosis on any medical condition is hardly a scientic diagnosis to say the least but testing is better than not and is certainly better than doing nothing.
Les Siddall
Long time no post -
Long time no postI haven't disappeared from the planet. Been so busy unable to write new posts but I find it interesting reading what is written about Fanconi particularly as so much of the advise given is often contradictory. Why is that?
Basenji BlogI have posted a new Basenji Blog on my site at
Introducing myself by Les SiddallHi
I think that as well as having my blog as a general one that I may also have a regular section for Basenjis with my opinions over the last 50 odd years. So thanks for your idea Curleytails.
I've Lectured in Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaya. My son is a property developer in Thailand and I visit him regularly. It's funny how they seem to love dogs and football out there. Not yet managed Australia but would love to go over there using one of my sons properties as a base. -
Malaika and the post boxThanks Shelley. Make a nice little filler.
I've already started on the Summer Newsletter.
Not at Crufts today then?
Sez Les -
Malaika and the post boxHi Shelley
I like this little story. Can I pinch it for the next NBS newsletter?
Sez Les -
Introducing myself by Les SiddallShe is coming along well so far, teaching the adults all the bad habits:rolleyes:
Like the look of your puppy but she surely cant teach the others any bad habits that thy don't already know.
Introducing myself by Les SiddallHi nice to be here.
Hows your puppy? -
Introducing myself by Les SiddallHi all
Thanks for your welcome.
I am not a novice to Basenjis having been in the breed in the UK longer than most.
I am a novice to the forum.
I do know Marvin and Sally Wallis.
I have been in and around Basenjis since the 50s when as a boy I exercised two Basenjis. I have bred and owned Champions, affix Blackpits, have exported dogs to USA in the 1970s and was a friend of Veronica Tudor Williams, Jayne Wilson Stringer, Mirrie Cardew and Mary Herring for many years.
I am secretary of the Northern Basenji Society and wrote and created their much visited web site I also publish their magazine which can be viewed on the site.
Currently I do not own a Basenji as my lifestyle does not allow me to - I am often out of the country.
I have a large Basenji archive and had my first Champion in 1971. I've judged the breed at Championship level since 1979 and in the 80s and 90s lectured on the Breed in the UK and Europe and most recently in the Far East.
I write a lot and have a regular column (about all dogs) in the UKs top dog newspaper "Our Dogs" and if you take a look at my blog ( click on "about Les Siddall" or visit the web site mentioned above you will find anything else you want to know about me.
I hope to have some interesting chats with you all. -
Introducing myself by Les SiddallHi
I'm Les Siddall and I'm new to the forum. I write for the Our Dogs newspaper both as a columnist "Sez Les" and the Basenji Breed Note Writer. I also report dog shows for the paper. I have a blog site at
This blog site and the Sez Les column is about dogs in general but today on my blog I have written about the UK decline of the Basenji.