What a wonderful story…she is a pretty girl...keep sharing....

Stell Bella -
Departing with my girl some day??I have flown with a dog of mine several years ago from England to USA. He was on as "extra" cargo. I had to pick him up at JFK and go through customes with the usual paperwork and check him in again at the ticket counter of my airline. I have also worked for a major airline and know that the pets are kept in a separate area and no hazardous items such as liquid oxygen are in the same hold as the animals. Most newer aircraft have that separate cargo holg heated as the air is very cold outside at cruising altitudes. I was extemely nervous and frank;ly scared about the flight but he did great. England has a six month quarantine but you allowed to visit your pet. I do agree with Pat…any way it is a tuff one for you...Good luck...
Stole the chicken and broccoli! So funny!Boy are they good…My Jojo is soooo quiet when she gets into something and usually leavews NO evidence unless I catch her in the act quite by accident...
Patricia Mcconnell & MY BsOMG…That is wonderful...looking forward to pictures...
First picture of DekeOMG…Deke is such a handsome boy...I really like the red and white Bs...
My lilttle LillyWhat a beautiful fur baby Lilly is…
Hello from IndianaWelsome to the forum…Bs are soooo wonderful...it really does take another B owner to understand...she is a pretty little girl...I am sure she fills your day and heart with joy, I know my Jojo does...
Intro:Hello and welcome to the forum…looking forward to the pictures...she sounds like a sweet fur baby...
Hello from FloridaWhat a lucky little girl that you found her and gave her a loving home…welcome to the forum...
Hello from IllinoisThat sounds great!! Look forward to the pictures of your new fur baby when he or she arrives. Also, welcome to the forum…
Okay, deep growling..when moving Tobias?Jojo will do that when she is in her bed and I move it with my hands but if I just scoot it with my foot (hard wood floor) she is fine…I just chalked it up as Jojo being a B...
Okay, deep growling..when moving Tobias?Jojo will do that when she is in her bad and I move it with my hands but if I just scoot it with my foot (hard wood floor) she is fine…I just chalked it up as Jojo being a B...
Hello from Ohio!!!!Congratulations on your new fur baby…enjoy...
KebaI am truly sorry for your loss…so young...
Ruka….. The Last PrincessI pray she is still alive and some how finds her way back to you…I am so sorry...
And then there were 3….Bless you…she is a lucky little girl to have you...good luck and I hope all works out well for her...
UnderwearMy Jojo will sometimes go after my husbands boxers. I usually try and keep them in the hamper. She doesn't bother them there.
Our puppiesWhat adorable babies…great photos...good job...I want one...
Any advice???Shock collars do not go well with Bs. BRAT will not let you adopt a rescue from them if you plan on using one. In my personal opinion I think they are down right cruel and owners that use them should have their pet removed. I can understand your concern about leaving Tosca in a crate for 9 or more hours. Doggy daycare is a good alternative a few days a week. Good luck.
From a B to a Bald DalmationWell the general opinion is Jojo is blowing coat…Her vet said she does not have other symptoms thast match things like ring worm and unless we want to do tests for exotic conditions we should just watch her closely...What about Dreamcoat? Has anyone used it? I have heard it can take around two months for Jojo to go through this...Thanks for all of the help and information...What about changing her diet?