First thing you need to do is gather your cats together, sit them down and tell them that their life is about to change drastically and will never be the same. Second, while they are still sitting and listening to you, get down on your knees and confess that this was your idea and beg for their forgiveness (they won't because they already know the "it is easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission" move...but it is worth a try). Third, ask your Basenji to be nice to your cats, then laugh and laugh and laugh because you know that will never happen. Sorry I can't really help.....have fun!
Integrating Basenji with house cats -
The Art of Basenjis in the RainThere is nothing about a Basenji that you will "figure out". A Basenji just happens....
Hard to live with my BasenjiI just have to mention this.....These are Basenjis we are talking about. They should come with a warning label on them and a very detailed one at that. A good breeder will make sure first time owners fully understand what that are getting into. These are not "normal" dogs, probably the best you will ever own (and the worst also) but they are not normal. They are so different from a normal dog that first time owners are taken aback to being downright shocked by their behavior. Some of these behaviors will not be trained out of them and trying to do so can makes things worse. You have to adapt to some of them and change those you can but realize they will NEVER be a normal dog. Just think, they were plucked out of the Congo in Africa and brought over.....if that means anything. My point and concern is that many new owners are not fully informed before allowing them to take these wonderful dogs home. It is so sad to hear one is given up by an ill informed owner after the dog has become attached to his family. So please let's educate those who are considering taking home a Basenji, so they will be prepared or choose another breed that is more suitable for their home.
Meet Bailey!A beautiful "Basenji Stare"........that stare can melt your heart or make you sit up at attention and ask, "What do you need?" When Sarge gives me "the stare" I run through a list of questions, (do you need to go outside, are you hungry, do you want to go for a walk, etc.) when I ask the right question he trots off in the direction of whatever he's asking much fun!!!
Communicate to come insideSarge uses his cell phone and calls me.....seriously, it depends on the door. One he can open himself by pulling down the handle the others he just scratches.
Brixton the Basenji!So cute.....reminds me of the day I brought my Sarge home.....he's 3 years old now.....seems like yesterday. Enjoy the ride!!
Basenj and waterHe just hasn't heard that he is not suppose to like water, don't get him around other B's they'll spoil it and tell him!! Mine hates water with a passion with a capital "P".
Screaming must stop!May not work for everyone but the best thing I did was to throw that crate out the door. Afterwards Sarge seemed to be more relaxed and adjusted. Now 5 years later and no crate in sight things are great. Just give him a spot on the back of the sofa to look the window and he's happy.
My sweet StellaIf that is not a Basenji stare with those eyes, I don't know what is....not to mention those long slim legs. A pretty girl!
starting joggingWould someone get the last word and stop this back and forth....I'm tired of getting emails that lead me to this off topic conversation....
Hopeful Basenji Owner!Hi, everyone is talking about the allergy side, but how are your husbands nerves? This is a Basenji we are talking about....a rollercoaster ride in the form of a dog. The best and worst dog you will ever have.....the best way outweighs the worst part. Have fun!!!
New Puppy Crating Advice ... Feeling DiscouragedI tired the crate and getting rid of it was the best move I things are peaceful....Sarge hated the crate. He clawed, chewed, ripped up his bedding, etc. etc. One night after hearing this go on and on I let him out and he jumped on the bed, snuggled up and it has been more calm and enjoyable. I can leave him loose in the house when I am gone and he does fine. He is a wonderful dog...a true Basenji with his crazy ways but very happy and well adjusted. One thing I have learned over 3 years is that what works with one Basenji doesn't necessarily work with every Basenji. You have to adapt to what works best for your dog and your living situation. Trial and error has gotten me to a place where we have a very enjoyable time with our Sarge.
Storm cooling off after a run.Don't you just love Basenjis, look at that pose....thanks for sharing.
Bedtime RitualsMy Sarge has a strange thing he does before he curls up between us....he has to sniff my wife's breath ….I guess it's some kind of Basenji DNA testing to make sure it's her....
Mei and her family in NHSame breeder where we got our Sarge. You have a beautiful little girl, enjoy!
New Hampshire Mata HauriThat's where we got our Sarge....I was wondering if she was still in business.
Basenjis... redeeming qualities?Why have a Basenji? I answer that question with a question....Why ride a roller coaster? There are amazing similarities in the answers to both questions. Think about it.
Thinking of getting a Basenji but i have a few questions!Sarge sheds twice a between those times it is great, but during the shedding a lot of brushing and vacuuming is going on. My daughter can't come around then it bothers her....she is allergic to dander.
Gareth ( Poker Jackpot Alisina Zvezdochka )Maybe I'm partial but Basenjis are one of the most best looking dogs you'll see....Gareth is a good example of that!!