Unfortunately for us Maia has never done well with chicken, she loves it and eats it but it gives her diarrhea and seems to mess up her over all health. We did blood work again and her liver enzymes decreased by 30% which is great! Her actual health though is not so good so that is bad. We can get her to eat which is good, but the food control is not great salmon, ham(boiled a few times to remove the salt), breaded cauliflower, Mac and cheese. Whatever we can get her to eat. It’s crazy! We have her booked with a chiropractor to check her nerve function and we are ready to get prednisone going if it is ibd. We are working closely with our vet daily, she currently is on metronidazole and amoxicillin and gabapentin. Thursday I thought we were going to lose her and she has rallied. I hate optimism as I don’t do well with a broken heart but I am hoping for the best right now. She is on 2 billion probiotic per day as well. Every bite of food I can get into her I think, ok 1 more day at least. If I have to spend all day hand feeding her, I will. She is finally sleeping and twitching a little less! She is going up and down stairs ok, not great but ok and she is no longer falling over. We are far from out of the woods but I have seen some small improvements. Thank you all for your words, encouragement, advice and stories of what you have gone through. It is tremendous to me how kind you are. Thank you for taking some time out of your day and trying to help! We so appreciate it. Mai Mai means the entire world to us and every word, suggestion, or story we take into account and thank you so much for being such a loving wonderful community. With lock down and a sick pup we feel quite overwhelmed, so thank you!
Senior B who is not eating at all -
Senior B who is not eating at allI am so sorry to hear about your b! We went through the same thing years ago with our 7 year old boy. I was hoping someone would have some new treatment that would give us a miracle. It’s torture to know they need help and there isn’t anything you can do. We are never ready to say goodbye, when Whiskey passed I would have given anything for a few more years, I got that with Maia buts it’s never enough! I will check out your post, maybe there is something in there that can help. Thank you for reaching out, we appreciate it!
Senior B who is not eating at allHow did you get her to recover? Maia is weak and has lost a lot of muscle mass very quickly. I am getting her to eat small amounts but I just see her continuing to decline.
Anyone here knows a reputable breeder from Saskatchewan Or Alberta Canada?Back in the day our first B of hers she was shipped. She was $1200 us plus around $350 CD to ship plus customs around $130. The last 2 I flew in to pick up. I paid $1400 us for our Tika puppy, $600 CD to fly there but no customs. They never asked. I just had to show a vaccination record. Good luck! I hope she has one available. She has lovely dogs!
Senior B who is not eating at allShe wasn’t treated with prednisone. My first 2 b’s had protein losing enteropathy. That’s what they died of at 6 and 7. They were from a terrible breeder here in Canada. This dog Maitai has been super healthy until this past March. She got into some tomato fertilizer and then had her colitis attack. Now her poops are perfect but she is just getting thinner and she won’t eat. She is acting hungry but puts her nose up at everything I give her. Yet she will drink my tea as soon as my back is turned. She is glued to me all day! I’m feeling a bit defeated. This happened last time and there was nothing that worked even though we tried everything! We spent $35,000 at the vet on those 2 pups but nothing helped.
Senior B who is not eating at allI have an 11 year old girl that I have posted about before. In March she had a colitis attack that we got under control. Then a few months ago she started losing weight and lost her interest in food. Since the colitis she has been eating a homemade dog food. We did a full blood panel and urinalysis. She came back with slightly higher reticulocytes and slightly higher platelets. The vet wants me to give her homeopathic liver pills but if I do she looks nauseous and she won’t eat. Now we are giving her appetite stimulants but she will only eat sometimes. We are starting to get really worried. We went through this years ago with another basenji and we lost him at 7 years old. It was horrible watching him fade away. She’s pretty lumpy and bumpy in her older age and she has a fatty tissue mass on her tummy. Any help will be appreciated! Right now she will sometimes eat gluten free spaghetti noodles, pork tenderloin, a scrambled egg, cottage cheese, shrimp, turkey, fish, gravy. What she will eat for one meal she will not eat for a second meal. The carbs are less likely and I can’t get her to eat any veggies. If I add any additives it’s a no go, she is on probiotics daily. Thanks for any advice!
Anyone here knows a reputable breeder from Saskatchewan Or Alberta Canada?I’m in Calgary and we always get our dogs from Rita Webb near Seattle. I have to fly there to get them but it is worth it. She has puppies right now. You can check her out on Facebook. Good luck!
Basenji Aggression OverallI have had a similar issue with 2 female basenjis. It was awful as they actually got into a terrible fight and I had little to no hope of them getting along. The older spayed female tried to kill the younger puppy who came into her first heat. We kept the dogs muzzled, crated, swapped from room to room and this worked in the short term. We waited until the heat was long done and then tried to reintroduce them but no go. Finally we got the younger one spayed, waited 2 months for all the hormones to settle, keep in mind the older one was already spayed, ta da! They are now fine. Basenjis are growls as they get older, especially females, when being woken, surprised or over a high reward item but it usually is nothing. Also, my basenjis have always run at other dogs by a fence or go crazy at the window over a cat or squirrel. They have an intense prey drive or hunting instinct. I have had 6 basenjis and I have never been able to break it, the girls are always more into the hunting or chasing then my males. A baby gate keeping the dog away from the door might help. I understand your upset as I went through this myself. It took us 8 months to get everyone settled back to normal with lots of positive training.good luck!
Wanted Basenji puppyBasenjis are typically born in December and puppies are usually ready to go to their new homes in February or March. It’s pretty rare for a mid season heat and a mid season litter. Your best bet will be an older puppy and those can be hard to find since basenjis are rare to find nearby at the best of times. Good luck!
Looking for West Coast BreederMy breeder is in Seattle, her name is Rita Webb and I have had 4 of her dogs. I can’t say enough about how happy I am with them. Her kennel is No Ka Oi basenjis and she can be found on Facebook if you would like to see her dogs, litters and contact her. Good luck! It can be really tough to find a good breeder!
1.5 behavioral changesWe have had issues picking up our Basenjis in the past. They can get poked in the rib and their armpits seem to be very sensitive. We try to lift them by the waist and scoop their bums up. They are also very smart and seem to remember everything. I have had some b’s that as they got older and heavier they really hate being picked up. If they remember that they got hurt they may really not want you to do it. As for the food, most of my b’s have been fussy with food. He may really not like his food. If a b gets diarrhea they tend to go off their food and not want to eat it again. A trick I have used to get my dogs to eat is to get the liver bits and blend them to dust and sprinkle a bit on their food. Also if they turn off their food I give them some probiotics in case their tummies are upset. It seems to do the trick unless they really hate their food, then sometimes you just have to change it. If he hates his food he might be grumpy.
Separation AnxietyMy first boy was so anxious, we had him alone for 8 months. He was a mess! He pooped, peed and threw up in his kennel on the daily. We got him his sister and it all stopped! After that we have been a 2-3 basenji household. Life is much better with more basenjis.
Basenji's home alone uncratedI remember being in your exact situation 17 years ago. I have always had dogs and they have always had free run of our house once they grew up. I currently have 3 basenjis and I have had 6 over the last 17 years and 1 beagle. Our first one we got a big beautiful crate. And every day we came home he had peed, pooped and vomited in his crate. He was so anxious when we left, we couldn’t leave him alone for even 1 minute. Nothing helped. He would howl and scream and cry and the whole time we were gone he would never settle down. This went on for months. Then we got him a sister and put them in the crate together and he never had another issue. Left loose in the house though, those two would chew blankets, pillows, carpets, couches. You name it they would destroy it. Since then I have never had an only B, so I have never had the loneliness issue again. I do have little kids which means little kid toys and all 3 of my B’s cannot be trusted with them. We have come home to more than one Barbie massacre. So the dogs are locked in the kitchen, and crazy puppy is in her crate. They will find anything and it will be killed. For some dogs it’s paper, some anything material, others it’s plants or cords. I don’t leave them with bones to chew either as they can’t be trusted not to try and swallow it whole and we have had choking issues with all of them. They can just get really bored and destructive. You don’t know what you are going to get until you meet your B. You need to be prepared to either crate them forever or find an inescapable place for them that is tidy and clean and they can’t get into anything. Ours also don’t have access to the outside or you have to lock your gates, the gas man can easily let them out and they are gone or hit by a car as they are fast and sneaky! I have baby gates all over my house so they can’t sneak out the front door. Some B’s are more chill then others but you have to plan for the worst case scenario and hope for the best. Good luck!
Intro - basenji in my future?Hello my fellow Canadian. I’m in Calgary and I currrently have 3 basenjis. I have seen basenjis for sale in Ottawa and Montreal over the years, mostly on Kijiji which leads me to believe they are mostly backyard breeders, but I did find a reputable breeder near Montreal a few years ago on the basenji club of Canada website. My breeder has puppies now but she is in Seattle. I flew there last year and flew home with my young pup. She is a nice lady, and she does all the necessary testing and she shows her dogs with very good results. If you are willing to fly to get one she. Would be a great option. She currently only has red and whites. Her name is Rita Webb and she is on Facebook. You could check her out and see pictures of the puppies. I know last year she sold lots of her puppies to Canadians. I can even send you her number if you are interested.
GINGER!! Help in identifying possible mixed Basenji breed?She is beautiful! All dogs are lovely but basenjis do tend to grab those heart strings. I hope you can find some answers, it’s so hard to miss them so much!
Rescuing a stray basenjiHe definitely looks like a basenji mix. Maybe beagle or corgi with those short legs. I recommend you find a basenji rescue organization. They tend to not work well with small animals including cats as they have a strong prey drive. They also tend to be best with another dog in the home best option is opposite sex as they have a strong pack instinct and they can tend toward dominance. They can be very affectionate but it depends how they were raised. They like to be warm and dry and tend to pee in the house if it’s raining or cold out. They are really smart and sneaky and they get bored easily which can lead to destructive behaviour. Mine are good with my kids but I would say they would rather not be around kids as they really like to sleep and they can be grouchy when woken up suddenly. So they need a home with someone who is very understanding. With him being on the streets he may be insecure which can lead to some testy behaviour. So someone with basenji experience would be very good for this little man. I would say no cats to be safe and no very young children, maybe 10 and up. A female dog and a stay home adult would be ideal. They aren’t great being left alone for very long periods of time. Thank you for catching him and taking such good care of him. Even taking the time to reach out and find out more about basenjis tells me you are an amazing person!
GINGER!! Help in identifying possible mixed Basenji breed?Her colouring is ver duck tolling retriever or vizla with the light eyes and lighter nose. I would not say shepherd she is too smooth and so I would say she is mixed with a medium sized dog as well. Genetics are funny though, I once saw a dog in the dog park that looked like a pit bull. She told me her dog was genetically 89% shitzu. Go figure!
Basenji and Baby gatesThe best gates are metal. We had a wood one and we came home to toothpicks! Our basenji chewed right through. Ones that you pressure attach to the wall tend to break or warp and are a giant pain and can be pushed down if your b is determined enough. Plastic ones that are lattice style are like stairs to a basenji. I second attaching to the wall and the extra tall ones. One of my bs could jump a standard gate like it was nothing. The metal one I got was for dogs and is extra tall. I think it’s to keep huskies in but it’s the only one that has worked for us. Good luck!
Favorite ToysMy b’s never took to toys. Stuffy squeaker toys are fun to kill and desqueak. Toys that can’t be killed or have no food reward are a waste of time. Pieces of paper towel are super fun to shred. Small animals to chase are fun. Another basenji to rough house with or another breed of dog that can make them feel superior is good. 0-3 they like to wreck stuff, after that they like to walk, chew on bones, nap and cuddle. They also really like to watch for intruders. So I nice front window is a plus. I’m excited for you! I can’t wait for you to get your new baby!
Basenji PersonalityI currently have 3 basenjis and I have had 6 over the last 17 years. They all have unique personalities but they all have similar things in common as well. I’ve had some that can never go off leash and I have had others that are great at an off leash park. I choose one that is fenced and away from any roads just to be safe. I knew a lady that took hers for years and one day her dog ran onto the highway and was killed. So that prey drive can rear its head anytime! I have baby gates everywhere! They just aren’t trustworthy. Some love to chew plastic some like to chew sheets and pillows. You just don’t know until you get your pup. Some don’t like to be alone ever, some don’t like other dogs, so you have to be willing to figure it out when you get your dog home. I had one that was a jumper so I had to get a super high gate to keep her in the kitchen. They have all loved to cuddle and sleep in the sun. They have all loved to chase squirrels and be chased around the yard. My newest puppy even plays fetch which is super unusual for a basenji! Keeping your house tidy and keeping them away from roads is a big must. They are super sneaky and will even trick you to get what you want. They don’t really do well at home alone for long periods, they typically need some company a cat or another dog, but if you get an adult basenji be careful with cats or other small animals as their prey drive can make that not work either. No matter what I’ve done or learned every dog is unique and special. If this is the breed for you, you will fall hard for them and no other dog will be quite what a basenji is to you. Good luck! If you are committed to this you will make it work, and it will be so rewarding!