thanks , i will be doing this then!, & go on a schedule feeding!!.
& no grain in food!. boy they are sooo different then other dogs!!.
Dog food -
Dog foodtana, if i start to add these things in his food what is the best way to add them & how much , what should i do if he dont eat the veggies, or the fruit!, how long should i keep trying with the veggies& fruit?.
Dog foodthanks tanza, im going to start doing a time feeding, & mix his food too!. & im going to start trying to brush his teeth, but brushing what should i use?> THANKS TANA!!. ,i did change my vet, i have a know one that is cool !. im going to get some wet food today for hoim & start scedualeing his feedings!. :) :p :o ! thanks sooo much tana.!!!.
Dog foodhi tanza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are u doing >?my vet told me about wet food maken there teeth bad!, FRUITS ARE O.K TOO!??> NEVER HEARD THAT BEFORE! he wont let me brush his teeth so i give him chew bones, raw hide's to nibble that o.k? & is it raw veggies, fruit of any kind!??. im going to try this then!!. i just never heard of not ffree feeding a dog before!. thnks so much all u guys!.
Dog foodwhy is it not good to free feeding?! i have always done this with all my dogs!> raw food he wont even touch it!!, im doing it slowly on adding the kibbles& less foods!. oh my god !!, they are soo much like kids then!!!. the very top person that feeds there dog veggies, is there a way i can get him to eat those things too? the chiken & steak i cook on the grill then give it to him , is that o.k. to do too?.
Dog foodweight is very good, !!not skinny like starveing!!, he's about 30 to 35 lbs./!coats in great shape too!.
Dog food& he's got food all the time for him out to get but he only eats once a day!!. i have never seen a dog eat like this before. & if im fixing dinner i'll get his plate ready & done first& give it to him but he wont touch it till me & my daughter eat!!. lmao!! i have never seen a dog do this before!!!.
Dog foodOH NO, NOT MC DONALDS CRAP!!. PPL FOOD LIKE PORTER HOUSE STAKE'S HAMBURGER, LITTLE PORK CHOP MEAT, NOT A LOT!, SOME RAVEOLI,CHICKEN , SALMON PATTIES, MAC& CHEESE(LITTLE BIT OF THAT), !! THESE THING AS PPL FOOD!. THE GOOD STUFF!, HE'S KILLING AT THE STOR! LOL !. WHAT KIND OF HIGH QULITY FOODS? UR BASENJI eats the other stuff??!! i wonder if mine will ? the picky little sh~T!!!. i have to yell & growl at him to have him eat his dog food & i hate doing that! but then when he dose eat his food i go hugging& kissing on him telling him he's a good boy u ate ur dog food!. & then he make a sound like he's sneing!,like u would take a deep breath & push it out ur nose, like that sound!!. lol!!.:(:(
Dog foodhe's free feeding, dog food is michael's dry food because wet food will mess his teeth up. but he only wants ppl food!!!!
Dog foodWhat are you feeding him?
It helps to know what brand you are offering, and whether it is dry or wet food.
Also are you free feeding or is he/she on a feeding schedule? How much are you feeding?
i feed him dry /free feedings/ michaels dog food. but he want's ppl food allthe time!.:rolleyes:
Dog foodhow can i get my basenji to eat his dog food!!?. he loves ppl food but im trying to get him to eat his dog food!!. what can i do?:rolleyes:
Nail trimmingi'll have to get one of those for him!!. thks tanza
Nail trimmingim going to the vegt to see just how far i can do his nails, but i just cant be nice to someone that was never nice to me!! for 23 yrs. but im going to have dinner with her, just hope she dont saay anything negitive about or even compair my dad to anyone!. because i will in no short form go off on her!. but, thks everyone , i really appreciate everything here.
Nail trimminghi there kipawa, thanks for the message, i'm going to have my vet show me how, it's the best way to do this so i dont hurt him or cause snydamage to his feet!. ya, i havent been on for a while, my dad dies very suddenly!, & his wife is a reall B````! he was going to do a will but didnt get to ti intime , so now she has the sayso of all his stuff!!. but has the nerve to ask me over for dinner this week!!.so thing havent been good here on my side lately!!!. but, hope everything is going great on ur end!.
Nail trimmingshould i be trimming my basenji's nails? or do they trim there own nails?& if i should be doing the trimming then how far should i go???!!
Aggressive Behaviorthe only thing is i have only seen him aggressive towards dobermans, american native huskys, and some labs. and ( always) towards pit bulls, & bull dogs!. i understand the doberman because he got attacket by one in the park!, but i stoped it before it got bad!.but kids and other people i haven't had any problem with!, but idid noteist that they dont like big crowds around them!.
Chronic Diarrheatanza , pedro is haven the same thing (the runns) but he was cleared on the fanconi, 7 he's not drinking alot or peeing a lot!, but i did rescue a baby ratcoon, and had to put it down because of sarcoptic mange but none of us have shown any signs! 7 i keep my daughter& basenji away from the baby coon!!!. i talked to a 5 different vets and they have told me that the any person or animal would have to touch the coon to get this mange!! . the only thing that has changed with him is he has diarrea!! for 2 week now! dont know what to do , he wont eat dog food of any kind it's , back up unless i mix it with hamburger but i wash the hamburger after i cook it to get the grease off!!. dont it for the past 2 yrs now with his food!. i dont know what do do!???> i was the only one around the coon 7 i havent shown any signs of mange !, i did spray the back yard (all) with bleach & water (1/2& 1/2)!! i need to thingabout this… it's been 2 weeks since i did the yard too!!!. oh my gosh it just hit me could that be the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????/
Aggressive Behaviortanza how much does a thyroid panel useually coast?!
Pedrobe back home soon have to go get my kittens , there getting fixed todday!!.yaaaaaa!. have a nice afternoon all.!
Pedrohi bags are the same here. but i like taken him for walks anyways so it don't really bother me much. but when my back hurts it's hard for me to walk him.