Hi there everyone!
The little I have had time to do read the posts so far, this seems to be a very nice list with a nice group of basenjifolks - my sincere Thank You's for the folks that put the list up!
I currently have only 2 basenjis at home - 2 very Special girls. My Golden Oldie Pimpu who is getting sweet 16 on New Year's Day, and the sweetest basenjigirl in a world, little Pitsi (imp. Australia) 4,5 years. I hope to keep a little (tri please) girl at home this year though so thumbs up :-)! (I lost my lovely homebred tri, Blackie, last year to cancer and miss her terribly).
I have several basenjis co-owned (I keep one or two or few of each litter for the future, use them later or not) and living with their own humans. I have found it a very good system to everyone and am grateful for my lovely puppypeople for taking such a lovely care of my babies. Some of the kiddos are visiting me every now and then, otherwise we see at shows mostly but keep contact otherwise, calling and mailing. I placed one of the females from my past litter pretty close to me and we have been thrilled to have her here monthly - she is best buddy with Pitsi and even her 1st season did not seem to change anything - at least yet :-) so I am hopeful to keep things unchanged.
You can see more about me and my beloved basenjis from my website. I am not sure how to post photos here, huh,….I am not very good with computers really but will try to post a picture later, let's see if I can make it coming.
Have a nice weekend everyone and welcome also to other new members on the list!
Tiina & Bulldobas Basenjis