My email is Email me and I will send breeding info.
Suspected teeth irritation -
Suspected teeth irritationPat,
Yes, I do plan to notify the breeder! He really did not have tarter build-up b/c we gave chews and brushed 1-2 times per week. He is just very sensitive to ANY bacteria! Hopefully we will be able to manage it otherwise, extractions may be in our future : (
BTW: The dentist mentioned that he has seen multiple cases of CUPS in Basenjis in Berkeley. He plans to ask his colleagues (on professional forums) about CUPS in Basenjis. I'll post any additional info.
Suspected teeth irritationHi Again,
Hobbes received his first exam and cleaning today. He is 15 months old. The Dr. has diagnosed Hobbes as having CUPS : ( I'm so sad–he is so young! Hopefully we can control the amount of plaque build up and irritation. We go back to the vet in two weeks for a dental plan/ consultation. Wish us luck!
Suspected teeth irritationHi All,
The auto immune disease is called "CUPS" Chronic Ulcerative Paradental Stomatitis.
I brush my B's teeth, but not everyday. Daily brushing will be adopted after we remove the plaque build-up and decrease the inflammation. I hope his condition isn't CUPS!
Thanks again for your help.
Suspected teeth irritationThanks for the prompt response and your advice Debra. I'll post again when I know more. Good luck with your girl.
Suspected teeth irritationWhat was the name of the auto immune disease? How old is your B? Did your B have really bad breath?
My B has terrible breath and he is only 13 months. His gum line looks irritated. The smell went away for two weeks when he was on antibiotics for Giardia but slowly came back seemingly even worse now. We plan to schedule a cleaning and x- rays. I'm afraid of what the vet will discover and I'm afraid of the cost!