I should have mentioned that he has a dog door into the back yard that he uses regularly. So he can go out when he wants to. He has never pooped in the house. I don't think he is peeing because he has to pee, he's responding to some issue he has. For example, if the area by my front door is clear he won't pee there, but if I leave a package or something else there, he will pee on it, like he doesn't like there to be any clutter.
Peeing in the house. Please help! -
Introducing BrutusI'm getting a message saying the pic is too big. Do you know what the size limit is? Thanks.
Peeing in the house. Please help!I've had Brutus, a male neutered basenji, for about four years now. I got him from a shelter and they told me he had been returned by two or three other families. He was pretty rambunctious when I got him (he ate a couch once!) but he has become a pretty good dog except for one issue: He keeps peeing in the house. Everything I have read says I need to catch him in the act in order to train him, but I have never caught him in the act. He is very stealthy and only does the deed when not being observed. I tried crating him when I first got him but I could not get him in the crate, nothing worked. And he peed all over the crate as soon as I wasn't looking. He's gotten better and pees less than he used to but I really need him to stop peeing totally. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Introducing BrutusNot sure if the image uploaded or not.
Introducing BrutusHi all, Brutus and I are new here. Brutus is a good dog but has some problems I hope you all can help me with.