Thanks for your comments. All OK with the ear otherwise the dark stain. Hope you can see it from the picture attached. Let me know if you recognise it from previous experience. Kind regards, Ozzy.
Stains in Ear -
Stains in EarHi there my boy showed up with a dark stain inside the ear which seems to be growing in size. It doesn't hurt nor itch but when you touch it you feel the surface is a bit rougher than the other parts of the year which are normal. Ozzy lives unleashed and we have forests and wide open fields around where he runs and hunts like crazy, although he never catches anything :-) Any views on what could it be? Thank you!
Allergies : Food? Polen? Acaro?Quick update: second blood test confirmed allergy to 4 kind of acarus (not too bad, usually 6, some cases with more than 10). Treatment: 20 weeks, shots every week during the 1st month then once a month. $150 starting Monday! By the way the cortisone pills cleared it all in 3 days.
Allergies : Food? Polen? Acaro?Hi folks, blood exam results are out indicating the root cause as some type of acarus. We will now drill down into that with further exams to identify which specific acarus is causing this and treat is accordingly. Meanwhile we have been given him cortisone pills and the reduction of the readiness was immediate. Keep you posted!
Allergies : Food? Polen? Acaro?Hi everyone. We will have the result of the blood test on Tue, will let you know. Regardless of that I will ask to try your proposal here on anti-biopics. I take the opp to thank you big time for taking the time to kindly share a light on such a difficult topic.
Allergies : Food? Polen? Acaro?Hello everyone, my boy struggling with this alergy between his legs (see picture). Has anyone gone through a similar experience. He doesn't really complain about it, only licks it once in a while. Super active, good digestion, all good. He has Purina Pro Plan and Gold Pro Plan. Can it be from what he eats? From plants? Insects? Will go for a blood test but meanwhile if anyone has gone through a similar situation please let me know. Thanks!
Electric CollarSome pictures of Ozzy with the eCollar in action!!!
Electric CollarHi everyone, this week it is one month we have been walking our basenji with an e-collar. So what are the results? First week was tough to get him used to it. We bought the model "Quality Easypet EP-380R 1000m Waterproof Rechargeable Remote Dog Training Collar" which provides several levels of sound, vibration and electric charge. Sound didn't work and currently we use the vibration mode for the recall and also to warn him that we wish him to stay close while off the leach. Whenever he runs away towards a cat, rabbit, fox we apply the vibration and normally (in 8 out every 10 times) he returns half-way through. The reason being he knows well by now that if he doesn't respond to the vibration command and insists running away anyway towards "his prey", he will get the electric charge as a conseuqence. We use at the lowest level 1 out of 100 and it is enough to have Ozzy regreting his decision and returning to us immedietly for a good welcoming recognition. If we consider the electric charge cases then we get 10/10. So the bottom line is it works perfectly for us, I strongly recommend it. There are just 2 scenarions which the collar is not effective: thunders and fireworks. In both cases Ozzy normally dashes back home or seeks for the closer shelter possible. Guess we cannot win them all :-) but overall I would like to thank all the great input I got from all of you on this topic, I am very happy with the decision to go for the collar and we are delighted with the results. Let's please keep in contact!
Electric CollarThank you so much! I live in Switzerland and the landscape here is amazingly beautiful, my Basenji is always off the leach, running across the fields, mountains and forests. Of course when he sees a cat, a fox, whatever moving…. buckle up he will fire after them :-) but he is very cool with other dogs, always lying down before approaching a colleague and all dog owners of the neighborhood simply love him. He makes all dogs run after him, keeping all of them fit and healthy :-)
Most recently we have been struggling to get him back to the leach in just a few occasions, but normally he is always returns to us with no major issues. In some of these instances he went really far away (over 1km), having crossed local streets, thus increasing the risk of getting hit by a car. Here in Switzerland cats have the freedom to come and go from home at any time, many of those live on the wild and cat owners have the terrible habit to leave rest of food in small pots for visitors. For any Basenji this all they look for: lose cats and free food :-)
I am confident I would only be using the collar on these very often occasions. I have 2 children and we don't want to go through the pan of having to setup a funeral for our loved Basenji. Having looked at "Sit means Sit", I have found many, many models. I am concerned I get one which gives too strong of sting for the size of our Basenji, although he is strong, full of muscles as he has been raised outside as I said. Looking at the options available, do you recall which one you got for Perry? Here is the link:
Once again thank you for taking the time to put together such a complete answer. You are very kind and we loved the pics here. As soon as we get a chance we will upload a few from Ozzy too. Kind regards, Gustavo.
Electric CollarHi everyone, I am looking for recommendations on training collars (electric or spray) I could use to prevent my 18 months old Basenji from running away when I need to get him back on the leash. When the time comes to go home, even after a long 20 minutes run with the other dogs at the local park, it becomes a nightmare when he often runs away once realising the play time is over. The other day he crossed the street with cars having to stop abruptly. Has anyone had a positive experience with an electric collar? Willing to try one for the sake of preventing my Basenji from being hit by a car. How to chose the right one for the size of a Basenji? Thanks for sharing your experience with me! Kind regards, Ozzy.