And I suggest Debra that you do the same. To reply to a simple sentence with such condescenscion and by inserting into that reply things that I clearly did not and would never say is overkill. It is never okay to get a laugh by insulting others. You didn't like being insulted by someone in Georgia but yet you insult others by calling that expressing an opinion.
Debra, I just *have* to ask -
Debra, I just *have* to askDebra I grew up in Indiana and have lived in Tennessee and California. I live in Alabama entirely by choice. I'm sorry if you have experienced bad attitudes in Georgia, but it was not necessary to bring Alabama into the discussion at all.
Any B owners in Japan?Hi IMBJ, I'm not in Japan but my son & grandsons live in the Bay Area and he has a friend who teaches in Tokyo. No word yet from her. I'm glad so glad the tsunami spared SF. I hope you and your B are okay!
Please vote for Roxy!I just voted too. Good luck!!
The reason why i bought a BasenjiBut it's got 2 antennas in the middle!
Meet MaluHe's cute even with the ouchie on his ear!
Small Circus representation by JesikaI've laughed myself silly! You've invented a new color category with that big orange basenji.
New basenji ownerA firm NO BITE worked for mine as well. If you bite we will not play anymore eventually gets through to them.
Mr Baroo's new talentMy Abbey worked a long time to perfect the door opening trick. One day her devious little B brain said If I open it I can close it too. So now sometimes when she's ahead of me when we return from a walk she whirls around and slams the door in my face!!
Where's AJ #22Yeah, Winslow, Az. I've been there in the summer time. So hot the soles of your shoes will melt if you stand still long enough!
Rash & sores near her labia / vulvaThat looks like yeast to me.
Pippin and the stolen butter knife…Yes it was very thoughtful of you to butter the knife. He knew you did it just for him.
Dogshow brag!I love yours best! He looks so real like he's about to scamper off and get into some trouble!
Check out these mangy mutts. We might be homely but we are the packDon't look like mangy mutts to me or homely either. They're both pretty cute!
WalkaboutI know you're relieved that this man found her and brought her back! Lots of people wouldn't do that. I also agree with microchips and ID tags on the collar.
On the road to KYDon't you just love baby B's?
Got my first baroo!!He probably surprised himself!!!
Feet stomping anyone?Abbey does the stomping bit too.
Kell running with scissorsAbbey climbed into the bathtub and got a razor. Came into the kitchen carrying it by the tip of the handle. The look on her face was like I know this might hurt me Mom so I'm being very careful! She's murder on throw rugs. They don't live very long at our house.
The Basenji mindYep, if they can't get what they want by brute force they study the situation, formulate a plan and in due time they carry out their plan. They always win!