This is off the subject but I just had to reply. When I had German Shepherds they actually grit their teeth and ran through the electric fence. Even funnier was when I was young I had a shetland pony that would get down on his knees and crawl under the electric fence. As for my Basenjis I would never trust the with an invisible fence. I just think their hunting drive is so strong they would go right thru it. And then they would be afraid to come back in.
Four Puppy Questions -
Allergies to foodThanks for your fast reply. I have a 12-year-old female and a 1 1/2-year-old male at this time. The maleis the one that has all the allergies. I would like to feed them the same diet as it is so much easier. The food they recommended with the venison is $80 a bag for a 17 day supply for both dogs which is very costly. Could you print out and reply to me a sample of a daily diet like just what you would feed them and I would like to try your suggestion. You can also email me at [private email removed].
Allergies to foodJust had very expensive allergy testing done. My Basenji boy is allergic to corn, oats, rice, green beens, tomatoes, and pumpkin. Switched from dry Science Diet Sensitive Stomach to the venison brand but the cost is to feed two basenjis that food is unbelievable. Any suggestions what to feed them for these allergies?
Two Heat cycles??? OR something more serious?I have had many Basenjis in the last 20 years. One of them was actually born in late July. Yes occasionally they will come in heat twice a year. I wish they all would be born in the summer as it would be so much easier to potty train them vs the cold weather.
Thinking of getting a Basenji but i have a few questions!In Iowa our Basenjis shed a whole lot in January for some reason. There is moderate shedding the rest of the year. I would not recommend a Basenji as a first time dog. I raised German Shepherds for over 30 years and found all the training you used with other breeds does not work with Basenjis as they are independent thinkers. Basenjis want to please themselves not you. On that note I have not have anything but a Basenji for over 20 years now as they just steal your heart.
Sun burned muzzleNo my Basenjis is a red/white. His muzzle is white. That's where he burns so easily. Yes they love the heat. He would lay outside all day on the grass if I let him in the dead of summer. Iowa has very hot humid summers. When it's that hot I restrict his outside time to early mornings and early evenings. He would stay out there 24 hours if he could. At least my females always had the sense to stay inside. LOL
Sun burned muzzleThanks everyone... I did order one from I went with the cream as my guy really hates anything sprayed on him. I live in Iowa and never had this issue with my other Basenjis in over 20 years except for a little sensitivity on the tips of their ears. This guys just burns so fast on his nose.
Hope this works as he is obsessed with running through that trap door from the house every 20 minutes. I do keep him inside if the temp is too hot. They do not have the sense to come out of the heat by themselves. -
Sun burned muzzleOK all you Basenji people. Does anyone have any idea what you can put on a Basenji’s nose to prevent sunburn? My dogs love to be in the yard but they burn so easily on their muzzles that they actually got scabs. My vet is no help on this. I had heard there is something you can apply to prevent this.
Basenji alone in large pen in garage?I should also add my Basenjis have access to a 80 X 100 foot yard with a chain link fence. But I never leave them out when I am gone in case of severe weather.
Basenji alone in large pen in garage?Please do not confine a Basenji to a pen in the garage. This would cause high anxiety. It would be like you being locked in a room in a basement alone. I have to leave my two alone for times when I am at work and I would never even do this with just one as they have the company of each other. They have a separate hallway area in my house which is blocked off by gates on each end so they can see and hear everything in the house. If you cannot have a Basenji feel a part of your home you should not have one. These dogs are pack animals and need to be with their people.
Bad behaviorFirst of all I would take him to the vet and make sure there is no physical ailment that is bothering him and causing him to do this. I myself have had biters but they displayed this at an early age not as they got older. I know as they age they are tender in spots and don’t like to be picked up because things hurt them so that may be what he is going through. I agree keep him on a very short leash when you are walking him around any people or any other dogs for that matter. It could be his Eyesight and he is biting out of fear. Please take him to the vet and have them checked out completely.
M/F pairings (MM, FF)Looking ahead to this year and next, it is likely that I'll be adding a new B to the pack. I have had a great time with my male/female pair but have never had two males or two females. My preference would be a M/F pair, but I am interested in hearing other owners' views on MM and FF pairs. Would a same-sex pair be a recipe for disaster?
Thanks for your advice.
dont ever put 2 of the same sex together if you can help it. I has 2 females 2 years apart that i raised since pups. all was fine until the younger female turned 3 and kept challenging the older one. the older smaller one always got the best of her younger sister but the war was on every few months. they were both cut up so bad that i had to seperate them after every fight. when the older one died early of fanconi i urchase 9 week old male pup and they were the best of friends, then i got convinced to take in a shelter dog female-spayed 2 year old. all was well again until the younger female turned 3. she started challenging the 8 year old female and the fights were very bad. also the male starting siding with one or the other in the fights so i always pulled him off first and kenneled him for time out. then i would put the two females back together as soon as possible. they didn't seem to fight if the male was locked up. my advice is to stay with 2 dogs only and stay with a male/female pairing. they seem happiest that way. also if you do have to ever pull apart fighting basenjis i have found if you put a leather belt over their back ahead of their rear legs helps to pull them apart without being bitten. and i can tell you that i have been bitten very bad twice to be more careful next time. the most important thing is to always be the dominant one in your relationship with you dogs. you have to let them know that you are the leader of the pack. i love my 3 but they do not eat until i am done eating. you have to be the alpha dog to survive living with basenjis.
3 yr old starting to get aggressiveI have 3 basenjis 2 females (spayed) and a male (neut) i also had a female before these three. Heres what happened to me. Every one of them when they turned 3 years of age started getting aggressive. I don't know why but they were all so lovable and sweet tempered up until three. In my case they also started fighting among the same sex at that age. I just think that as they mature they get moodier when you pick them up and they also challenge the oder dogs for authority at that age. Believe me you don't want to get between them when they are fighting. I have the most trouble with my younger females challenging the older female. And the male will usually side with one of them so i always pull him out of the fight first. I also put the two females back together as soon as possible or their anger only intensifies. Good luck i had b's for 13 years now and they are always trying to fight for alpha position.
Dry dog foodThanks for the tip on taste of the wild dog food. I introduced to my 3 mixed in with their science diet sensitive stomach. And as you might of guessed they all picked out the taste of the wild and left the rest. So now i'm stuck with a 65.00 bag of science diet, but if it makes my little friends happy, so be it. My biggest worry is the problem i've had with the anal glands on my 3 year old female and my 5 year old male. Will this new food be better or worse for that problem? Any suggestions ? Thanks again from sasha, nicki and kandi ps how much food is too much to feed, yes i admit my male is extreemly overweight because i have always free fed them all the time.
Dry dog foodok here we go again… my basenjis have sensitive stomachs tried alot of foods eventually had to put all 3 on science diet sensitive stomach at 60.00 per bag. all did well on it along with good table scraps. there coats did seem too dull though. mixed up a batch of rice, hamburger pumpkin and carrots. they loved it but the 8 year ol remale would vomit after eating it. i am thinking of trying the taste of the wild brand because of the high protein content. i keep hearing pros and cons about every dry food out there , also the foods with the potatoes, my dogs will not touch. before i make alot of bad choices, what do the majority of you recommend?
Dry dog foodwhat really is the best dry dog food for basenji's ? i have been using science diet sensitive stomach because of intestinal problems with one of my three basenjis. my 3 year old female now has a very odd coat of hair. the color is blotchy with light and dark patches. i have never seen this on my last 3 basenjis. back to the dry food, i think they really need a food with more meat in the ingrediants. i feed all three together and this is a problem because my 8 1/2 year old female is in perfect shape weighing 28 lbs (she is very tall) my 4 1/2 year old male is very overweight at 34 lbs (this is the guy who will devour anything, especially towels, believe it or not he runs all day in our yard and the vet did a panel on him and his tests are normal, he is just obsessed with all food) and my 3 year old female weighs 23 lbs and does nor have one ounce of fat on her, she also never shuts down as she has a extreemly high energy level. what do the majority of you basenji owners feed your dogs. i tried the raw food diet twice and i ended up with very sick dogs.
Anal glandsI had so much trouble with my male and a loose stools during his first year that we had to take all food from him and only feed him the stomach formula from the vet for 3 months. After this tome i switched him to iams sensitive stomach which they stopped carrying and then to science diet sensitive stomach. All 3 basenjis did very well on this for 3 years. I could not give them any rawhide bones because the male would swallow them whole. And get very sick. Therefore after a few months of straightening out their stomachs i starting slipping in table scraps again and all was fine. Until 6 months ago, thats when the anal glands started getting plugged on them. I had tried raw diets before with no luck. My male is obsessed with all things. He will eat entire blankets, clothing or anything he can chew. I had him tested thinking he was lacking something but no, he is very healthy. If i continue to stick to a dry food diet 90% of the time what food do you think is the best. My 8 year old female is so healthy on the sensitive stomach formula. I hear so many stories about diets for basenjis but what is the best for all 3 eating together?
Anal glandsHelp my 3 year old spayed female and 4 year ole neutered male have to have their anal glands expressed every 2 weeks.
My 8 year old spayed female had to have her glands removed at age 3 but this was a very intensive and expensive surgery. Does anybody have anything i can try. How about the pumpkin supplement ? Has anyone tried it ? Does it work ? Please reply soon. The odor is so bad . Sk -
Fighting among my basejisHi, my oldest girl was always laid back. When she walks into a room she almost floats thru it. The male and the young female always have to shoot off like rockets when they move from room to room. Kandi the young female always has to be with me. She follows me everywhere and hides behind me when sasha comes around. Sasha always starts the fights by walking in very slow and defensive. She always challenges kandi. Now all 3 basenjis are fighting for my attention by lying on my lap and switching places every 5 minutes. And yes, when they start to growl, i raise my voice and usually they will calm down. But just in the blink of an eye the worst fight can break out. The young female craves so much attention and the biggest problem is her and the male are so hyper, when they are settled down everyone is fine. And yes like you i love them all so much that i cannot imagine rehoming any of them. I do let them know i am the alpha dog in the pack and they do respect this. If the 2 girls could just stop challenges . By the way the young female is super charged. She never stops playing. Since she came she sleepsin my bed every night while the older female sleeps with my daughter. The male goes back and forth to keep peace. We have to keep the bedroom doors shut or they will all keep running back and forth and fight. And you should hear them growl at each other thru the door.
Fighting among my basejisMine were spayed and neutered at 6 months . The rescue was spayed just before i got her. She has bonded so tightly with my male that they stick together like glue. My older female was never a playful dog even as a puppy. She was so serious and worried all he life. This dog has never been bad in her life. But she is so jealous. The rescue and my male play all the time and the young female mothers the male. Why can't they all just get along?