Hi there. My name is Lisa and my man is Kevin. We got our Quinn in Feb. 2007 when he was only 9 weeks old. We got him from Oklahoma and we live in Oregon so he had to fly to us. He was so small and cute. I would have never thought he would grow to be his size and definately not shy. He has tried our patients to the very end, but he can be such a sweetie. So we continue to keep him. We always joke that if he wasn't so cute he'd be dead by now. He has his 1 year birthday in Dec. And I do have to admit he is so much better, but still NOT GOOD… Some days I really wonder what we got ourselfs into. JUst 5 minutes ago he was here then not and dug out a plant. So he is in time out. We had this deck connected to the laundry room so we enclosed it with windows and a door to the out side. He has his own lounge chair and all the toys a dog would want. We had put a doggy door into the door that goes into the laundry room so during the day while he is locked up he can go through the doggy door into his large kennel to get warmer. He seems to like it. That is where he is now. So anyway I am here to find out that I am not alone and that maybe there is help out there. And maybe I can lend my knowledge (whatever I have) to help someone else.Thanks, Lisa

Nice to find this site…. -
Walks and car tripsMy B Quinn is a little stinker. But he is at his worst if I take him with me while running around town. Everytime I stop to get out of the car he pushes his way to the door and tries to get out first. The best thing I have tried is a doggy seat belt but if left connected while I am out he chews the seat belt to shredds. I have tried a lot of things but as up for any suggestions. Also while taking a walk he goes crazy for cars passing by and if we pass a person he thinks everyone wants to pet him. For a little guy he sure is stong. I have gone from a regular collar to a harness to an antipull harness (which so far is the best)But he still pulls really hard. A friend suggested one of the spiked collars. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Seperation anxietyMy Basenji Qinn hates to be left alone. We built him a room of his own (a 10x10 room) and he does pretty good when left there. We had trained him to use a potty pad so when left all day while we are at work he can still go with out going on the actual floor. Quinn is now 11 months and we got him at 9 weeks. So he is now kind of used to it. 2 days a week we take him to a friend with 2 dogs for the whole day. He loves this and he is completely wore out at night and everybody gets a good night sleep. He plays so hard with her dogs. My problem is the ride in the car. He freaks out dring the ride and tries to beat me to get out of the car. So I guess what I am trying to say is just take your time and be tough about it. YOu are the pack leader.