I Was just curious how often do people give there dogs baths, obviously basenjis are very clean and I would assume with there short hair and cleanliness they need baths less often then other breeds but I want to be sure not to bath him too often or too little.
Basenji Nova Meetups?
Bathing -
Craigslist puphttps://philadelphia.craigslist.org/pet/d/rehoming-2-year-old-basenji/6628389583.html
This basenji is being rehomed on Craigslist. Poor little guy. I had tried to reach out but he was looking for someone living close to philly so he can see the home it would be living in.
Craigslist Scam@giza1 that does sound like a scam but there are lots of actual dogs on Craigslist in need of a good home some people don’t want to place there dog in a shelter and hope to find someone who would give there a dog a good home. If someone is posting a dog on Craigslist they are most likely not worthy owners. So getting a dog from Craigslist u can look at as a rescue because you really are rescuing them from unfortunate circumstances..
I got extremely lucky in finding a 4 month basenji on Craigslist we drove to Philadelphia(not from same person) picked him up and has had no problems at all other then a food allergy. He was checked for Fanconi and we’ve done lots of tests to make sure he was ok with every possibility... even if he was terminally ill I would have rather picked him up and gave him the best years of his life as opposed to leaving him with the people who obviously could not take care of him and therefore posting him and litter mates on Craigslist.Always be careful when meeting someone on Craigslist though there’s lots of scams and bad people but there are also lots of real dogs in need of loving homes.
Meet pharo@donc he’s about 27 lbs and thank you
Meet pharo -
Meet pharo@donc
Absolutely. It’s constant play time for him -
Meet pharoHe is 1 and 1/2 we rescued him
Meet pharoMeet pharo 1 1/2 years old
Follow on Instagram @pharothebasenji
Aggressive issues@bigv so u think I let him attack whoever he wants? Just false. As soon as I see any sign of aggression I take him away. He knows very well who the boss is. He knows over 30 commands and will never show any aggression to me or any other person. He plays with 9/10 dogs fine with no problems. Other dogs are usually the ones snapping at him because he’s too fast for them. Like I said it’s only intact dogs which are pretty rare. I agree the muzzle might work but I’m not going to walk him with a muzzle on when he only sees an intact dog once in a blue moon and every other dog he’s 100% fine with. It’s just an annoying problem because I don’t know whose intact and whose not so I don’t know if he will like the dog or attack it until I get closer.
Aggressive issues@senjisilly yes he’s our first basenji. We’ve been seeing some progress. Our neighbors have 2 huskies that’s he’s always hated and he’s finally playing with them. But I still have to ask if every dog is neutered Incase.