@potanamu My 1st B got that when the seasons changed. By late Fall, I noticed that there was more black on the edges, as well, there was more hair. My Vet at that time (he was an excellent Vet! Died from cancer before my 1st. B passed away), told me that, Sometime's a sudden change in a dogs climate or a move to another State, could cause a natural phenomenon in dogs with prick ears or ears that are exposed all year, causing them to grow some extra hair inside the ears as well as growing an extra layer (or more) of skin, as extra protection for the ear inside. When the climate changes back to a warmer temp, just as the extra protection was added by the dogs body ~ it is also sloughed off when it's no longer needed. When the dogs body was adding the extra protection, besides adding more hair & skin layers... ear wax was also increased in between the layers. The wax worked like insulation between skin layers during the cold & then aided in the sloughing of the extra skin & hair when the temps went back up again. I told him, my girl, Darling Darla, had this going on most all year long!! He said that she would get rid of a lot of it, as long as her toe nails were kept short & smooth but, if it bothered me that much ... have her sit/lay next to me & get her used to me doing ear rubs with my fingers, wiping my fingers off on a towel/wash-cloth often. I was to start about half way down the ear, thumb inside the ear, index & middle finger on back of ear & just gently keep pulling upwards. Just don't do it so long in each ear that it caused chapping. I'd get bits of hair & junk & by summer, it would be gone!! The Vet also told me that if I thought there was infection in the ear ~ stick my nose in her ear & smell it! If there was a bad odor, bring her in. No smell...no problem! She loved the ear rubs & attention! I loved her clean looking B ears again!! To this day, I still stick my nose in the B's ears & smell them!!
Nancy Berry
@Nancy Berry