I do love my dogs but I'm tired of you people on here making up lies and harrassing me and my Kennel. I'm DONE I'M DONE I'M DONE. You people have lied and made up crap. You have never said you were sorry for all the Lies you made. I can see why Kennels don't deal with Rescue and show breeders. You guys don't care about the truth. Anything to harrass someone till they cave. Well I'm tired of dealing with all your LIES. I keep pointing out your lies and you keep coming back with more. You say putting down the dogs is plain and stupid well maybe you should look at yourselves. You are the ones who have pushed me to it. I don't need mental Help YOU poeple on here do. Look at how you talk to people. Get your FACT Straight before you start harrassing someone.
Giardia and belly full of worms -
Giardia and belly full of wormsAnd Plus Rock Creek Kennel is Only a Busness Name and has Been around for 16 years. My State Lic and all my paperwork regarding my Kennel is in My Name. All Registration has to be in a persons name not a business and for tax reasons its easier to have it in my name. Plus we never advertised on the Internet till about 3 years ago. We are not that big of a Kennel and never really had too till the economy went way down hill. You really need to get your noises out of other peoples business and start tending to your own life.
Giardia and belly full of wormsIts funny this person who said they got a puppy with a belly full of worms has NEVER EVER been back on. Hmmm wonder why that is?? Its because they have NO Proof. They just came on to start a problem. Also Where Mr Powell lives or works is No Concern of Mine. I could care less. Seem like you only care about him and have nothing better to do with your life. Meriden is a small town and Houses do not come available for Rent Very offten. We needed a office intown and as soon as a house came available we rented it. I could careless who had it before us. We are there Now and Love having an office in town. Our Kennel is 10 miles away. Right Between Meriden and Valley Falls off K-4 Hwy. Our Kennel is located down 5 miles of Gravel Road. Alot of our Customers Do not like Coming down Gravel and out State Inspector Recommended that we have an Office for pickup off site. There was a Shelter Last Year that had to put down a bunch of dogs due to Parvo and Distemper. So August of last year we stared looking and found a place. Excuse me for not checking with you first. Why should I come on here and ask for help when all I've gotten since I joined is people making false statments toward me. Not 1 of you has offered to help steer us in the right dirstion. You all state who things should of been done this way or that. We after tomorrow you won't have to deal with our Kennel or our Dogs. Our vet won't come out to put down our dogs because he says I'm over reacting to you people. Well I've had it so I have a vet coming out from topeka. I'm don't with you people. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. You want to accuse people of stuff and not know what you are talking about. Also I looked at the internet too and called the Sherriffs department too. Its not M street is E Main Street. I could careless where this man lives or works. Sounds like you need to get a life and leave him alone. The Sherriffs department said that too. I faxed them this entire thing. They asked for a copy so I gave it to them. Leave the poor guy alone. What he or anyone else is doing with there life should be No Business of yours.
Giardia and belly full of wormsCurlytails I'm not the one who needs help. Its you who needs help. Maybe instead of making false claims you should get your facts straight. In 16 years of raising dogs I've never been treated this way. I bend over backwards for my customers. Yes, we do need to make a few changes but instead of tring to work with someone and point them in the right direction you accuse them of stuff that has nothing to do with them. You want me out of breeding well I'll have a vet herre in the morning to put down all the dogs so that way I'm not breeding. So go **** yourself. I'm done with all this ****. You have made the last false claim about me and my kennel. I'll send you pictures of all the dogs after the vet puts them down. May you go to HELL for this.
Giardia and belly full of wormsI have never seen so many Stupid people in my Life. You people come on here without all the facts and bad mouth someone and don't even know what you are talking about. I did some checking of my own and found out this Harold Buzz Powell doesn't even live in Meriden, KS any more and has for awhile. Yes, we happen to be renting the same house he use to live in. We had been searching for an office for awile and when it came available for rent we grabbed it. House do not come available for rent in Meriden very offen. Call the Sherriffs Department and you can verify this information. I did. I am not and have never been Harold Buzz Powell. Get your facts straight. Also Diania Rentrap is this so called lady thatsays her puppy had worms from us. I to this day have NEVER seen a single piece of paper to state this. The vet paperwork that we have and that was sent to us state the puppy was in great health and stated that. No where did it state the puppy had worms. Also with our Health Guarantee the puppy/adult dog does not have to come back to us to get a new one. When the puppy/adult passes then they can get a new one. The ones that came back was because the people couldn't afford the vet care for what was needed. You people can call me a puppy mill all you want. Get your facts straight. Yes, we may behind the times alittle on some of our test. We strip test instead of DNA. That is all changing this year but it takes time. Doesn't happen over night. At least we test. There are alot of breeders that don't even do that. We offer a Lifetime Gauarantee against any genetic defect but you all seem to complain about that too. Most breeders only offer a 1 year. Just seems to me that all you people want to do is complain about some thing. Also we Never deleted any pictures off of our Facebook page. What comments and pictures goes up there stays up there. You people really need to grow up. You don't care about tring to work with a breeder to change things all you want to do is find something and complain about it. I have better things to do than sit here and deal with your petty complaining about facts that aren't even true. You should check into things and get the facts straight before you go off on someone.
Giardia and belly full of wormsSee you people think you know all the information. You jump to conclusions before you get the facts. You can call me names and say crap. But if I call you names or don't state facts you call me more names. This is why we don't deal with Rescues. You all think you are better. Instead of working with a breeder you would rather make fun of or call one names before you know the truth. We watch what we breed to try to not have any genetic defects. We stand behind all of what we breed. No the dogs were not euthanized. I try very hard not to euthanized any dog/puppy. The dogs that were returned became our house dogs and were given proper vet care. As all of our kennel dogs. They are properly vetted every year. Including rabies. This is going to be my last posting becasue you people could careless about tring to walk someone though changes. You just want to bad mouth someone. So you can all do whatever you want because I have better things to do that listen to lies from you.
Giardia and belly full of wormsI'm rude to people who are rude to me. My dogs are not STOCK to me. We have a contract on every puppy and it Clearly states that ALL puppies no matter there age have to come back to us if for some reason the people can not take care of them. It doesn't matter where they are. We stand behind everyone of our puppies/dogs. And we do not have 10 other breeds. Grow up. Yes, we raise several breeds and I'm not going to quit raising them anytime soon. They are my favorite. You can say I'm silly or I'm an idiot. I really don't care. We do learn from others and do try to better our kennel but I don't like wasting my time to stupid rescue people who think they are better than people. I'd be happy to answer your questions if your weren't such a rude person. I'm not going to bend over backwards and jump though your hoops just because you don't like the fact that I don't breed my dogs the way you think I should. We have 4 dogs come back in 16 years for genetic reasons. We had a westie pup that was alergic to grass, we had a shiba with a level 1 heart mumor that didn't show till 5 months of age, we had morkie come back that got cancer at age 6, we had a westie come back that a tumor at age 7. We took everyone of them back and replaced there dog with another puppy at our cost. So don't tell me I don't care about my dogs or customers. You may think I make a ton of money on my dogs but you are far off. I wish I made half of what you think we make.
Giardia and belly full of wormsSorry I'm not perfect like you ladies. Maybe in my next life I can come back like you ladies and be perfect.
Giardia and belly full of wormsLike I said say whatever you want. You want to call me a puppy mill that is your choice. Doesn't bother me at all. Just shows how childish you are. This is why we do not deal with Rescues. You all think you are better than everyone. You really should grow up. You want breeders to jump though all these hoops and do all these tests. Why don't you Rescues have to do it. Oh thats right. Your better than everyone. LOL whatever.
Giardia and belly full of wormsYou can say whatever you want. All you want to do is start a fight. What you say about me doesn't bother me because you don't know me or care to know me so I could careless about you. We do care about our dogs and its not all about the money. We offer a Lifetime Health Genetic Guarantee for all of our puppies. If a puppies has a genetic issue that falls back on us. Guess I could be like most breeders and offer a 1 year. But then you would complain about that too. Also we are not USDA. I have seen that online too and don't know where to go to fix that. We are strictly state. I will NEVER sell to pet stores. Also regarding "Harold Buzz Powell". That is NOT ME. Just because he lives in this town doesn't mean he has ANYTHING to do with this kennel. I'd like to see all you rescues do half the testing you expect breeders to do. If funny you can come on here and complain about people any think you are perfect. You are far from perfect. I never said I was perfect and never will. Yes, we may strip test our Basenjis and that will change this year. We have already order the test and will get all that done. We have always stood behind our puppies. If there is a problem all our customers have to do is call. There is no way to fix a problem if we don't know about it. So you call all bad mouth me all you want. It doesn't bother be. Just get your facts straight. If you want to be civil and talk then I'll talk. Until then I won't. I do not lose any sleep over you.
Giardia and belly full of wormsWhy do you think a Lifetime Health Guarantee Should NOT be given to this breed or any Breed?? I do. I feel ANY Breeder should stand behind there dog for at least 10 Years. If you bred the dog and it has a Genetic Defect that doesn't show up till age 5 or when ever why should the Customer Have to pay for that. It should fall back on the Breeder. We Strip test but are going to DNA Test This Year. In 16 Years we have NEVER Had a puppy show up with Fanconi. We keep back 1 to 2 puppies every year so We would know if there is a problem. Plus we stay incontact with our Customers. Yes, to the Naked eye and to the Dumb people out there that judge a book by it cover it looks like we have alot of dogs. But in fact we only have 10 Basenjis, 20 Shiba Inus, 5 English Bull Dogs, 9 Boston Terriers, 15 Westies and 4 Bull Terriers. And 8 of those dogs are our House Dogs. Plus its not just me and my partner taking care of the dogs. We have 3 Full Time Employees and 4 Parttime Employees. We take our Kennel Very Serious and NONE of our Dogs are raised in Cages and If our Vet says our dogs needs something its done. He is the one who set up the Worming and the Shots. Not us.
Giardia and belly full of worms1st off we are NOT or NEVER have been Thunder Ridge Kennel from Iowa. If you don't know what you are talking about then you should keep Quiet. I have been in Meriden, KS for almost 16 years. Do NOT group me with that Kennel. Also We have never gotten anything from this customer saying her puppy had worms. This is the first we are hearing about it. Its funny her health check that was gotten3 days after she got her puppy the Vet stated thet puppy was heath and in good shape. No where on the Vet paperwork did it say the puppy had worms. Yes, we give shots at 4 weeks, 6 weeks and 8 weeks. The 4 and 6 weeks are a booster shot and for parvo. We worm every 2 weeks with pyratel. Its funny this customer can come on here and say stuff but NOT contact us. My phone is on 24/7. We have never gotten a call or an e-mail. Hmmmmm something sounds funny here. Thats ok. Come on here and bad mouth us. That is fine. It just shows what kind of person you are. Yes, we raise Shibas, Basenjis and a couple other breeds so what. We love the breeds. There is nothing wrong with raising several breeds. We take great care of our dogs and our puppies. All of our Puppies come with a Lifetime Health Guarantee and its been that way since 2004. We take pride in our Kennel. You can bad mouth us all you want. Get your facts straight is all I care about.