All good suggestions! We use the "elimination on command" stuff, so from day one she had a specific potty word, praise and treats for peeing. She is food-motivated, but only to a point. That first 27-hour standoff, she didn't get fed from the day before because she hadn't peed yet, and nothing good happens until everyone's had a morning pee. I tried offering every kind of treat, including her actual prey-model-raw meal, and she was more insistent on leaving the yard than eating. =/
I am curious about how upping her fluids would change things. She really drinks very little during the day, by choice. Maybe I'm just used to a dog with a less-efficient water-consumption protocol, and she really doesn't need to pee as much as I think she should. ;0)
She's had four days on the Cipro, it would be handy if it's just a bladder infection and we see some changes from that!
I just read this last post and if you are feeding her raw (as I do), then her urine output is a little less than the norm because the raw food is moist and our pooches (esp B's) don't drink as much. Though, you said she exercises a lot and since I also share the humidity factor like you, the fluid intake should make her bladder full. Take mental notes of when you feed, when she drinks, when she pees and you'll get in a rhythm. Like eeeeefarm mentioned, just don't push the issue, adjust to her 'pee schedule' and make it yours via commands, the crate etc. She can sense your frustration and it only adds to her not wanting to go in that backyard area….This definitely is one of those scenarios where digging for patience is needed! Give it time......continue to work with her as you want and it will get better!