I haven't checked in for awhile and got a start when I saw my dogs twin!
The "look" your Bas is giving is so Luxy!

A Tolerant Basenji -
New to MiamiCan't help with doc, but I was wondering if you have found a border that you trust. I'm probably coming down from Minnesota with my 3 year old next week and am looking for Fri, Sat stay. (19,20)
Know and trust board Miami/Austin?I'm thinking of taking a road trip with my fun and friendly 3year old.
I may fly and board him here in Minneapolis, but…
Please let me know if suggestions...
Thanks. -
Road Trips with BasenjisMy Luxor has gone some 160,000 miles with me in trucks and other vehicles. He settles down after a couple hours, but I try to keep him awake so he's as tired as me at the end of a long drive. We're leaving for Fla. next week and will be looking for boarding in Austin, TX and Miami, FLA so dad can get out for some fun!
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..Very good lookin' lil' boy.
Dog parks in your areaGuy doing? Luxor is digging the snow and all that is winter. His new best friend is a 7 mo Great Dane named Sammie. I know the puppy energy is intense, but I do miss those precious early days. Enjoy! Mark n' Lux
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..We're glad you went with Cairo. Now, you have a pup, named him… let the games begin!:) Best of luck... Mn'L
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..Lux was almost Cairo, back on installment #29 of "Name the pup" I also suggested Omar which I like in a kind of deserty/africany way!;) Marcus on # 30 was good too, I thought.
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone….."Sic semper tyrannis" :D
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..Brutus murdered Ceasar though. It's a harsh name, but the irony is there. The new pup may be more of a contender for top dog than we know.
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..Romeo makes me think of a local play pal of Luxor's called "Lover Boy", a bulldog with a humping problem, he he. I think Brutus and Ceasar would not be found hanging out in real life, different classes. Julius, or Jules? Cairo, or Chai? Omar…
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..We were checking in on the names and… Was that a cat?;) What's up pussycat! Still like Bongo.
Dog parks in your area-4 this am, moving to a high of +5. It's out, pee-pee, poo-poo and back in very fast!:eek:
What is this little boy's name? Throw me a bone…..He Rocks! Lux wants one now! Bongo would be a good name as in Bongo from the Congo, Alpha? Alphie for short (also is a lttle tribute to Beta). Tut, or the full Tutenkhamen when he's naughty.
Dog parks in your areaThere are 5, well maintained off leash parks here in Minneapolis-St. Paul and I consider them a God Send. Luxor gets more run time than I could give him in a hundred walks and comes home hungry, happy and tired. He's been beat up a couple times and the rough play is hard to watch sometimes, but the benefits far outweigh the scratches. Lux runs the park, interacting with every dog and running to greet every new arrival. I can't wait for it to get above freezing so we can go romp. We want to come to B heaven in Tampa!
Basenji without spunk - very sick, pls readThanks for the info! Great pics, what a doll. Like my boy, you can't tell to look when the B's are even sick. It's their wonderful nature shining through.
Basenji without spunk - very sick, pls readThis info could save a lot of discomfort and pain for Basenjis/owners. Though rare, many could not go to the lengths you did to battle this illness. My B had stomach problems from antidiotics a couple months ago, it's so scary. Luxor has always eaten Iams Smart Puppy and now at 13 months, I'm going to switch him over to big boy food, any suggestions out there? All the best. Mark n' Lux
Basenji without spunk - very sick, pls readWe're glad to hear you're doing okay Betsey and Caesar. Just the right attitude. Your description of the "come and get me game" is perfect. When you feel like it, we'd like to see more pictures of your park in Tampa and the the gang of B's. All the best!
New member from SwedenHello from Luxor in Minnesota USA. We are new too!
Luxor insists…They'll love the soundtrack! A-wowowowoooooo