It isn't that they are necessarily outside dogs…they are just incredibly "barky" dogs so they get sent outside a lot. Any and ever time anyone is out in our backyard, their dog barks and barks and bark for-ev-er until we go inside. Those dogs may drive us crazy, but they are still animals and we still feel bad for them :(

Basenji Wanted Texas -
Peeing in the house…help!She stays in a kennel only when we are all gone from the house, and during meal times. She sleeps in our room at night, but she hasn't had any accidents overnight. I will try to keep a closer eye on her, and I will definitely limit her availability to the carpet. I don't think it's a uti because when we walk her, she goes once or twice which I think is normal (maybe I'm wrong?) Our other dog, Albert, pees numerous times but that's because he has to mark anything and everything along our walk so all the other dogs know he was there. Could she just not understand yet that she pees outside, not inside? She spent the majority of her time in a kennel outdoors with rotating house time before we got her.
Basenji Wanted TexasSharron, because we live on base we have to go through housing or the MAs first. I've tried talking to the neighbors but it doesn't do much. We've been neighbors for 20 months and I have not once ever seen any of the dogs taken for a walk :(
Peeing in the house…help!Fancy has only been with us about 2 weeks so of course I didn't expect everything to be perfect…she is a Basenji after all...but as much as I take her out to go potty, she occasionally pees in the house. Never downstairs where we have tile, only upstairs on the carpet. Any suggestions? :confused:
Awww…So cute!!! Thanks for sharing!
Basenji Wanted TexasI have neighbors that leave their three dogs in the backyard all day long. It's been mid-90s here all week and today we're looking at 110-114 with the heat index. If it's too hot for us to be outside for long periods of time, it's definitely too hot for a dog or cat.
Hello from Wyoming… wtf yeah, I didn't studder... but I do sometimes.How are things going for you in the adoption process? I'm excited for you! We also have a cat (she came before the Basenji), and we were slow in introducing them. We had Fancy on her leash when she met Kitty for the first time. They sniffed each other and didn't seem too interested. Over time though Fancy, Albert (our other dog) and Kitty have become great friends. She follows us on our walks and sometimes naps with the dogs. It will just take a little time for Senji to learn that your cat is a friend and not a toy. : )
Basenjis on CraigslistIt rains here soooo much, but I squeeze in a walk as early as 5 am and sometimes not until 9 pm just to make sure my doggies get their walk in. When I hear about people that are moving somewhere that doesn't allow pets, it makes me crazy. Seriously, you take on the responsibility of caring for a pet so you find somewhere where they can live with you. And don't talk to me about not having time- I have a husband, three children, 2 dogs, 1 cat, and a full time college course load. And yes, everyone gets fed, walked, cleaned, homework done, and I still get just enough time to sleep. Sorry for the rant, but I live on a Navy Base and I see families leave their pets tied up in their backyards, stick them in the garage, or leave them behind when they move all the time- which is how we ended up the cat :(
The dog's a nut caseeeeeeeeew. My dogs do like to lick my legs and when I get out of the shower…but I'm not sure that I could stomach watching them like a motel bedspread :-/
What I had forgotten about the BasenjiMy first B, Precious, came from a shelter many, many, years ago. I had never even heard of a Basenji…I just picked her because she was so sweet and had the cutest little curly tail.
She ended up being (for the most part) very well behaved, except for the occasional lapse in judgement like when she would shred entire rolls of toilet paper :eek:, attack the trash, or play a game of never ending tag with me at the beach (this game lasted nearly an hour until I gave up and sat down and she finally came running back!).
Fancy, our current Basenji is still fairly new to our house and she seems to be opening up a little more each day. Maybe it is because it has been so long since Precious has been with us that I only remember the well-behaved good times. So I was worried that because Fancy was so quiet and laid back that I didn't get the "typical" Basenji...but no, no...she gets naughtier each day as she becomes more comfortable. And suddenly, those memories of Precious' quirky naughtiness are flooding back :p
Maybe it's time to go make sure the toilet paper is safe...
R U Humbled? Yet??!I just remind myself: Thank goodness they're so cute. But kudos to you for opening up your heart and your house to a B that obviously needed a little more people-time. They're not for everyone, but for those that love the breed, it's seem difficult to turn one away that is in need…even if she is the naughtiest Basenji ever.
New addition in New Orleans!She is from Lost Ten Basenjis in Texas, from a woman named Cherry. Fancy is retired now and was looking for a comfy couch and we certainly have a place for her. Actually, she steals my husband's favorite recliner every chance she gets!
New addition in New Orleans!We finally brought home our new addition to New Orleans last night. It was a looooong trip but well worth the time. Fancy is fitting in great around here! We weren't sure how she would be with the new noise of our house coming from a mostly "dog noisy" house but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. She slept in her kennel last night but I got a lovely wake-up yodel at 5 am this morning to what sounded like a fire engine in my living room! I came downstairs and she had this look on her face that said "What? That noise wasn't me!" She loves all of the attention she is getting from the kids and has snuggled up to my son and is napping next to him on the couch. Sigh…we <3 her already :D
Looking for Basenji for familyHer name is Fancy, but comes from a lady named Cherry : )
Backyard breeder?I'm not too familiar with the details of what a Backyard Breeder is, other than it's a less than reputable individual breeding puppies for money rather than the integrity of the breed.
That being said… A friend of mine has 3 Dachshunds, and her female and the stud have had two litters. All of the puppies (but one they recently kept) were sold. Even more recently, she bred her stud with her neighbors Dachshund and so the neighbors liter was born about 2 months ago.
The neighbor is selling her puppies as AKC Dachshunds when I have a pretty good feeling that the parents (her female, and my friend's stud) are not registered as AKC dogs. To make matters worse, it is VERY unlikely that the puppies have ever seen a vet, or will be seen before they are sold.
I worry that puppies because are not being cared for as they should be in a house with a 2 year old and 6 month old. Their home is very unclean, and they have a very limited income which leads me to believe that they are only having puppies for the money.
What in the world do I, or can I do? It's not really my business I suppose, but I just feel for the puppies knowing that they are being taken advantage of. The females are being sold at an additional charge for breeding rights, but these people do not come across as "real bright" to me, so I just have my doubts that this is being done legitimately.
I realize this is off topic, and I apologize for the ramblings, but I just don't think I can sleep right knowing what they're doing :(
Looking for Basenji for familyAnd coincidentally…BRAT contacted me this evening about my application! But yes, the dog is Cherry's Fancy : )
Looking for Basenji for familyWe are picking up our new (well, she's 7, but new to us!) Basenji this weekend. I will be sure and post pictures after she's all settled in. Thanks to everyone for all of your help : ) We really excited to bring her into our family!
Beautiful R/W 18-month old girl availableDoes she do well with other dogs?
Looking for Basenji for familyI am absolutely open to BRAT! In fact, I already have an adoption application in. I have put in requests for both Curry or Chili (quite the spice rack of Basenji names!) I haven't heard back yet, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed :cool:
Looking for Basenji for familyHello, I have been searching for some time now for a Basenji to add to our "pack" (okay, our family). We have three children, and a small dog named Albert. My first dog ever was a Basenji so I definitely know what we're getting into :) We are an active-duty military family and live on a Navy Base just outside of New Orleans, LA, with a fenced yard for play, and just around the corner from the dog park. My husband is gone a lot but the rest of us are home. That being said, as we are a military family, we cannot afford an expensive dog. We have discounted veterinary care available to us on the base, and have unlimited love. If anyone has any information to provide, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!