I had our dog in daycare a bit when he was a pup, so he could have an outlet for all that energy. now that he's a few yrs old, we simply can't afford it. We have a toddler in full time daycare, and around here, doggy daycare costs about the same, so now we pay a neighbor to come over daily and spend some time w/ him.

B's in doggie daycare? -
Play Biting is getting out of control any ideas?Spray your arm with bitter apple before play.
lol… my dog thought bitter apple was a condiment.
10 wks is young, she'll get it, it takes time to learn. I'm a fan of the yelp & ignore method. it worked for me. (after lots of repetition though!)
Toy suggestionstalk to me treat ball was a hit in my house, but it's not B-proof. my dog did eventually dismantle two of them. Another good one (not b-proof) is a Buster Cube. both of these dispense SMALL tidbits of kibble. I like the talk to me treat ball because you can record your own message on it, which is played when the dog moves the ball. they also have some that light up. I paid about $17 for one, but found it was well worth it. it lasted a while before being smashed up and chewed. my dog eventually got the recorder mechanism out of the ball and chewed it up.
I find some of the BEST toys are those that are homemade though. I save paper towel and toilet paper tubes - put a small treat inside, bend the ends inwards to close and LET the dog destroy it. the paper tubes are generally harmless if ingested (my dog just likes to shred them and make a mess). use tubes w/out alot of glue residue on them. I like to use the plastic wrap or aluminum foil cardboard tubes - these are a tougher board than the paper towel or TP tubes.
or put a new toy or 6" bully stick inside a tissue box… let the pup wreck it to get the toy or stick out.
Scary SituationThat is interesting, because the people I know who have gas stoves have to push the knob in, then turn it to a certain point in order for it to first bleed gas…then there is a pop, pop, pop noise indicating the gas is coming out and then just past that the flame lights.
that's how ours is. We have a toddler in the house, so most often we just pull the knobs off and keep them up high, near the stove. this way they can't accidently be turned on.
Chance's Not So Nice Behavior….hmmmmfrom the start, we have frequently taken bones and food away from our dog. it's not really HIS, it's MINE and he's darn lucky I let him have it. therefore, I may take it at ANY given time. I walk right up (very matter of fact like) and just take it. I hold it for a few min's, then give it right back with PRAISE for no attitude when it was taken. if there's a 'tude about it, it's confiscated. he learned there is no reason to fear me taking anything away, he will almost always get it right back.
(If he had an issue w/ this, I'd likely try a drop it-leave it and/or a trade, so not to be sticking my hands in a grumpy dog's mouth)
as for the sleepy grumbles… if he cops a 'tude, he gets booted to the floor. plain and simple. he must EARN and RESPECT the privledge of sharing our bed or couch, if he grumbles, he loses that.
Scary SituationOMG, that's very scary indeed. but happy to hear your dogs are ok! phew!!
Its Me Or The Dog…..exercise doesn't always have to be in the form of physical activity. Training the mind is just as exhausting as hiking or running. not to mention, it helps teach, and reinforce manners… so although hogging the bed will probably still happen, it should be easily resolved.
my dog hogs the bed too, but with one snap of my fingers and simply saying the word "kennel" he hops down and snuggles up in his crate (which has a queen sized comforter in it mind you, so it's VERY cozy). He also knows he's not allowed back up unless he is given the "ok". he will literally sit and wait by the bedside until he hears me say "okay". this took months of training, and we practice these skills daily so it's never forgotten.
Dog that looks like giant basenji?I have a giant basenji… lol... oh ok... technically he is a boxenji. but he looks ALOT like the dog in the 2nd pic.
My New Puppy at 5 Weekscongrats!! B puppies just make me melt! soooooo adorable!
On-Leash SnarkingTraining with treats will work, if you take it slow.
Clicker training works as well.I was going to say the same thing. I would carry a treat bag with me, and a clicker when out on leash. Use the clicker to mark correct behavior, i.e., sitting calmly while another dog passes. If my dog gets snarky on leash, I promptly stand in front of him, and put him in a sit/wait with a focus on ME (not the other dog). if he persists, I simply become a "goalie" and continue to block his path, get eye contact, and again, get a sit/wait.
Angry Red Rash ???until you have it seen by a vet, and you think it's a yeast problem, you can try some plain cool yogurt. use the kind w/ live cultures in it. Yogurt does wonders for a yeast infection. I would gently clean the area w/ an antibacterial soap & warm water, pat dry, apply some plain (NO FRUIT, NO ADDED SUGARS) yogurt. and TRY to keep the dog occupied so it's not all licked off immediately… of course, I do realize that is MUCH easier said than done. good luck! I hope it clears up soon, whatever it is.
Pooping in crate - why?my dog was just as picky once upon a time. first we tried the crate in our 4-season porch… no. then we tried livingroom... no. then we tried dining room... no. finally we had a winning location.. smack dab in the middle of the kitchen. lol. I put a nice piece of wood on top and viola... a table. beggars can't be choosers, right? I say if you have a happily crate trained B, let the crate be where it needs to be. glad to hear moving it back solved the problem!
Basenjis near Worcester, MA?I've been to the one at American K9 Country in Amherst, NH.
it's free, and open to the public year round.
Can this girl TRI any harder?I would institute NILF (nothing in life is free) and use an umbilical cord (leash, a lightweight chain one if need be). I'd tether this dog to me at all times in the home. Make her follow me, watch me, and abide by the rules, and EARN rewards. Of course, I would consistently mark her correct behaviors w/ a clicker, and treat appropriately, slowly phasing out the tether and treats over time.
Our dog is well behaved, and as a result is allowed certain special things, like being on our bed. However, we have taught him that he must be INVITED on the bed before he can come up. if he's not, he is to sleep in his kennel. I really believe it's a matter of being consistent, having a routine, and ALWAYS following through.
Tiring her mind is just as effective as tiring her out physically. In addition to the daily exercise, I'd incorporate training along with it.
Question about dog bootiesI had muttluks but my dog didn't like them. My dog won't tolerate being out in the cold/wet long enough to really need booties anyways. I was more concerned with the salt on the roads bothering his paws, and for that there are other products, such as Musher's Secret, a wax that's applied to the paw as a protectant. Most good pet supply stores carry it.
Cute B-mixes?my own dog is a B mix. We call him a "boxenji"… boxer + basenji. We adopted our dog from a shelter, so it certainly wasn't a "planned" mixing. I do think it's a great mix though (as an "oops", I'd never advocate "designer" mixed breeds). He has the personality of a B, but the strength of a boxer.
Pfoto's of our clanwow, what a GORGEOUS fur family! all the photos are just beautiful! I especially love the 3 dogs on the couch pretending to be sweet… lol... great pic of them!
Angry at BicyclesI have the same issue w/ my dog. If a bike goes by while we're walking I put him in a sit/wait and get 'watch me' till it's past. to take the focus off the bike.
Car harnessCammie chewed thru hers in less than 1 minute!!! I bought the exact same harness at Complete Petmart for $25, which I feel like I wasted.
Does anyone know of a leash they can't chew thru? We are on our 3rd leash.
my dog did chew his fair share of leashes when he was younger, but now a days it's really a non issue. Have you tried training her to not chew the leash? you can start by spraying it really well w/ Bitter Apple (although I will admit, my own dog thought this was just a condiment). But you could also train a drop it/leave it with regards to the leash.
Nexa and Leo Pics!all great pics! I especially love the first one of Nexa on her bed. so cute!