I hope that they come through. I am stumbling through this and not computer savy! She is a pretty girl and looks happy w/o the gal around it looks like.
Posting on Craiglist -
Posting on CraiglistI contacted her. There are two names now, so not sure who she really is. She types like she is on crack or something. I wanted to see what she said about the red and white female since there were no pictures. It sounds like someone could get all three pretty easily for 300.00. I am in WA state, too far away to help but I could donate money to the cause if someone could get them into rescue.:mad:---
On Fri, 7/24/09, Sue Simpson -
A very smart dog indeedA dog owner has taught her dog to recognize several words and obey the comands. I hope this link comes through! He looks so serious.
Feral Cat TrappingGood Job! I hope that you can get the other two kittens and maybe their mom, so she won't be in this situation in another few months. Thanks for caring about these little creatures.
Feral Cat TrappingI guess that if you are seeing them that they must be weaned? If not you might catch the moma cat with fish and if you catch her most likely the kittens are within a couple hundred feet of her watching. Good luck was this and thank you for caring enough to do something good for them all! Bless you!
QuestionThis is off the subject of crate escape… I was told growing up that turkey and chicken bones were very dangerous for dogs. Are Basenjis different in this way too? Or am I missing something...
Question on Submissive Wetting?I thought I would quote the original one more time just so there is no misunderstanding or speculation on any of the information that has been provided so far.
What evidence is there that this dog came from either of the Puppy Mills that you have mentioned in your original post?
Just because the Puppy mills in the counties you mentioned were taken over by the authorities at a coincidental time does not mean that any shelter or rescue organization in the same area did not have other dogs that needed homes or placement.
Do you have any first hand knowledge other than the dog came from a rescue organization?
I guess I do not understand what your statement about you do not like to fail has anything to do with the dog in question.
As another person stated, if this dog is a rescue, unless there is some other agreement then the dog cannot be sold and it should be returned to rescue. With out reading the agreement that the current owners signed with Rescue none of us know for sure what the agreement is.
Can you identify the rescue organization?
You mentioned the first thing you would do is worm this dog. Well if the dog came from a responsible rescue organization, did they not make sure the dog saw the Vet and had a complete physical prior to adopting this dog out?
Wouldn't it be better to find out what this dogs medical records reflect first?
"We got her a collar and ID tag because they keep losing her in the neighborhood. "
Do you think this type of care and treatment would be within the rescue organizations guidelines and agreement?
I seriously think that someone needs to contact the rescue organization and inform them of what is really going on with this rescue dog. So if you really want to help and do something very responsible contact the rescue organization that they adopted the dog from and do the right thing. Housebreaking the dog for them is not going to help these people or the dog. There are bigger problems than PEE!
Yes this is true, I don't know anything for sure. I am just going on the owner's word that this was a pup from one of the puppy mill rescues and that they got her from a foster home. I am pretty sure I will get a 'mind your own business' from them if I ask which rescue they got her from. I will ask tonight though. Do most rescues come with a chip? I could get her to my vet for a scan…but not sure if I will just get owner info. or rescue info. from that. First, I will see if I can get an answer from them about rescue (which one) and then go from there. FAILING to me equals bringing her here for a month and not being able to help her with house breaking and in the process get attached to her and have it all be for nothing if I failed to do it. Thank you for your reply and common sense insight. I am a rescuer, a fixer! Looking at the big picture I don't want to enable them to keep on doing this.
Cat with Thyroid condition and high blood pressureOn a different note about cats and thyroid problems. A couple of years ago I read that there was a huge increase in cat thyroid issues and they found that the fire retardent chemicals that were on some new carpeting was the cause and as I recall California had the biggest problem with this because of the fire safety standards in that state requiring all new carpet to have this treatment. I am not sure about other states in this regards though. I will check this out, I wonder if cats may be more prone to this because of they way they clean themselves, but also cats absorb from their feet and this is how fertilizers and pesticides poison them. I wonder if Basenjis also could have an issue with this because they clean themselves well. I am sorry about your cat and hope that treatment will be affordable for you.
Question on Submissive Wetting?Thanks Jennifer. This dog is very excited to see all people and other dogs and the little girl brings her over and pops her in our front door while she goes off and plays with my kids. She was in a foster home and she has been with this young family for almost 3 months now. She loves my GSD and cats. She wolfs food down like I have never seen before and I would worm her first thing to rule that out. I can't really remember when that whole PM thing went down but I am guessing around December. So, the fact that she loves people and dogs so much is really good I take it. We got her a collar and ID tag because they keep losing her in the neighborhood. They have no fence and no other pets. Most of my house is hardwood and tile, I could pull up the rugs so I wouldn't be so bothered by the mess. Maybe I should give this a try for her sake… Maybe I should get one of those metal puppy pens too. I really do have a problem with failing and I usually don't take things on unless I am 99% sure I can do it and do it well. I will think this over some more and talk to the owners about the possibility of her staying here for 3 to 4 weeks. What do you think about that? Could that be enough time to help her? OUR B puppy is 4 weeks old today! He is from Khani's and we will pick him up in 4 - 5 weeks! Very excited about this. Bryan from Jumoke's is having a training class and I will start class this Thursday w/o dog! By the way I am sorry if I offended anyone with the name Taco Dog. Yes, she is 1/2 Chihuahua and half Oscar Myer!
Question on Submissive Wetting?Thanks. I have heard that before about toy breeds and house training… Okay, I think that I will hold my horses on offering to help with training and pray that she is placed in a home that can help her.
Question on Submissive Wetting?I searched the Forums and figured out that Basenjis must not have this problem. I have a situation… After the recent PM bust in Snohomish and Skagit Countys, our young neighbors aquired a pup from rescue. It is 1/2 doxie 1/2 taco dog. I am better with larger dogs so not sure I would have any luck here... the situation is that she is now 6 months old and still not house trained and she piddles went you bend over her to pick her up. I am considering taking the dog for approx. 3 to 4 weeks and working with it. I am home full time and have a consistent schedule. I also don't like failing. I am confident that I can teach basic obedience and house break the dog (I hope) but not sure how to handle the peeing when you approach her. My thought is to not allow anyone to approach her and just teach her to come and see how that goes. What do you think? We are getting our B on 6/15 so I would want the other pup out by then! The dog's family is in the mind set now to sell the little girl for 100.00 because they can't deal with her. Also, They are gone all day for 9 hours M - F and have one little girl who is 8 yr. old who doesn't listen to adults so this shows you the family's training ability. Dog is in crate all day long! Maybe they should sell it, thoughts on if I should attempt this and how?
New photos of MiloYour pup is beautiful and I love his name, as it was the name of our best, smartest and devoted dog ever! We are getting our first Basenji in 5 weeks and we are very excited.
Clan Bruce here! -
Help adapting to new homeNot sure, it could be so many things that a human can not see or smell. But, my terrier would do a low growl every time we drove by our old vet. We changed vets and he stopped but he still knew even 10 years later that he hated that vet. Not sure what happened to him that he hated them so much but he was neutered there!
Help adapting to new homeMy GSD started acting strange last September. He began panting, pacing, and just looking uncomfortable wouldn't settle down and I found myself really bugged by his pacing. The habbit before was to lay down on the kitchen floor while I prepared dinner in the evening. BTW he seemed okay most of the day it was just our evening routine that went away. I thought well, he is almost 10 now and maybe he is in some pain?… The vet did a full workup on him and he checked out to be in great shape. Then about 2 months later I ran across an article about the new low energy light bulbs. Dogs were being bothered by the high pitched sound that we can even hear sometimes, but they can really hear them. I changed mine back in the kitchen area, a total of 3, to the regular bulbs and he was just peachy after that. During the day he wasn't around the lights so that is why he seemed fine then. I hope this information helps someone!
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)Thanks Sasha and Arlene! I am excited. Although, last night I went on our local Human Society website and I started to feel guilty… I have always had animals that came from the shelter and our shepherd was a rescue, yes they have had their share of issues but have always been able to over come with help and been valued members of our family. I know that we have been very lucky with our pets with no health issues. Have you guys felt this guilt too, about getting an PB when there are so many others that need us even more? Maybe your Basenjis are rescued? I feel sick when I see people, on this site even, that are getting their pups from breeders that have several different breeds and offering so many puppies and even though I am not supporting one of those 'breeders' I wonder what I am doing to propel this problem by not getting a rescued or shelter dog? Can you tell, I just love all dogs and some people too!
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)Hi Gneigum,
Thank you for welcome. Your'e the first! I think it might be because I actually don't have the puppy yet! We are very excited about the pup. Even though it is still weeks away I am counting the days down!
Thank you,
Saralars -
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)Thanks MacPack, I think I could do that or rather have it done by someone. I know if we did it, it would look like we did it!
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)Yes, I have started the training process around here already. This is not only with my kids but my husband and the neighbor's kids. I know the neighbor kids must think I am a little crazy now. "What's the deal with this lady and the dog she doesn't even have yet?"
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)It will be the litter of Jumoke Khani Baru and Teazer's Skylark.
New Basenji person in North Seattle (pup is 1 week old)Hi Patty,
It sounds really great to me. I googled it and there is info and pictures online and buying information. We will do a combonation with our new pup. The mat gives the dog an annoying sensation that they do not like when they walk on it. I think that I am going to use it in part of my training. I will turn the mat off when he has his leash on and he will be able to go across it but any time he does not have his leash on he will know that he shouldn't go near the exit door! I was relieved to find out about this tool along with the other training ideas that members of the Forums have given me.