Any ideas what this could be from?
The only thing I could think of is her chewing on a bully stick for too long? I also just switched her kibble so could it potentially be a texture difference thing?
Any ideas what this could be from?
The only thing I could think of is her chewing on a bully stick for too long? I also just switched her kibble so could it potentially be a texture difference thing?
The jaw strength! mine gives up if i pull even remotely hard
@zande said in [Rogue is 8 months old now. Here's some new pictures!]
My boys are always desperate for food - but I have never had a Basenji who wasn't.
My girl only acts desperate for cheese, chicken, or hot dogs. If I try to train using kibble she just looks at the food and runs off/ignores me. In the mornings she doesn't eat even if the previous night at dinner she was still hungry after finishing her food. Is that not normal?
I've just kind of been following her lead for meals and picking up the food if she doesn't eat in 15 minutes but she only rarely seems desperate for food
My girl 7 months does the same exact thing. No issues with the crate ever until its shut. I can't figure out if it's separation anxiety or confinement issues she has. I've tried putting the crate right next to me on the couch and she still will do it so I'm leaning towards confinement? Hopefully someone will share their secrets. @tanza did you use crate games, just leave them in there until they calm down, puppy pen with crate in it? She climbs the pen to try and escape and has ended up hurting herself. Feel like i've tried everything and nothing worked. Maybe I'm just not sticking to it enough. The wife is a teacher so she's been able to be home with her but I'm a tad worried for when school starts back up
Hey y’all. Not sure if I’ve just got a dramatic puppy (14 weeks) or not but figured I’d get some opinions. There’s been three times now over the past month where our puppy will be playing and be doing little rolls on the ground but she will randomly come up screaming like her leg is caught in a bear trap and take off running while screaming. Then after about 10 seconds she stops. I hold her for a bit, put her down and she’s off like normal. Is this normal at all or do I need to get her to a vet for a checkup?