I have used the humanbabies silicone finger-toothbrush. It is very comfortable and soft and you can feel the dog's mouth by your finger. I did not use it to by my own baby, but it fits better to my dog :)

Teeth brushing -
Hello from Estonia!Thank you! I will do it. The litter of 2007 are my dog's mum's first litter.
Hello and Welcome. It would be great if you or her breeder could send the litter/pedigree information to Sally Wallis for her pedigree website at http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com/search.html
In looking I didn't find your girl. I did find a litter from 2007, are they related to that litter?
Hello from Estonia!Thank you!
Some pictures are here:
http://www.uniteddogs.com/et/dog/solebasbeautifulbrilliantbibi195/pics -
Hello from Estonia!I want to introduce my lovely dog Bibi - her "real" name is Solebas Beautiful Brilliant. She was born in 21th Dec. 2009 and now she is almost 6 months old. She is really great friend!