I would've said something. I handle Kairoe in shows, and I would not allow that.. even if it meant not even qualifying in "her" books. I wouldn't do that to him, how could I allow her to do so? AND like Tillo, I'm sure Kairoe would make it clear to her she's making a big mistake!

What Would You Do? -
2010 Litter AnnouncementCongratulations! I can't wait to see more photos! And possibly meeting them whenever possible! Hopefully it doesn't snow yet!
Sherwood's Breeding Plans 2010Congratulations! Can't wait for the photos!
Miss Wheat at the 2010 BCOA NationalWhat a beautiful dog! She looks almost Basenji like. What breed is she?
Camping and hiking with a Basenji???OK Guys, I finally posted a bunch of photos and a trip report from this brief camping trip here: http://basenji-shaun.com/beach.html
lol…Fantastic pics and vids posted on your site! Glad you all had a great time camping and keeping the B safe. Great set-up you have for your cam.
Your site has been marked in Kairoe's fav's folder, so now you have fans in Toronto!
Camping and hiking with a Basenji???Hi, i know this is an old-er thread. but im glad its here. me and my partner do alot of camping/hiking etc. we are planning our first camping trip with our B for the end of september. its to my home town Muttaburra (Queensland, Australia - home of the Muttaburrasarous)…. a little town surrounded by cattle/sheep stations. (for example: towns population.. 20 lol). It has a school, a pub and a museum lol.
So.. it is out west and we will be camping. Our b is crate trained. but this is the plan so far:
Nights: sleep with us in a tent (she sleeps in bed with us at home) so thats fine. we are taking the crate incase we need to crate her (and for travelling)
Days: we will be out fishing/hiking/exploring etc as well as hanging around campsite. it is the aussie bush though (LOTSSS of kangaroos, lizards, rabbits, possums etc) and so im not keen on letting her offleash ...at all. But when we do lounge around campsite i will be tieing her to a post that has a 360 spinning part that you clip ur lead onto (im thinking of getting a chain as seen in previous comments).
We will be bringing our own water from home or bottled water (the town runs on bore water- gross). So thats fine. We are going to be roughing it out (tent, esky and portable bbq, no lights except gas lights etc)... No electricity and going to the loo "old style" LOL
Is there anything i should be concerened about? Can i use mozzie repellant on my b? or is there special dog friendly stuff?
I am a little nervous taking her out first time, im sure she will love it. As the whole family is going (parents, brother and sister and my partner). So she will always have someone to play with (my sister is only 9 and they both just love playing together).
Any tips for travelling? She will be crated. Just pit stops and plenty to drink/eat?
We are taking for her:
Numorous leads
Her soft bed
Toys? Also she has a white nose, can i use some sort of sunscreen? id hate it if she got burnt on our walks.
We also hunt. I plan on getting her used to the sound of guns (.22 to begin with, which isnt loud. Then a larger gun later once she knows what they are). She wont be out on any hunts but if we need to use the rifle around her to protect ourselfs (it is the bush, we have wild boars etc). i need to make sure she wont bolt/freak. Any tips on this? should i hold her the first time or show it to her or distract her and play like nothing is happening? We have been making loud noises around home and shes not too fussed with anything but a gun shot is still unique noise in its self.
We used a flea/tick collar that went around his usual collar and it seemed to work fine. We didn't notice any insects nagging our B and we checked for flea & ticks every night before going to bed.
Agility fun matchWow…we can see a future champion in the making. He is very fast, jumps with ease and totally attentive. Great work and very entertaining to watch! Looking forward to more pics and vids of what a Basenji can do. Very impressive Tillo et al.
Agility videoWow…that's spectacular! Great job Tillo. That was fun to watch. I can't get over how high he jumps and how fast he gets over that A frame....simply amazing B. Thanks for sharing!
Pembroke - Boarding Kennel?Hey folks,
I'd like to plan a short trip for Clarisse's 30th b-day and found out that the wildnerness tour company does not allow pets, so now I'm forced to find a boarding kennel or dog sitter for our B. If we cannot find an appropriate or reputable kennel, then we will cancel the tour and seek fun elsewhere.
The closest city to the adventure company is Pembroke, Ontario - which is 20 minutes away, from where we're staying. I did a search for kennels in the area and found one with a website and was wondering if anyone on the forums or in the area may have some input.
Here's their website:
Anyone know of them?
We're open to suggestions, referrals and concerns that we should consider while kenneling our dog for a day or two.
FYI - Breeder is out of the question as we're heading to Montreal after the tour and want to bring our B with us.
Thanks in advance,
Camping and hiking with a Basenji???Hello Max,
Clarisse and I, like the outdoors, so fishing and hiking is a norm in this household and one of the many things I do with Kairoe when it comes to bonding. His mom has him for the show ring and when Kairoe and I are together, I get to show him what it's like to be a loose dog in the wild.:p In fact, it was at Shaun's age was when we began recall training with our B - which we've concluded as an everyday adventure. We haven't gone camping yet, but came back from the cottage over the weekend; a first for all of us. Our big worry was the fire pit, ticks and insect bites, but he did quite well and enjoyed the warmth in a pit he dug by the fire. We also kept Benedryl close by just in case he got bit.
We only have off-leash advice to offer, as most of Kairoe's training sessions happened during our hikes or on fishing excursions. It's great that you have this opportunity with Shaun, as camping = hiking = a more relaxing way to figure out the trust issues you'll have with your B and a wonderful way to help you understand his quirks. Shaun being 6 months old, will not have his legs or the confidence when it comes to his full out running potential. So, testing him off leash in an unknown environment is a lot simpler because your dog will look to you more for guidance. If you think your B is fast now, wait til' he hits 12 months…then you'll be more paranoid as to how fast he can bolt out of your sight. I used to be able to out run Kairoe, but now, he's almost twice as fast as I am and he's just 19 months old. I consider myself physically fit and was a former track athlete.
Some advice would be to definitely know your trails, just in case he does wander off. Always...always keep your B's leash tethered to him, this will give you that extra 6.5' to grab onto for the "just in case" times - like squirrels, rabbits and other dogs. I believe some people on the forum have 12' & 40' training leads when out and about; we're also considering adding more length to his hiking lead because as you know, there's nothing more beautiful than watching your dog enjoying itself off leash and running in the wild. Always...always, look ahead of you for said critters until his recall is good enough to keep him from bolting. Many people would disagree to keep the dogs leash tethered to him while roaming freely but I think it's more logical to have some sort of tether on him. I figure that IF he does bolt, the leash will eventually get caught in some brush and he'll call out for assistance and will give you that extra time to catch up to him. I would never use a chain leash and opt for his climbing rope leash just in case the little guy needed to chew his way out of a predicament. I also attach a carabiner to the free end of the leash which makes for easier tie downs and serves as a noise maker when I do let him investigate into the bush. A bell on Shaun's collar is another option, while a whistle on hand is a great way to get his attention. And, even a walking stick comes in handy from time to time.
All this may seem easy, but like anything with a B, it took time. We were a bit nervous at first, but knowing the lay of land and having no roads nearby, helped sooth our thoughts. At first, we started off by holding onto the leash to make sure that he was calm. Then we began dropping the leash unsuspectingly to see how he'd react. One key training method that helped keep Kairoe at bay was to make it a habit to randomly step on Kairoe's leash just to remind him that he's not the Alpha and that he had gone too far ahead. We do this with Kairoe and it works like a charm. It keeps him close to our side and makes him more attentive when he's off leash.
Hopefully, you'll get over any your fears, because having our free roaming time made playing games like "catch up' - keeping him in the middle of the path while one of us walked ahead and called for him, was fun. I like taking photographs during our walks, so having your B come back and stare at you like he's saying "c'mon, catch up" is a beautiful thing. Sooner or later the games would have us running away in the opposite directions and have the dog catch you. lol - reverse psychology for B's.
One of the best advices we got was from a Weimaraner owner who was out in the bush when his dog decided to chase after a bear. He was so peeved at his dog's recall that he decided to play hide and seek with his dog. He'd wait til his dog wasn't paying attention to him and then hide behind a tree and watched how his dog would react. We learned so much just by playing this simple game.
Recall training was some of the best times we had with our B. We hope that your hikes will be as pleasurable and hopefully you'll figure out that some of the paranoid stigma that's attached to this breed doesn't necessarily pertain to your own dog.
Enjoy your trips together and stay safe!
BTW - we have a 12' wire tether wrapped in a plastic outer for the cottage or camp site and works perfect - even moreso when your dog understands the 'leave it' command. It's light and fits perfectly in any camera bag / back pack and gives the pup a little more freedom to roam with the added bonus that he cannot chew through it. We rarely use the corkscrew tie down that comes with the package and prefer to latch the tether onto a tree, picnic table or even a back pack.
Emmanuel + Clarisse + Kairoe
Posted are a few pics from some of our hikes.
Kairoe @ 6 Months - "C'mon, catch up!"
Kairoe @ 9 months - THE one time I knew I should've brought my own camera!
Kairoe @ 11 months - My Fishing buddy!
Going to the store and tying up your dogIt's either or for us. It's either, he's coming in with us, until the shop owners says otherwise or Kairoe is tied to a pole and within sight. You would be amazed at how many employees or shop owners have no idear about the laws that govern animals in a store and how many will just sit and stare and not even make it an issue. We find that the majority of the shop owners will always ask if our dog is friendly.
We do, however, ensure that he does not go into places where there's obvious signage and when there's food being sold. However, it doesn't hurt to ask for permission. We've been doing this from day one and since then, there's been a couple of mini marts in our neighbourhood that let us bring Kairoe in.
Big box chains like Best Buy and some Block Busters will allow pets and many Home Depots - even though they have signage will allow pets in their stores. One large retailer only requested that we carry our dog. One of the benefits of having a medium size breed animal is that people think they're cuter and not so ovebearing.
If we need to post him, we wouldn't dare leave him for more than a few minutes, nor would we keep him out of sight whilst in the store. We live in a very busy neighbourhood with people all around and quite frankly I trust my dog to not bite. It's the reason why we let everyone touch our dog - tail and all, and a reason why we do daily bite training….
With regards, to taking risks...it's pretty much the same as leaving your bike unattended, it's the same as leaving $4000 worth of camera gear at a museum coat check because the museum doesn't allow cameras and it's the same as leaving a bunch of show dogs in x-pens at a specialty...
My crop circle picturesThat could be a grub problem. I've seen grub circles like that before, but this one is odd because it's the only spot. Generally, when someone has grub problems, the circles or dead patches are throughout the yard.
Do you have wind chimes or anything bright | shiny | reflective | glass that may be magnifying the sun rays in that spot?
You have a mean neighbour who's jealous of your beeeeautiful back yard and burning your grass with a magnifying glass!
…I got nuttin' really...:cool:
Standing Catlol…freaky!
What's more freaky is the music...lol
Great find.
What do you think of this !This happens regularly in Mississauga, Ontario….City by-law officers will hang out just outside the leash free park and ding offenders who have their dogs off leash outside of the leash free zone. One gentleman, was fined $3000 for having 3 Goldens off leash, just a few feet away from the main gate of the dog park. :eek:
It would be grand if they would monitor my neighbourhood as well as they did at the park, seeing as regardless of how long the leash is on some dogs, some owners don't even bother cleaning up after their pets. And, it only gets worse during the winter as some think that the snow will concele what evidence was left behind, only for it to poop it's rear head in the Spring...just plain horrible.
LOL...sometime reading posts like this and other stories like DNA testing poop aren't as wild and wacky as they seem! :D
Dogs should be on-leash and flexi-leashes should have a marker on the tether to caution owners when their dog is possibly breaking any by-laws.
What do you think of this !….......
Not cleaning himself.Hey Nerdy,
Is the odour more noticeable during the winter and spring seasons or during the times when your climate is at it's most humid or windy? Our B has that distinct wet dog smell after baths or when out in the rain, however the smell does not stay. He does have that funky corn chip smell in his paws when it's dry outside but that goes away too as Kairoe cleans himself like a champ when he's not sleeping.
One thing that does come into mind, is when he accidentally steps in his urine or he accidently sprays himself - usually happens when he pees against the wind! When that happens he does smell horrible and it will linger throughout the apt. and on him until we wash it out.
I think if you rub something on his coat - that is pet friendly, it may get him to want to get the scent off and perhaps train him to groom himself more frequently. - we just don't know what will work that smells nice to a human but wanting a dog to lick it off…
Gizmo on the sofa…Ha, it's Gizmo showing his new method of dominating the Sheppard!
"If I ride him like this he won't be able to snap at me…"
Gizmo brutally attacked by German Shepard (warning! a little blood in the pictures).Aww poor Gizmo,
I think you did right by picking him up AFTER the Sheppard grabbed him the first time, but I also believe that the instructions to not pick up your dog is correct too, but ONLY prior to any dog making contact with each other. IF, they are only snarking and claiming space, then yes, leave them be but watch carefully or perhaps leave - if it was your dog that started. We know you already know this Nerdy…- in general for other owners. ;)
I know everything happened so fast and read that the Sheppard owner is generally mindful and we know that you are careful as well, but when you think about it, your instincts were right by picking Gizmo up after the initial attack and I'm sure he is grateful for that. If anything, the only thing that I would do different is to chase the other dog away to let both dogs know that it is the two legged creatures that rule the park. If any of the owners had an issue with me doing this then I would say "Then watch your dog, so I don't attack him." Amazing how that phrase gets them every time...
I'm not sure if your park has a governing body that supports and cleans the area, but our park has a member / volunteer committee. When Kairoe was attacked at our park, I spoke to the committee and they set out to speak to the owner, last I heard the owner has not been back to the park since her dog was much like the Sheppard and had a reputation. We pay a nominal fee of $5 annually, to keep our parks alive. This fee is for entrances to all dog parks here in Mississauga. We enjoy our dog park and fully support more dog parks, simply for the reasons that it's for the dogs and it lets our City know that dogs have a voice when it comes to voting. Further, by posting that sign you will also enable more owners to identify the bad owner and perhaps have the owner at least be more mindful. Hopefully, his pocket will feel it too.
Keep ya heads up. :cool:
CalmnessWhen other Basenji owners meet our B and comment at how calm he was / is, I usually say and think that it's the calm before the storm. However, 15 months have past and when I think about it, I would like to believe that Kairoe is pretty much like his humans, in a sense that we lead a very chill type of lifestyle.
I have noticed that since I've been taking him out during my bike rides, he's more apt to running and his energy has gone up considerably, which is more noticeable when we get cooped up all day because of the rain and he can't go out for the one or two hour bike rides. Once, the sun is up and the weather is warm he's just rarin' to hit the pavement and go full out sprinting.
Dry SkinWe've been mixing a teaspoon of Cod Liver oil, twice daily to our B's food. Cod live oil can be found anywhere….Walmart and most drug marts and works well for his dry skin and dandruff.