Gypsy has no home to go to. It is likely that someoine else has tried this forum to home him before me.
His paperwork is almost ready for him to leave cyprus but there is no home waiting.I run an animal shelter in North wales and have offered to take him here if nobody comes forward to offer a permanent home but for his sake a home would better.Less trauma and moves for him. I am surprised if he has ben profiled on here that nobody has offered him a home but I will keep trying other avenues , if you have ideas please let me know.
Everything IS paid for but a donation would be nice wouldnt it? The rescuer has paid for it all out of her own pocket. and his best if not his only chance of a home is in the Uk.2 other cypriot dogs ahve been rescued and they have been found Uk homes and are flkying over here in sepotember, June was hoping Gypsy would be able to go with them if a home was waiting.
Hope that clarifies the situation.