That was just a one time thing for sure. The herding ring and the sheep were corralled next to the lure coursing field. Dolce saw the sheep and had such interest in them. When the bunny was running, she wanted to chase it. When the bunny stopped, she tried to get over to the sheep, but only until the bunny started again. I decided to take her in the herding ring so she could get close to the sheep. She did a great job for a Basenji. The other B's just sniffed the ground and showed no interest.
I'm actually thinking about starting her in agility. I expect she'll really enjoy the agility activities. During advanced obedience class we did some agility. I bought a small child's tunnel and hula hoop at the target for the backyard. Then I used some sticks to make weave polls. She enjoyed all of it.

Herding sheep? -
Saturday afternoonThat looks like a fun. A place where a Basenji can really let loose.
Herding sheep?Dolce had a great time. Although it looks like she was following me, she was really eyeballing the sheep. She stopped to smell the sheep and the wool on the ground and certainly knew there were more sheep behind the wall. What fun she had.
Lure Coursing- Winter Challenge between Atlanta and Chattanooga- Need More Basenji'sKristin, glad to hear about your interest. Looking forward to meeting you and your B. As Mike said, we have coursers who come here from Knoxville and we plan to come to Knoxville for coursing sometime. Watch the AKC, GANGcoursing and ASFA sites. They are all .org sites. There you see the calendars of events. Please introduce yourself when you make it down here.
Natalie -
New Field ChampionCongratulations!!!! That's great news.
Year end Stats!Congratulations!! That's very exciting.
A Great Weekend!He is so cute. I'm happy you found each other. I especially love the last picture with his cute little face. Looks like he has a great temperament.
DogFancy Magazine100% agree with your comment, Fran. Having a well-bred, two year old Dalmatian before the 101 Dalmatians movie was released in 1996, we have firsthand knowledge of what happens when a breed becomes popular. It broke our hearts to watch the backyard breeders pump out the Dalmatians. As with a Basenji, you need to know what you're getting with a Dalmatian; not just cute spots. They ended up getting a bad reputation because the wrong families got them. Seeing B's on the commercials and in the magazines scares me about what will happen to them as they become more popular.
Lure Coursing- Winter Challenge between Atlanta and Chattanooga- Need More Basenji'sMike, thanks for posting the thread. We'll be there on Wed and Thurs and really looking forward to it. Jennifer, Dolce will run open on both days. Looks like the weather will be very nice for coursing. Hope you can make it.
Natalie -
Otter or Beaver?Jeff, thanks for the info. I certainly want her experience to be a good one. I definitely agree that a good dog as a role model would be great. If you are still in Canton, we are near and would love to get together with you and your B's sometime. If you don't mind, I'll give you a call. Besides it's great to know other local B's.
Am I a real Basenji now?Dolce runs off leash at the dog park. If I say let's go home and head toward the gate, she follows immediately. No second calling. When we are out for a leashed walked and she sees a bunny, squirrel or chipmunk, she'd be gone if it weren't for the leash. I love seeing the pics of your B running free. It just seems so natural and full of joy.
Otter or Beaver?Love the pics. We live so close to you. Which lake are you in?
We are moving to a lake in few months. Curious how Dolce will take to the water. Any suggestions to introduce her? She'll be about 2 1/2 yrs when we move there. She absolutely HATES rain. She'll "hold it" for as long as it's coming down. She even has a rain coat. If there's a little mist in the air, okay, but serious rain, not a chance. I'll carry her across the street and put her on the sidewalk only to get dragged back to the house. Thankfully, she will NOT go in the house. On another note, I'm still in surprised how long a Basenji can "hold it."
Digging ..OMG, that was hilarious. Cracked me up when they fell off the bed and when one found the Pringles can. B's are just so cute. No matter what they are doing, it's always entertaining.
Taz's odd sleeping positionsWhat a cute picture! B's are so loving and have no problem sharing space with a loved one. Sometimes we look at Dolce and wonder how she wakes up without a kink in her neck. She also likes to be buried deep under covers, even when it's hot. Maybe it makes her feel closer to her homeland (near the equator). "-)
'Chest dropping'Tempest is beautiful!
Lost Black/White Male in Marietta, GeorgiaThe message below was posted to facebook on Friday by Amy. Spot finally made it home where he belongs.
Hi all, I got the most wonderful gift tonight…holding my beloved little Spot on my lap and in my arms while he slept. He's home with us at last. Thank you all so much for your thoughts, your prayers, and your help.
Bowpi in motionOMG I love them all but the "don't look back" is hysterical!
Don't look back made me LOL as well. Great pics.
Lost Black/White Male in Marietta, GeorgiaHi All, I haven't spoken to Amy since my last post, but she did say I could repost her facebook updates on the forum. Below are her most recent two posts about Spot. Amy and Spot need our prayers for their recovery. Again, I'll say she is a strong and wonderful Basenji mom. She never gave up hope or effort to find him. So Glad he's back.
Today: Mr. Spot is still in the hospital for further hydration and some more x-rays, but apparently he's up and about and eating. And the staff person I spoke to this morning at the vet says, "He's just amazing!" Can't wait until tomorrow. :)
Yesterday: Corey, the latest news is that Spot's vet now thinks he may have also/instead been hit by a car?? We were supposed to get him back today, but she wants to do some additional ex-rays to see if his nose is broken (lots of swelling-I thought it might be broken, too), and she said he's still a little dehydrated despite all the fluids he'd been given at Cobb Emergency. Sigh. I miss my little baby, but am glad to have him taken such thorough care of. Better safe than sorry. I guess I'll have the rest of the story tomorrow or Thursday.
Am I a real Basenji now?Wow, I'm so impressed by the video. They are having a great time. I love how you can have him off leash and he doesn't run away. Does he come when called? I've always been warned to never let a Basenji off leash.
Lost Black/White Male in Marietta, GeorgiaHi Everyone,
Below is a message from Amy, Spot's very incredibly strong mom. She worked diligently searching for Spot. She now has a long road to recovery with him. Keep up your prayers for both of them. Thank you.
NatalieHello Everyone! I wanted to thank everybody again for their concern, time, prayers, and plain old hard work that went into finding Spot. I still cannot believe he is back in our lives and the nightmare is over. He is having surgery today to remove his right eye, which was damaged beyond repair in a fight with some kind of large animal. He spent the night at Cobb Emergency, and will have his surgery within the hour at Tritt Animal Hosptial. Will post pictures of Spot in recovery as soon as we get the little booger back, which should be tomorrow according to Dr. Beard.