It great to hear all the support out there and I will keep you updated..
Ron:) :) :)
I have been trying to walk them together, get them to go out at the same time, etc.. They have their own beds, toys, food bowls, etc.. but I do try to walk them together, put them outside at the same time, etc. So should I back off of that as well? It just seems sad to see them both upset.
I've had Max, a male, for 3yrs and he is 6yrs old. I just got a 5yr old femaile (Scrapper) from the rescue and I have had them together for 4 days now. I thought they would take to each other a little quicker but they haven't. They pretty much try to stay clear of each other and when they pass there is some low grunts and sometime a fight or two but no biting.
Can anyone out there that has been through this type of experience provide any advice on how to get these two to gel. Max seems more bothered by her than her of him. She has tried to approach him but he growls.
Can anyone give me suggestions?