I think some doggies get dizzy or nauseous when they don't see the horizon.
With my Cosmo, I have a hefty seatbelt safety harness in the back seat she's tethered to. She then positions herself in the center in the back seat where she can see the view from the windshield between the two front seats.
Maybe it will help if she's high enough in the vehicle (i.e. her eye-level) where she can see through the windows.

Driving/travel Issues -
Just saw this article - Popular flea collar reportedly linked to 1,700 pet deaths... -
Our B's Non-Negotiable QuirksShare your B's quirk or the one "thing" they are adamant they must and will do (and will not compromise on).
With my Casey, it's the walk - she must lead the walk. With my Cosmo, it's the bed - she must sleep on the bed and my presence is required. They're kinda well-behaved and they made me smile when they "insist" so I just let them be (and of course I took lots of photos).
What about your basenjis? -
Nice gift from sons@jh5927 Very sorry for your loss. The painting from your sons is a beautiful tribute to your beloved B's. They will always be in your hearts.
Brag from Tanza Basenjis@tanza :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: :thumbs_up: That's great! Congrats! :party_popper: :clapping_hands:
United Airlines...and pets... -
Rare clotting diseaseI'm so very sorry about your Cassius and that you tried everything to find a diagnosis. It's always hard and we cherish the time we had with them. Our hearts and thoughts are with you.
It's good you posted about this condition as it may be helpful in case these symptoms show up in other doggies. And would definitely want to know the root cause. -
My Sweet, Sweet GirlMy sweet old pups Cosmo has peacefully crossed Rainbow Bridge from home and is now with her siblings Raven, Jasper and my first B, Casey. In her annual vet visit in July, she was diagnosed with early stage renal failure. Followed the vet's instructions and got her Azodyl and also shifted from Merricks/Orijen Senior to low protein diet (Purina NF). At first she ate it then won't touch it at all. Then the blood panel in September showed she was in late stage renal failure. Got more info and help from the forum and got her on Epakitin and subcutaneous fluids every other day. I think the fluid is the one that helped her feel so much better as she seems to perk up after each session. Called her showhandler for more suggestions and got her on some raw food, variety of ground meat, since she won't eat anything that she used to eat except some treats. I know she's hungry but can't seem to want the food so not sure if she's feeling nauseous but nevertheless, it's clear she is not her normal self. I used to feed her twice daily all her life but now I was hand-feeding her six times a day and she was trying her best to eat. We spent our last weeks together doing our usual early morning walks, going to the park, driving around town, going to Jack-in-the-Box drive-through as she loved eating the french fries on our way home, gave her treats like vanilla ice cream and the whole life pure turkey breast that is her absolute favorite. We just love our quiet times together and above all, each other's company. Since the day I picked her up in Virginia at the breeder 12 years ago, I tell her I love her - every single day. I cherished every minute with my Cosmo and I know she does, too. I miss her so much. My heart feels empty. My.heart.hurts. I love you always and forever, my sweet, sweet Cosmo.
Whole Dog Journal article - What Are the Treatment Options For Dogs With Mast Cell Tumors? -
Bordatella and Canine Influenza VaccinesThanks for the comment/feedback!!!