I watched the video and Cairo woke up. His head was on a swivel, guess he though he had company. Pretty girl you got there.
Sent from up range, at about 3100 fps
funny as I have that shelf from Ikea taken apart right now out in the garage :) looks just like the Ikea shelf at least :)
that was fun to watch might have to build me some puzzles :)
If the brindle female carrie a tri gene, there could be a trindle, couldnt be?
Yes, if the brindle carries the Tri recessive gene, then they can have trindles. Also because the sire is a Tri, the pups will have the Tri gene
I think as long as it is a puppy and you make the "cave" a happy place to be, they will learn to go in and actually want to hang in there. Make it matter of fact, not optional.
I would just LOVE LOVE LOVE to add a Basenji, but I study.. I would like to have some time off when the new pup is here, so it should come here like.. NOW (my vacation of 9 weeks just started :D).. Haha.. As we all now, B's get puppies when I'm in the middle of my 'school year'.. Ugh..
I have some nice breeders on my list :D ;)
Your Shmi is also from Sweden right? Tillo is as well :)
But we are going very 'off topic' in Fibula's thead. Sorry for that Fibula!!
Yes, sorry :)
Janneke - I wrote on your wall…