I love my cats dearly, but one of them is very old (17!).
The younger one is a funny little character, he's probably just as quirky as Kane.
But I think he's bulimic… he's been throwing up his biscuits even if he doesn't have hairballs. He probably overheard my mum calling him fat!
Unfair -
UnfairNo, at the moment I just have my two cats. I'd love to get another B, but I just don't have the money. Also, I just can't imagine replacing him.. he was truly unique, y'know? I never knew any other dog like him. Unless all basenjis are eccentric. But hey, I guess you never know.
Where does your B sleep?Haha, I guess the rest of us spoil our Bs. I say well done for not giving in!
Ba-RooooooooooooooooooooKane yodeled all the time. Whenever he saw me he'd yodel, and sometimes he'd go right up to my grandpa, look him in the eye and say "barloooorOOOolrooOooroorlooo" (I know there were lots of "L"s in his yodel.)
And my grandpa would say something like "no swearing in this house young man!" -
UnfairMy Basenji was put down last year for no good reason at all.
His name was K9 or "Kane" or "Kaney". He was the cutest dog I'd ever seen and I loved him like he was my best friend. He was never an aggressive dog, he just happened to be very protective. If he was a good distance away from me and/or off his leash, he'd be funny and friendly to strangers like he is with me. But if I was holding him or had him on a leash, he'd snarl at anything that came near me. I liked that, because I always felt safe with him. Even though he was a small dog, I knew he'd defend me no matter what. When I got home he'd always greet me with a long yodel and then dance for me. He was actually a cross between Basenji and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. His head was shaped more like a King Charles', and his ears were floppy, but they weren't all fluffy like a King Charles' ears. Well anyway, last year on the 6th of the 6th '06, which was also my grandpa's birthday, my mother told me the news. Apparently some woman was on her way to the hairdressers and K9 bit her. Because of this, he had to be put down (which is completely unfair, he didn't kill her so why should they kill him?!) Those are all the details I know about the incident, I wasn't told anything else. I was supposed to go to my grandpa's birthday party but instead I stayed home and cried, remembering all the good times. -
Where does your B sleep?Kane used to sleep on my bed, and often took up so much space I couldn't sleep comfortably. He'd always growl if you tried to move him, it was so cute. When he was a puppy I think he slept in his kennel, but I guess he didn't like that.