Also posted on BRAT/facebook page….."These are two of the 5 given away free in Kansas....mama was bred twice, no papers or testing first. Raised outside, concrete pad/shed/full feed....I've got a lot of work home at midnight, spent time laying on the concrete porch with them....letting them sniff/lick me until they were calm....then we took a bath, me first, then the mama while the baby licked her the whole time, then the baby, while mama licked her the whole time. Then we all fell asleep on the concrete porch for about 30 minutes. Then we all piled into my bed and died! The cat went in hiding when we first came home but then appeared in the middle of the bed during the night. The baby sniffed her a little and went back to sleep. LOVED i! I was afraid they would be aggressive but NOT! The only problem so far is they won't poop except on concrete. We walked until I was ready to drop/no poop/went in the house and baby promptly pooped on the concrete porch. Same thing this am, very long walk and no results yet. This time I crated them so no accidents. I feel like I have twin toddlers....No rest for the weary.....did not even have my coffee! " They are napping now....peace...ahhhh
working on trying to add photos.....files too big....any suggestions?.....finally did it.....