Awww he's so adorable i just wanna kiss that little face !! :)

Blaze (aka Flame) -
Pippin and the stolen butter knife…Cute pics :) My B does the same thing waits in line to get to "prewash" the dishes LOL
Water BottleI live by mine .. It's the only thing that has worked i usually don't have to spray it because as soon as he see's it he stops getting into trouble …... for that moment anyways LOL
Why does this not surprize meLOL so true !
Why does this not surprize meLOL He cracks me up sometimes .. In bed it's horrible I make sure i don't have to get up because with the 3 dogs all squished up next to me not only is it like trying to get out of an opscale course .. But i lose my spot everytime LOL U would think they would sprawl out since it's a king . But nope apparently it's really comfy with 3 ft of bed left over LOL :)
Why does this not surprize meI got up to throw something out and was gone all of maybe 2 mins when i came back this is what i found :rolleyes:…. Looks like i'll just go get a sweater LOL :D
Hi from Western North Carolina, USA -Welcome ! :) I'm also in N.C.
Vote: which name???I have an aspen :) He's not a B thought he's a cattledog/terrier mix :) So i am gonna have to say ASPEN !! :)
Hi!!!Welcome back :)
Fear of husband-help!I would also try having your Husband be the that feeds him
First kill..Ewwww. LOL .. I personally don't let my dogs get anything live or otherwise that way .. Just cuz well first cuz i don't want to see it and second i just worry ya never know what it might have .
Slowly w/o a leash…My b has been pretty good lately with listening and all But still i live by the motto if u feel like u can trust him DON"T cuz he will prove u wrong at the worst time .. And My b is almost 6yrs in dec. and has NOT slowed down a bit .. I believe he thinks he's still a 10 mth old puppy LOL
Is this a Basenji?I believe i see some B in him.. he's so adorable Love the pic with him looking at u from the side and also the one with him sitting like he's waiting for a cookie .. :)
Allow me to introduce myself…WELCOME El .. I'm sure you'll find this site very informative :) .. PS. I'm also in NC :)
Basenji and a Baby PitbullThanks for the Suggestions :) I'm gonna start bring him {the pup} over daily and hopefully that will work :)
Basenji and a Baby PitbullHi everyone ! Sorry i have been MIA quite a bit hubby was deployed so it kept me busy :) Anyways i have a questions hopefully some of u can help me with .
A good friend of ours moved a couple houses down and just got a pitbull puppy witch i have been taken care of during the day .. Well i have 3 dogs .. My whippet mix {Cheyanne} My cattledog/terrier mix { Aspen } and also my Basenji {Phoenix} I have brought the puppy over once so far { the puppy is 9weeks old} Cheyanne is great with him .. she has been around pups in the past .. however Aspen and Phoenix where alittle different.. { they are all fixed also well except not the pitbull pup yet }
Aspen was growling at him .. and Phoenix was sniffing pretty hard and looking like his eyes where gonna bulge out of his head.. anyways i interduced them 1 at a time and in the garage so it was more nutrual ground and aspen just kept growling so i put him inside .. witch left cheyanne and Phoenix out there with me and the puppy .. I put the pup down after letting phoenix smell his butt for a couple mins and smelling him as i was holding him .. witch was fine his hair didn't stick up once this whole entire time ..
however when i put him down and he was smelling phoenix's male parts underneath him phoenix grabbed him .. not like a vicious grab but kinda like he was trying to move the pup however picking him up by the head and making him squeak. Like i said he did not have his hair up at all the whole time ..
Cheyanne is the Alpha mostly both boys won't mess with her .. however phoenix is the little {butthead} we call him cuz he likes to try to be in charge of aspen . So mY question is what are other ways of getting them used to eachother . I want to get them used to eachother now since he is so small and since when he gets older will be alot stronger . Cheyanne is 9yrs and the boys are almost 6 yrs ..
Also aspen and Phoenix have really never been around puppies and really don't care for other dogs however since he's a puppy i figure they will get used to him . and kinda except him in there pack . It really looked like when phoenix picked him up he was just trying to relocate him however phoenix has a way of picking things up and then voilently shaken them so i didn't want it to get to that point .
So what would u recommend looking for in the boys and also the puppy to let me know that they are not playing and he might try and hurt the puppy ? Obviously i am right there watching there every move ..
Below is a pic of the pup to show you his size ..
Snickers and DaisySorry for your loss :( They are both adorable !! :)
Malaika's fun morningAww looks like they all had a blast !! :)
Tayda and Lenny in actionAWW they look so happy !! :) the last pic reminds me of that Disney movie Lion King when Nala says to Simba " Gotcha ya again " lol
Tenji Update (lots of pics)Love all the pics tooo cute !! thanks for sharing :)